Help with Vortex Match Mutator!

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Help with Vortex Match Mutator!

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Today I've done a mutator. Basically it would spawn vortexes in random NavigationPoints with random Pawn owners.

(ChaosUT vortexes! ;) )

I've done the following code.

Code: Select all

// VortexMatch.
class VortexMatch expands Mutator;

var	bool			bHasVMPawnInfo;
var	bool			bHasVMPathInfo;
var	VMPawnInfo		PawnInfo;
var	VMPathInfo		PathNodeInfo;
var	int				PawnInfos;
var	int				PNInfos;
var	VMVortexInfo	VortexInfo;
var	int				VortexInfos;

function PostBeginPlay()
	local Pawn P;
	local NavigationPoint N;
	local VMPawnInfo i;
	local VMPathInfo i2;

	foreach AllActors (class'Pawn', P)
		if ( !bHasVMPawnInfo )
			PawnInfo = Spawn(class'VMPawnInfo');
			PawnInfo.CPawn = P;
			bHasVMPawnInfo = True;
			PawnInfos = 1;
			for (i = PawnInfo; i != None; i = i.NextInfo)
				if ( i.NextInfo == None )
					i.NextInfo = Spawn(class'VMPawnInfo');
					i.NextInfo.CPawn = P;
					i.NextInfo.PreviousInfo = i;

	foreach AllActors (class'NavigationPoint', N)
		if ( !bHasVMPathInfo )
			PathNodeInfo = Spawn(class'VMPathInfo');
			PathNodeInfo.CPathNode = N;
			bHasVMPathInfo = True;
			PNInfos = 1;
			for (i2 = PathNodeInfo; i2 != None; i2 = i2.NextInfo)
				if ( i2.NextInfo == None )
					i2.NextInfo = Spawn(class'VMPathInfo');
					i2.NextInfo.CPathNode = N;
					i2.NextInfo.PreviousInfo = i2;

	SetTimer(30, true);

function Timer()
	local int i;
	local int MaxI;
	local VMPawnInfo i2;
	local Pawn Owner;
	local int MaxI2;
	local VMPathInfo i3;
	local NavigationPoint Target;
	local VMVortexInfo i4;

	if ( PawnInfo == None || PathNodeInfo == None )

	i2 = PawnInfo;
	MaxI = RandRange(0, PawnInfos);
	MaxI2 = RandRange(0, PNInfos);
	i3 = PathNodeInfo;

	for (i = 0; i < MaxI; i++)
		i2 = i2.NextInfo;

	for (i = 0; i < MaxI2; i++)
		i3 = i3.NextInfo;

	if ( VortexInfos == 0 )
		VortexInfo = Spawn(class'VMVortexInfo');
		VortexInfo.CVortex = Spawn(class'ChaosUT.vortex', i2.CPawn, 'MutatorVortex', i3.CPathNode.Location, i3.CPathNode.Rotation);
		VortexInfos = 1;
		for (i4 = VortexInfo; i4 != None; i4 = i4.NextInfo)
			if ( i4.NextInfo == None )
				i4.NextInfo = Spawn(class'VMVortexInfo');
				i4.NextInfo.CVortex = Spawn(class'ChaosUT.vortex', i2.CPawn, 'MutatorVortex', i3.CPathNode.Location, i3.CPathNode.Rotation);
				i4.NextInfo.PreviousInfo = i4;

// VMVortexInfo.
class VMVortexInfo expands VMInfo;

var	VMVortexInfo	NextInfo;
var	VMVortexInfo	PreviousInfo;
var	Vortex			CVortex;

// VMPawnInfo.
class VMPawnInfo expands VMInfo;

var	VMPawnInfo	NextInfo;
var	VMPawnInfo	PreviousInfo;
var	Pawn		CPawn;

// VMPathInfo.
class VMPathInfo expands VMInfo;

var	VMPathInfo		NextInfo;
var	VMPathInfo		PreviousInfo;
var	NavigationPoint	CPathNode;

// VMInfo.
class VMInfo expands Info abstract;
So yes, it's quite some code. Don't worry with VMInfo, it's just a abstract class for organization for Vortex Match linked lists.

I ran in DM-SpaceParking map with the mutator and MindReader, and no vortex spawned anywhere! I will try logging stuff when running each piece of code. This might add in some info.

Thanks for the help in advance! :)

EDIT: I've added logs in the PostBeginPlay and Timer functions, but none seemed to be displayed in the console. :/
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