edits go faster if you only swap weapons, armor, & health

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edits go faster if you only swap weapons, armor, & health

Post by EvilGrins »

Regarding a different map edit I got a recommend for a weaponspack...
EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:What weapons do you think would be ideal for this map?
Did you try this? viewtopic.php?f=34&t=5654&start=60
...but I decided to go with a different map.

Usually when I 1st try a new weaponspack I try it out on DM-HallOfGiants... but this time I just edited them directly onto an MH map:

Just as a heads up, anybody playing this map will get slaughtered for the first 3 to 5 minutes. It's a box map but the main room is filled with tentacles on the ceiling, each firing different kinds of projectiles... an insanely HUGE one in the middle firing redeemers. I don't care how good you are, or what kinda crack team of super assassins you bring in with you... you're gonna all get killed a bunch until you get rid of that big red beastie in the center.

Killing any big red beastie opens a door with other monsters behind it, each with their own big red beastie... and so on, and so forth.

Enjoy · http://tinyurl.com/hk3sdjp

Pretty sure all you need is at that link, but just to be on the safe side · http://www.mediafire.com/download/c9wsj ... Q3v1.2.zip