Shrimp wrote: ↑Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:26 pm
Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can do anything about that. Obviously all the code within Monster Hunt targets Monster Hunt, it was never designed or intended to have you drop in other non-Monster Hunt gametypes and have them work with existing Monster Hunt maps, the same way Monster Hunt maps assume they're going to be used with Monster Hunt.
The variable(s) removed were useless and should have been local, which they are now. A software project is free to modify it's internal API, which is what I feel like I've done here. Hopefully you can just re-compile your existing binaries with no other changes, so they pick up that those vars no longer exist and it works at runtime again. Hopefully those numbers weren't being used, since they were only used as "local" values before putting the value into the GameReplicationInfo.
Into MonsterEnd Trigger it can be used some thing REALLY Simple:
Code: Select all
function TriggerObjective()
local MonsterHunt MH;
local pawn P;
MH = MonsterHunt(Level.Game);
if ( MH != None )
if ( !Level.Game.bGameEnded ) //Don't end game redundantly if it's ended already
MH.EndGame("Hunt Successfull!");
log("MonsterEnd - TriggerObjective - MH == None");
SetCollision(False,False,False); //And... stop it, it's no longer useful.
Okay, for rewriting XC_MonsterHunt I will wait a final version because I think I'll have to change things as long as MH structure is changed and I need to see what's up in servers first.
In other hand, like for XC_MonsterHuntArena the newer game-type "Monster Defence" will be a separate thing - some day... maybe. Here for me is mandatory using newer natives from XC stuff because here we really need some polishing for paths - excuse me but original ReachSpec has nothing to do with Titans. An original ReachSpec/Path generated by Editor is 70 × 70 which is not helping Titans (110 × 115) and other big ones at all. Right now by altering these to a bigger size (I have actors for this task done months ago) game goes harder than expected. I lost X matches when 1 Titan + 3 Skaarj + 1 Warlord were heading to portal completed by a Pupae and a Manta. Kill them quickly if you can...
In original UT out of pathing tweaks, some of them were just sitting into the other Base looking at walls... I called them: Hey, monsters, here is your portal... They were just sleeping in shoes...
Edit: "AlternatePath" - with other words Another Way for stock UT...
Inspired from my own experience with "Titan Patrolling" - you can shrink them correctly using their own code or a clone code - timing when this happens it's important to not mess their cylinder more than is necessary. Titans having DrawScale 0.6 and cylinder adjusted properly will deal with original Paths better than you think. I can show you an edited MonsterHunt map where Titans ordered with patrolling will proceed into patrols (I added PatrolPoints and I did settings correctly). In maps like CTF-EpicBoy probably you don't want a Titan to block entrance in Base just because he wants to escape - if paths are forced enlarged, in my logic these should be in account because the most of CTF maps are not for Titans and other type "Fat-Ass" monster.
Having these said, if I'll start doing something like an Expanded "Monster Defence" these factors are mandatory in account - but maybe it's just me interested to see some action... instead of Monsters getting stuck in small places or doing nothing outside of Escaping Base...
I'm playing games with Monsters and... definitely all DrawScales and collisions are lower than 1.00 and... they are really DM monsters...
The true story is simple somehow: You can input some commands for growing PlayerPawn (yourself in an Off-Line session) using "ConsoleCommand", and then... try to find a path from a Base to another using "RememberSpot" "ShowPath" testing commands. Go figure if you have a route or not and how does it work. You can bind a key for Execution of a Txt file: "exec MeMonster.txt" having this content:
Code: Select all
set PlayerPawn DrawScale 1.5
set PlayerPawn CollisionHeight 58
set PlayerPawn CollisionRadius 32
And... after figuring what's here and there you can take a decision how to spawn Monsters and their properties...
ExtraMethods about waves:
During waiting timer you can process a bit Navigation Network for capturing how many Paths are having ReachFlags 9 and 12 from entire Network (using DescribeSpec). These are "Jumper-Paths".
If map has certain charge (10-15%) with such things perhaps any monster with JumpZ = -1 doesn't have too much activity... As far as I know Titan doesn't jump and neither Brutes (these can be inactive in such a stage), some flying creatures also are having another story but I think I'm spamming forum already...