Some DM-UTR maps are unplayable in InstaGib mode

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Some DM-UTR maps are unplayable in InstaGib mode

Post by Aldebaran »

The UTR maps seem to be designed for normal weapons because they use an integrated XPickup system.
Anyway it is not only an optical thing, some of them also crash the server if using InstaGib mode.
I have tested DM-UTR-Compressed3, DM-UTR-Kama and DM-UTR-Nadaus that cause this error:

Code: Select all

Critical: appError called:
Critical: XPickInternalMut DM-UTR-Compressed3.XPickInternalMut0 (Function Engine.Mutator.AlwaysKeep:0000) Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Some other UTR maps like DM-UTR-Morbias4 and CTF-UTR-Syntra seem to work also in InstaGib mode or using other weapons instead of the standard weapons.

These maps are very good looking ones but I think the integrated XPickup system can't be deactivated?
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Re: Some DM-UTR maps are unplayable in InstaGib mode

Post by sektor2111 »

I don't think I have the right answer but...
These maps are including a keypoint XReplacer which spawns a Mutator.

I think we have Iterations Limit based on insanity for a heavy load, for less DM play - I don't see them smoother as I was expecting.
- The map UTR-Kamath has 6787 Actors - I will not ask how much take iterators and checks toward all this "great work"...
It's probably when these checks are reaching at limit when game is being loaded with different things, adding new actors...
- The map UTR-Morbias4 (also not smoother for me) has "only" 2620 Actors...
I was fooling here removing that XReplacer and playing it without other "spawned stuff" - it's more like a RocketArena a bit tuned, is not that much compatible with NewNet and the rest, is more like a fancy brain-fart because this stuff has a different purpose - I cannot see what is that cute - I just play DM in a DM map.

So to speak some "postbegin" "prebegin" functions are working harder here due to such a load - I'm not gonna repeat "download" time which majority of players will not wait...

I will never understand this waste of time for such a design and messing up with a load for no DM play.
The good thing is that they have MyLevel stuff which can be easily transported to other maps (MH, Coop, etc) more suitable for such decorations - hat off for these nice things.

I'm not sure if removal of XReplacer (using a tool) will be an answer...
Here we go with a note about loading things useless
UT.log wrote: DevMusic: Load music: Music DM-UTR-Kamah.Mekalopolis
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from PathNode508!
Even Bot is blabbering here. Apology but UTR maps with a lousy Invisibility are not for me...
Else I'm not bother to check how many Net channels are using such maps...
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