DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

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DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by EvilGrins » ... 6fa6c.html

Fairly simple map, fun and basic, and I re-read the ReadMe but am no closer to figuring this out.

Map has a laser fence in the center, it kills any player that walks into it. However, I noticed a monster spawned by the Monster Master model (Pokemon player from Unreal Forever) walked right thru with no damage.

Then I watched the Monster Master walk back and forth thru the laser fence.

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Re: DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by Barbie »

Map has no specials so far. Sadly I don't have the package with that monster. Maybe it is not a child of class'Pawn'?
T3D for Trigger+SpecialEvent

Code: Select all

Begin Map
Begin Actor Class=Trigger Name=Trigger39
End Actor
End Map

Begin Map
Begin Actor Class=SpecialEvent Name=SpecialEvent1
End Actor
End Map
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Re: DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by EvilGrins »

Barbie wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:37 amMap has no specials so far. Sadly I don't have the package with that monster.
U4E, Unreal Forever... and it's not a monster it's a player model on a normal bot.
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Re: DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by makemeunreal »

I hardly doubt it is the skin. You should check the laser in the editor and then check the exact spot he walked thru out.
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Re: DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by OjitroC »

The TMonsterMasterBot is to be found in U4eTC.u - though I think that there may be another version in another package but am not sure about that. The int file for U4eTC says, in relation to the MonsterMaster "Object=(Name=U4eTC.TMonsterMasterBot,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.Bot,Description="Monster Master") //Don't use me yet!".

The MMBot is a child of a number of parent classes in U4eTC and is ultimately subclassed from Multimesh.CustomBot (which is a child of Botpack.MaleBotPlus).

The Player and Bot classes in U4eTC are not 'normal' in the sense that they have a number of functions and properties that the default UT Player and Bot classes do not (in part because they are designed to be used/played in the various U4e gametypes rather than outside of them). It may be that the code of the U4eTC Players/Bots is written in such a way that they do not suffer the damage caused by the SpecialEvent in the map.

The code of U4e is, in some cases, less 'robust' than it could be - for example, use the Katana and see the amount of 'log spam' that is generated from errors.   
Auto merged new post submitted 2 hours 55 minutes later
Checked the map in the Editor and there certainly does not seem to be a large enough gap between any of the Triggers for the SpecialEvent for the TMonsterMasterBot to walk through without taking damage.

I then put a TMonsterMasterBot in that map and played it from the Editor. Initially the bot was killed by the SpecialEvent but eventually (not sure after how many times 'it' was spawned) it walked through without taking damage although it did play a hit/damage sound when walking through the laser. Obviously each time it spawned it was a different Bot and so the match score readjusted accordingly.

Initially also it used the RL or Redeemer but after several spawnings it used its MMWeapon which, when thrown, spawns a ScriptedPawn (U4eTC subclasses of the UnrealI monsters). Don't know enough about the code but it may be that something in the code for the TMMBot and the MMScriptedPawns (and their interrelationship) means that the TMMBot no longer takes certain types of damage when a ScriptedPawn is spawned by its weapon?

Just to note in passing that I got this in the log

Code: Select all

Log: TMonsterMasterBot Autoplay.TMonsterMasterBot0 (Function Multimesh.CustomBot.PlayVictoryDance:004D) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Thrust' not found in Mesh 'Male2'
Log: TMonsterMasterBot Autoplay.TMonsterMasterBot0 (Function Botpack.HumanBotPlus.PlayDodge:0016) TweenAnim: Sequence 'DodgeL' not found in Mesh 'Male2'
Log: TMonsterMasterBot Autoplay.TMonsterMasterBot0 (Function Botpack.HumanBotPlus.PlayDodge:0026) TweenAnim: Sequence 'DodgeR' not found in Mesh 'Male2'
{These illustrate the point I made about the code in that, when coding the TMMBot, account was not taken of the fact that the Male2 mesh doesn't have the animations called by those functions in CustomBot/HumanBotPlus - which suggests that insufficient care was taken to check or test U4e when creating it - not a major problem obviously but something to be aware of as this applies also to quite a few of the U4e weapons, projectiles and other actors, etc - as it does to many other mods of course}

Error: DeathMatchPlus Autoplay.DeathMatchPlus0 (Function Botpack.DeathMatchPlus.Killed:066F) Accessed null class context 'VoiceType'
{LOTS of this line presumably when either I or the TMMBot were killed?}
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Re: DM-DodgeThis · can anyone explain?

Post by Barbie »

I guess the reason for no damage is this statement in class'MMMutator':

Code: Select all

function MutatorTakeDamage( out int ActualDamage, Pawn Victim, Pawn InstigatedBy, out Vector HitLocation, out Vector Momentum, name DamageType))
	if(TMonsterMasterBot(InstigatedBy)!=None && (InstigatedBy==Victim.Instigator)) ActualDamage = 0;
If InstigatedBy==Victim.Instigator no damage is applied.
"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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