EvilGrins wrote:On a random note, this same method of doing that is almost identical to what some have done to make certain skins animate. Someone made a decent Cylon skin years back with the animated "eye" going back and forth; which is just 1 of a few examples I can think of.
I've seen of something like that. I can share a captured gif of which skin I've found. But I have no idea how this is made.
Chamberly wrote:I kinda recognize the gray mask with the knight rider red light effect (going left and right).
That'll work, though a bit bummed you didn't catch onto the "cylon" reference. Kids these days...
Keep in mind, though it may look weird in the .utx file the numbers for textures have to be 1, 2, 3; not 01, 02, 03. It might work but as the 1st displayed way is the most common way I'd avoid it.
sldr1.pcx = base chest/ back
sldr1t_0.pcx = Red team version of chest/ back
sldr1t_1.pcx = Blue team version of chest/ back
sldr1t_2.pcx = Green team version of chest/ back
sldr1t_3.pcx = Yellow team version of chest/ back
sldr2.pcx = base legs/boots
sldr2t_0.pcx = Red team version of legs/ boots
sldr2t_1.pcx = Blue team version of legs/ boots
sldr2t_2.pcx = Green team version of legs boots
sldr2t_3.pcx = Yellow team version of legs/ boots
sldr3.pcx = base arms/ shoulder pads
sldr4.pcx = base face/ hair/ neck/ headset/ hand/ boot bottom
sldr4Johnson.pcx = a face called Johnson, which will show up in the face selction menu.
sldr5Johnson.pcx = a 64x64 portrait of Johnson's face used in the HUD when Johnson talks.
You can make as many face variations as you want, and use any 4 letters for the initial name.
Once you have all that done, you can import them into a .utx file in UnrealEd, make sure to name it SodlierSkins_Whatever.utx.
to animate you can do it with unreal editor, its a bit tricky, but there are tutorial's on this , I am working on a animated skin but nit quite got it down yet..having problems in the linking.
This is an often overlooked but very versatile aspect of texture manipulation. I'm surprised it's not used more on weapons and ammo pickups. It's probably because the linking can be a bit tricky until you understand it.
These gif-like textures can be used virtually anywhere you place texturing. Like the guy before me said, there are tuts variously around the net but I'll answer any questions you might have if this is something you are interested in. I had to learn this in trying to make the portals for the portalgun. I like the wet texture but I was trying to create some sort of 'alpha channel portal gif' that I could paste over an existing wall with the center being a real warp portal you could see through. All that works but I couldn't create the camera on the fly that will feed the image into the portal that worked properly online. Damn engine limits grrr.
yes tricky, looked at the script....the animations are linked with in the textures or the ut engine, ie unrealshare.u, fire.u as examples...you use the ut editor to set the animation rate....and linking the pcx files together just one way.....some are scripted based animation wise...... working on a skin based on fang and the boss liquid ice skin, then working on the eyes
example of the boss liquid ice skin
thanks to my admin who has taught me a lot about the engine, and ut.
I feel I should remind people that PCX is not good at keeping the palette order in 8bit images (at least this is what I keep hearing over and over).
BMP should generally be used, unless you are importing images with a transparency as an alpha-channel.