some of the skins I've made/edited

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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

When I was trying to match the mask tone to the rest of the suit (Hydra skin top of the previous page) I needed to isolate the face elements so I could paste them back on the final mask.

So, I edited away everything but the face:

When I finally got the tone to match the rest of the suit, I pasted this onto it as a transparency... and they say MS Paint is useless!

Toyed around with a new masking project where I wanted to use a face-pasting after the fact, so I took the original face, and removed it while making a different background color:

That way I could drag that over any other face setup and make a new face-mask:
Image Image

A handy thing if you happen to have templates for superhero type masks handy...
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

I've got Screenshots for Fun threads on a lot of forums, and in the one on the official UT forum someone posted this:

I've shared this before, makes most people laugh their asses off... but hopeful soul that I am, I did an image search on it hoping to find more edits of stuff made by whoever made that.

That led me to here ·

Those unfamiliar, facepunch is a forum for multiple kinds of 1st person shooters... and violent games in general. Gotta set an account up there someday, but in the meantime I now have these:
Image Image

Hoping to use at least 1 of those for an upcoming skinning project.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by Nephew9999 »

EvilGrins wrote: Image
lol :loool:
nice skins idea..
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

Nephew9999 wrote:nice skins idea..
That Skerion guy does good work... I hope to find more of his stuff someday.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
Nephew9999 wrote:nice skins idea..
That Skerion guy does good work... I hope to find more of his stuff someday.
At least he was active on our forum for a wile... search.php?keywords=&terms=all&author=S ... mit=Search can try to PM him.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:you can try to PM him.
Sent him one, though it occurs to me now that since I found him originally on the official UT forum that might be the better place to try and reach out to the guy.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:you can try to PM him.
Sent him one, though it occurs to me now that since I found him originally on the official UT forum that might be the better place to try and reach out to the guy.
You mean the Epic forum?
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:You mean the Epic forum?
Is that not the official UT forum?
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote: Is that not the official UT forum?
The question is, which UT.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

Back when Dragon first popped up, like many players new to forums, he decided to make his own to better facilitate his own games. However the forum he set up eventually fell apart, and the one he made to replace it didn't last much longer.

These'd be them:

In the middle of all that he requested I edit him skins/models specific to his theme, all to use his logo on them. To be clear, I cannot create models but I can edit skins for them like I can for just about everything else.

Edited him a Dragon Ninja but I lost it shortly after I sent it to him. A few years later, and 2 weekends ago, I found it:

Combination of the Reptal Soldier & BloodKnight skins for the Male Soldier.

Since Dragon isn't out and about anymore, I've been re-editing it for not specific to him:

It's not quite done yet.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

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As a rule, I lean toward fandom content and I'm constantly looking for potential skins.

Which is why I was thrilled with the uniform designs on The Orville.

Because the Male Soldier doesn't allow for team colors on the arms, their uniforms are ideal. Technically I'm ready to go on this but I ran into a small snag.

Two if you count their uniform color range is only Red, Blue, Green, & Orange.

Unlike Star Trek, the symbol on their uniforms isn't constant. It changes by uniform color... and I'm having a hard time finding sprites for those.

Guess I need to hit up some Orville forums for their smilies.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »


Looks like I forgot to add bottoms to his (bot on the far right) boots.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

Despite the recent skinning contest I ran, stuff going on in life of late kinda took some wind out of my sails so I didn't submit one... plus the qualifiers as to limitations to what could be done for skins and what couldn't (which will not be in next year's skinning contest) didn't suit my very grim mood.

Most maps have statues on them, but usually it's a generic form without much detail. However the statues on CTF-Shadar had a bit more detail... so I extracted them, team colored them, and now I have this.



I darkened the armored parts and applied very light team colors. Maybe a little too light... the blue isn't very distinct. Might wanna enhance that one a bit.

May not so much use this as a skin, per se. Likely I'd use it for team colors to any statue in any base, over the typically generic gray ones.

Tentatively entitled the "Statue Guard".
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

Most of the skins for the Unreal1 monsters are mirror images, in that they are 1 side of the monster and that is duplicated on both halves when it's mapped over the monster's model. Just as unlike most other skins, the entire 1 texture is for the whole thing, unlike with most other models where it's 3 or 4 textures for the model.

Even though I don't need to, for when mapping the UTDMT & UTDMW I made team colored skins for them, which apparently no one ever thought to do before me... but it makes sense when you're in game and approaching one to be clear on which team the thing is on. So, I do. Not too long ago I made solid color skins for a set of Titans, their entire body is the team color, but the other day I used that skin to make a new skin.

Took a standard Stone Titan skin and made transparencies in it, and then dragged that over each of the 4 team colors for that solid colored titan. The results were pretty decent, as they look evenly balanced overall as it's just a mirroring of what I did to the 1 side.

Don't read into the names. If you don't name a UTDMT on a map you get Mr. Titan and Titan Plus 1... thus I picked the first 2 names that came to mind.
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Re: some of the skins I've made/edited

Post by EvilGrins »

Recent burst of insomnia, and now I have The Roach. Has 5 faces already, but I may be adding some more.
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