About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by EvilGrins »

When you're right, you're right.


Though a part of me is still wondering if there's a way to transfer from Unreal1 whatever is needed to ut99 just to get it to work.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by UnrealFox »

I don't have ut on my PC right now, but I was installing upak.u and was able to run the survival game mode against the marines through the console.
The only problem was, they did not respawn. Only once - first spawn)

I think you can run any mode from Unreal to UT with bots without using oldscool
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 5:28 am Though a part of me is still wondering if there's a way to transfer from Unreal1 whatever is needed to ut99 just to get it to work.
The short answer to that is no ... however extracting the Marine mesh, importing it into UT and coding a Marine Botpack.TournamentPlayer/Botpack.Bot would, I think, be doable with relative ease (though since no one has done that yet may suggest that there are some issues in so doing).
UnrealFox wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 12:20 pm I don't have ut on my PC right now, but I was installing upak.u and was able to run the survival game mode against the marines through the console.
The only problem was, they did not respawn. Only once - first spawn)

I think you can run any mode from Unreal to UT with bots without using oldscool
The UMSSpace Marines are UnrealShare.ScriptedPawns and can, indeed, be used in UT with or without OldSkool - so, for example, they can be placed or spawned in MH maps or spawned via MonsterSpawn in other UT gametypes. In common with other ScriptedPawns, when killed they will not respawn.

For the UMSSpaceMarine model to be usable by players or bots, Botpack.TournamentPlayer/Botpack.Bot classes with the Marine mesh would need to be 'made'.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

It is a bad idea to make upak dependancy either way due to there being multiple versions AND it doesn't work well with the UT setup unless you'd explicitly only run Unreal gametypes and not UT ones. That's what I have to say. But I think it should be better to make a pawn based on the UMSSpacemarine from asgard/turboman, because it has all animations, while in the regular upak marine you'd have to substitute crouch for one of the "in air" anims and it will look all awkward too. the original marine model had so little animations for whatever reason. But the umsspamarine mod had those suits that had you play as that, so I think that's the better choice. Either way I can make a UT version of this but please guys let me know whether you want the original mesh to be used (but separated from upak) or turboman's umsspacemarine one.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by OjitroC »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 3:32 pm It is a bad idea to make upak dependancy either way due to there being multiple versions AND it doesn't work well with the UT setup unless you'd explicitly only run Unreal gametypes and not UT ones. That's what I have to say. But I think it should be better to make a pawn based on the UMSSpacemarine from asgard/turboman, because it has all animations, while in the regular upak marine you'd have to substitute crouch for one of the "in air" anims and it will look all awkward too. the original marine model had so little animations for whatever reason. But the umsspamarine mod had those suits that had you play as that, so I think that's the better choice. Either way I can make a UT version of this but please guys let me know whether you want the original mesh to be used (but separated from upak) or turboman's umsspacemarine one.
I agree that turboman's umsspacemarine mesh is mch better - with many more animations - so, if you can make a Botpack.TournamentPlayer/Bot using that mesh, it would be really good and much appreciated.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Yes of course...should it be dependand on the umsspacemarine.u package or also standalone btw?

Automatically merged

Well I went ahead and created a first version, dependand on umsspacemarine.u and multimesh.u

It is far from being done but it is basically working, the classnames are UMSSpacePlayer.UmsSpacePlayer and Umsspaceplayer.umsspacebot

Automatically merged

It should be fully functional actually except for the skins...and i didn't make a voicepack too.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by EvilGrins »

Hmmm, this will take some testing.

Team Colors not an issue, if one knows how to team assign. Can use the skins from the other version for most colors other than red.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by UnrealFox »

woo-hooo! Awesome work guys)
God, those weird "eyes" make me laugh.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by EvilGrins »

UnrealFox wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:29 amGod, those weird "eyes" make me laugh.
Pretty sure that's a visor on the helmet.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by OjitroC »

Yes, this looks good :gj: - thanks for doing this.

The only major problematic area is in the Dodge 'moves'. In this function

Code: Select all

function PlayDodge(eDodgeDir DodgeMove)
	if ( Mesh == FallBackMesh )
	Velocity.Z = 210;
	if ( DodgeMove == DODGE_Left )
		PlayAnim('RollLeft', 1.35 * FMax(0.35, Region.Zone.ZoneGravity.Z/Region.Zone.Default.ZoneGravity.Z), 0.06);
	else if ( DodgeMove == DODGE_Right )
		PlayAnim('RollRight', 1.35 * FMax(0.35, Region.Zone.ZoneGravity.Z/Region.Zone.Default.ZoneGravity.Z), 0.06);
	else if ( DodgeMove == DODGE_Back )
		TweenAnim('DodgeB', 0.25);
		PlayAnim('Flip', 1.35 * FMax(0.35, Region.Zone.ZoneGravity.Z/Region.Zone.Default.ZoneGravity.Z), 0.06);
the mesh does not contain Animations 'RollLeft' and 'RollRIght' (which will give rise to log errors and, of course, look weird in-game) - the 'Flip' animation is a single frame (unlike the Commando, for example, which has 10 or 15 to produce a complete flip). All the Dodge animations (R/L/B/F) seem to be the same - at least to me when viewing in the Editor's MeshBrowser - and they are the same as the Duck animations.

So, basically, the model will look a little stilted or odd when doing certain 'moves' but that is down to the limitations of the mesh animations in large part. I don't think it will detract from the utility of the model on the whole.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Oops, forgot about that selectionmesh stuff that its separate in UT from the actual mesh, indeed when I created the int file I get male commando displayed instead due to that lol. As seen in the properties you showed.

OjitroC: What? I remember changing that from the skaarj hybrid code that I used as a base. Did that change not get saved before I uploaded it? Also...the skin packages do need to be set. But I don't know the next time I can upload that, but I can give instructions.

...somehow that is not the version I last saved. I checked the archive against what I have in unrealtournament system and this does not include the change...

seems like in the hurry I uploaded the wrong version. I wouldn't have missed that and indeed I didn't. I suppose this happens when you're working with multiple dev directories and accidentaly pack the previous one. Holy shit, I wasted time transfering the files from the offline laptop into this and now I can't change it.

Change the roll anim names to "LeftDodge" and "RightDodge" in both the bot and the player, because that's what I have in the version I used. Its just I had two system directories open and I accidentaly packed the earlier test one.

You should also do "compile changed scripts" in the editor after you change it in those functions.

Goddamnit really. I thought I would do everyone a favor and this happens then..

Also...DefaultSkinName needs to be set, except this wasn't made configurable by the editor so its best to export/recompile the package, don't know why Epic in UT suddenly didn't make variables "()", a lot of them, meaning it will not show up in the default properties yet they are crucial. like they expect everyone to use UCC all the time even for small changes...
At least with multimesh they added defaultcustompackage field there...to multimesh properties.
the alternative is to change var string DefaultSkinName; to var() string DefaultSkinName; in the editor in class tournamentplayer and bot and compile changed, but DONT Save the botpack package lol. That way it will appear in the properties list from then on...
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by OjitroC »

Thanks for the info.

Users of the model, especially for Bots, may wish to note (if they haven't already) that the Player and Bot have a default health of 171 (compared to the normal 100 for the default TournamentPlayer/Bot) - other significant differences for the UMSSpacePlayer Bot from the default Bots are that (a) the UnderwaterTime = -1, which means they won't ever drown unlike the Male Commando or Soldier Bot and (b) the UMSSpacePlayer Bot has a higher jump (425 compared to 325). All of these properties can be changed in the default properties for the Player and/or Bot (with the whole package then saved).
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by UnrealFox »

I think they move even faster, if it's not the Mandela effect)
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by OjitroC »

The AccelRate and GroundSpeed are the same as those of the default Commando - possibly the appearance of greater speed is down to the speed of the UMSSpace Marine model's animations?

A couple of significant differences are that the Buoyancy and Mass of the UMSSpaceMarine are twice that of the default Commando and these may well have an effect on the model's behaviour in certain situations.

Finally the CollisionHeight and CollisionRadius of the Marine are slightly larger (the height, for example, is 41 compared to the 39 of the Commando).

For me, in my setup, there is a conflict with the skins in that the skins of the 6Marine (and possibly that of the marine) appear in the selection window - a consequence of having too many Player/Bot models or, at least, of having too many .int files for those models I don't use as Bots.
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Re: About the UMSSpace marine models from U1

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I'm attaching the file that I meant to upload in the first place, as you can see its only eight minutes later but the animation stuff was fixed then...

this is not a fix for the other issues yet this is just to show I uploaded indeed the wrong version before
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