Short description tech related:
- wrapping (or so called sanity check) "if (Weapon != None)" else if I forgot whatever state feel free to put that where is missing;
- function CanFireAtEnemy() - looks like Bot has more mercy with doors (Doors are innocent LOL);
- state roaming has a few modifications - Don't like ? Put back default;..:
a) PickDestination will call at a moment something to gain Navigation even at 3500 UU range (if has been nasty boosted out - MH-ArdenValley.... cases);
b) Being loaded a bit with weaponry in DM will attempt to hunt an enemy (even ScriptedPawn);
c) It is not interested in a very very closer InventorySpot - attempt to remove stupid engine load while skating between 2 closer nodes - it's mapping fault but... whatever I did not loaded UScript more because at a moment with a wrong code will cause a nasty lag - this state is very powerful;
- faster in high skill - higher jump - I wanted them more challenging without using "adds";
- Because I did not find any valid information about "FindBestInventoryPath()" used intensive by Bot I was unable to debate things different so...
Being a child of Common Bot:
- will use JumpSpots and the rest of stuff common for Bot only - READ AGAIN;
- will use Bot specific A.I. weaponry code;
- will respond at TeamGamePlus A.I. directives as normal Bots are doing.
More Info has been placed in package. Package is stored in a G00gledrive folder which might be updated from time to time depending on needs which is here:
I have other works started and functional in big parts (shared there as well) - feel free to mess with them if you can understand what is about.
Because MBot can be configured in User.ini it might hold different skins or things compatible with common Bot.
Edit July_31_2017:
Added link to folder with these Bots because there are readers which are reading one single page so they are going outdated.
Edit April_14_2019
An user has reported me some errors which I could not figure in my games:
Code: Select all
MTFemale1Bot5 (State MBot_F.MBot_F.Roaming:072D) Accessed None
MTMale2Bot1 (State MBot_F.MBot_F.Roaming:0735) Accessed None
In order to not have any mismatch version with this MBot_F, I did a Generation update conformed with previous version.
Here is Generation2:
Other issues coming from MBot are subject for discussions. I'll drop this update in my GDrive too, in a couple of minutes.
Edit 2022: - A bit of topic cosmetics behind a recent forum update, making a mess with center alignment of attached files, after a few attempts to wrap and remove spam fake centered attachment.