The RoninReadMe Project is a one of a kind. It includes many, many readme templates that can be used for mods, maps, mutators, Total Conversions, etc, etc.
The purpose of The RoninReadMe Project is to help out the UT players in need of a readme template. They have a wide variety to choose from, and they can freely use them and/or modify it to their will.
I know it seems kinda pointless, but I've seen many, many Unreal/UT players since 1998 who have no included readmes, readmes that don't make sense, the whole bit.
Anyway, back in 1998, 3 weeks after Unreal 1 came out, I created my very first readme template: the 1337me (don't ask xD). It turned out to be very simple, and I used it until my long haitus from 2002-2005 from the Unreal series. After I came back in 2005, I heavily modified the 1337me, to a more professional version, but it didn't last very long, and I ended up using the NaliCity readme generator, which I used from 2005-2007. Between constantly adding stuff into the template after generation and slightly tweaking some issues with it to make it to my standards eventually pissed me off to no limit, and made me generate my RoninFX Unreal-GoW readme, which took me a long while to perfect. Ever since the RoninReadMe was perfected in late 2007, I started the project up for readme templates for all UT users..
Specific Build in Development: Vol. 1
Number of Readme Templates Submitted: 6
Names of Who've Contributed Their Readme Templates: [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX, --=Aalexanderrr=--, GreatEmerald, aLeX, Swanky
Current Status: The project currently needs a lot more readme templates.
Vol. 1 - N/A
Vol. 2 - N/A
Vol. 3 - N/A
Vol.1+2+3 AIO- N/A
If you have a readme template of your own, if you want, submit it to this project, for use of other players.
However, there is a few rules you have to abide by if you want your submission to be approved. See the next section for more information.
1) Your readme template cannot contain anything offensive.
2) For submitting your readme template, you accept the fact that others will use your readme template and modify it at their will.
3) You can submit multiple readme templates (the more the merrier ).
4) There can be different variations of your readme templates, such as a basic version, a complex version, a version for mods, a version for maps, for mutators, single player mods, etc, etc.
5) There must be a little section in the readme somewhere stating who created it, and name the date (if applicable)
6) If you want to create a custom readme template JUST for the project, you may do so.
Vol. 1
1337me v1.2 - [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
RoninFX Unreal-GoW Readme v2.0.4 - [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX, --=Aalexanderrr=-- & aLeX
Aalexanderrr's Readme v3.1.0 - --=Aalexanderrr=--
GreatEmerald v1.0 - GreatEmerald
Swanky v1.0 - Swanky
Vol. 2
Vol. 3