Botpathing request thread

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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Enslaved map looks like a laggy one to me, it also has non-colliding "rocks" and probably more others, it needs some revision because certain monsters are having orders which doesn't exist anywhere on the UT planet, I think I'm not bother to fix everything. The rest means more stuff added because even as Single Player with Automag, Enforcer and DispersionPistol I don't see too much challenge. I can happily hide behind Cannon, letting Cannon to kill monsters even if this actor is not matching environment here at all. I'm afraid that here is needed more work that making MH specific paths which are not so hard to do, we need blockers for doors which are not opened yet, etc. Perhaps at this time I have no use of this thing.

DM2001 vXWhatever
Stage here is not very Bot friendly, Lifts need a rework, rifle area need connected manually and/or WarpZoneInfo actors relocated for generating markers where they need to be placed and not on the walls. I'll do some editing here, but if results are not valid for Bots I'll drop it away. When paths are created but impossible for being used, it's not like users are happy this way.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by Ubir4 »

I don't know if you can ask for someone else's map, but I wanted to ask the DM-1on1-DavidM map, about the bot getting the armor (100) that needs the elevator's help.

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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Map has Incomplete Translocator combos and... usual bugs...

Code: Select all

LostData: ReachSpecs missing from Paths[0-15] 		= 38.
LostData: ReachSpecs missing from upStreamPaths[0-15] 	= 16.
FixedWithSuccess: ReachSpecs successfully attached 	= 54.
FixFailures: ReachSpecs attaching failures - probably no place = 0.
I'll complete combos and reducing useless "paths".

Edit: Done ?
Asked because:
- map is aiming Translocator as I see in original version - here is taken from time to time;
- without Translocator and using ImpactJumping there is no interest to waste life for an Armor which is not too protective - I did not see more activity there;
- without Translocator in Low Gravity this is often taken - so paths are connected properly, the rest is how much is desired this thing.
No adds and no items removal has been done, paths-network here doesn't have lost reachspecs and it's minimized to a decent charge.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by Ubir4 »

SuperThank's sektor2111. :>
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by NemesisNeS »

Red_Fist wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:23 pm You don't take into consideration letting the bots finish using AI or using brute force.

The whole idea for me is having bots want to finish a map, all the while using stock navigation actors or pickups.

For instance, to make them WANT to make it all the way to a blocked path, as opposed to using a switch and force them there.

My levels have a certain amount of Zen, the full appreciation of godly randomness :agree1: :agree1: :agree1:

But you guys run a prison camp of orderliness, poor bots :P
Sadly I can not disagree with this statement. I am working on trying to give the bots on my current maps more ways to fully navigate a map, especially in Assault mode with large maps. I'll post up a finished product, once I have one fully ready.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Use PathSwitcher whatever actor (a cousing of BlockedPath but it's a community thingie), and also Original MonsterWayPoint. The rest is taken by a good Pathing - valid connected nodes and not an oversized map. If you have an inconclusive area I might drop an eye over it.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by TankBeef »

Hey Sektor, would you want to work on DM-Distinctive's pathing? Really fun map, played a lot on servers. But bots do not go for the armor or belt. Of course, the pickup location does not help, too high and isolated maybe, but I think it is part of what makes the map cool.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Yep... I like it, it's indeed a nice DM environment...
However, probably number of Bots and combat stages are not making them very interested about these "shields" because I see they do have paths - including in-game paths, with only a few ReachSpecs outside. I have to admit the combo for Armor2 is not logic - this JumpSpot Actor IS NOT for jumping down, Bot is jumping down when he needs that, either way the return here might fail (I see shield taken but not Armor2 yet).
What can be checked - removing combos and doing plain jumpy paths without ExtraCost, just normal nodes connected. I'm curious to see if simple paths without ExtraCost and conditions specific to JumpSpots will change roaming rules - JumpSpot discards Pawn with low health and then path goes locked. Give me bit of time for a wider investigation because I think simple paths out of conditions might be more helpful.

Done ?
Armor is taken from time to time (with increased desire value), shieldbelt is a goal but... these things are working in hard-code mode... Special routes VIA JumpSpots are probably calculated as being too hard. With simple paths these might be collected often - also depends on combat (how many bots are there...)
469b and 3 stock bots look normal. Prior versions with adjusted Bots are also working. In my DM type with Translocator that shield was taken very often even in original map... Anyway 515 ReachSpecs seem enough for a DM in this stage.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by TankBeef »

Thank you so much Sektor!!! :tu: I will try it tonight when I get home, let you know how it goes.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by Red_Fist »

Just daring sektor2111 to bot path my contest entry (better-and help), good luck. A very strange dilemma for bot [pathing, challenge).

Go ahead sektor2111, "make my day" haha. The bots should always jump into the pools of water., and yet want to goto the top and other weapons equally. DARE ya !!!
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

First of all - Un-Written rule anywhere is that Bot doesn't know lifts with multiple "exits" placed on various levels - they only know a lift with a Start and an End. Bot doesn't go too much anywhere if Lift doesn't STOP in the right position. Yeah... good luck with working against engine... okay MBots were a bit more active at random.
However... there environment must be studied and... something scripted might do a bit of tweaking, probably solution is simple but it needs an investigation first. To be honest with you, boys, if you are working against what Engine can do, then all problems are all yours.

Either way maybe Higor has something different here as a LiftCenter staying active and pointing Pawn into next RouteCache if this goes Reachable.

My PathsWorker stops working at ReachSpec 227 because of something, and Editor is exiting without printing anything critical in Log... Never happening before In v469b does the same thing. I think map needs fixed first or is something which I cannot track due to flawed log file not properly closed.

Edit2: Something obvious can be seen (for those capable to see facts). Paths over "lifts" are not only pointing routes to the top, but they have routes to the bottom as well. As long as "Corner-Lifts" are NEVER moving down in valid area, those paths are not having any bit of logic - impossible to solve without "tools". Here I can mitigate lousy effects by adding/mapping manually extra jumpy paths over those "spikes" which can be used because they do not have ExtraCost and so they are more easy to follow. Going to the top perhaps will need a sort of kicker system for making Pawn to leave the "looping-lift". The rest of additional Exits can be removed as long as they are not helping at all. In such a stage, in the majority of time Bots are capable to go at top of map and picking weaponry from all levels. Average reaction looks better than it was before. I think it can be improved, not a perfect task but still superior to plain devs.
Stick to jumping instead of moving against Lift.
Initial stage was done with XC tools from v21 using 400 ScanRange, then completing missing Specs manually with XC_PathsWorker.
Work in progress...

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This is a workaround pathing using only stock actors in map but... tools for manual corrections applied in Editor.
4 Bots in v469b and plain UT are interested to move up, collecting weaponry even if those Lifts are mainly a navigation nonsense. Useless entries exits were removed, map is navigable without them.
I "forgot" to remove those BlockedPath actors - actually I see them in your maps but here are not having any use - Let me call them Reserved-ReachSpecs-Hosting-Services. If in future I'll need whatever Path completion, I'll pick one of those without use from BlockedPath actors.

Next please... oh wait, I have to move a bit things in that sniper map...
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by Red_Fist »

Ok, well, they did jump off and do for each level, or at least jump to a floor per lift exit.

Those blocked paths are so they don't run at the wall-window, I need to fix one now since I played, there is one spot they still run at that wall. The path goes through that and they want to run into it.

I took out a window frame for players to get in, but it made the paths show up.

I will check what you did, pretty weird map, never thought the bots would even get up top with that mess before I added pathing, LoL
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Mover is getting used to "talk" with A.I. Pawn for an appropriate behavior. It's not the case here and that's why A.I. pawns are more or less confused.
I understood the meaning of those BlockedPath actors - that's what Editor does with Paths in its hard-coded 1000 UU Test Range. If you will use other tools for manual handling/mangling/editing of paths, BlockedPath is not needed at all, unless map needs such thing. I did not deleted BlockedPath actors just because they can host some paths which I can re-use if somewhere is demonstrated that Bot can perform a jump or it needs extra-options in a spot after playing map a lot of times.

Misc: Probably in future I'll do some BlockedPath or PathsToggler capable to handle Paths Blocking/UnBlocking using ReachSpec data and not ExtraCost/Cost, but at this moment I was thinking at other sort of PathNode in purpose to make Pawn to wait until several instructions are set on the Screen and Pawn should not start rushing map before opening Initial Door, simulating that it "reads instructions" - the mostly a MH mapping purpose. Of course, placement of this PathNode will need knowledge about Navigation and not just dropping it by guessing.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by Red_Fist »

I just want them to walk straight across through the weapon. They walk at that inner window-opening, but the walkway is to narrow for them to jump in, so they walk at wall. So I put in blocked paths, so long as there is only one path line, bots won't go through, to the node you want.
The other paths can still work, what I really wanted to do is only one blocked path in and out and not to the ground. But I didn't have enough time to catch and do everything.
They would need a tiny kicker at the path (or a ramp) , then they could get in and to the other side.

They do jump off at lift exits, but they have no idea they are doing it. Now, my opinion is, seems like liftexits and centers have NOTHING to do with a mover, other than the tag of the mover and bet the bots work the same with any tag. Only we Humans would want a bot to look like they are getting off a lift, but it's just following a path we set. Movers do have that Lift Trigger setting but I don't know, seems the mover has no pathing purpose at all.

I still don't know if those movers even work online , or run smooth or cause flicker.
Last edited by Red_Fist on Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Botpathing request thread

Post by sektor2111 »

Red_Fist wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:23 am I still don't know if those movers even work online , or run smooth or cause flicker.
Okay, I'll do a LAN test - you could do this too...

Edit: Nope... I doesn't include any issue with my Bots and XC_Engine... as result... this map is condemned to be jailed in public Monster Gaming Server.
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NewEraSnipers is probably normal like here...
Paths are done for leaving starting points and loading a bit of ammo, also there are several paths to health udamage. Because more sniper servers are using Translocator in their arenas, here are paths for this purpose too - they get self-locked if game doesn't use Translocator. Mid open areas are not having paths, Bot roaming in open area is an easy target, way too easy. Now the question is if map needs "sniping support" - perhaps configurable in whatever INI file... I'm thinking...

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Here is the sniper map having a bit of dynamics, A.I. uses not only paths, there is a helper configurable in a separate INI file for being disabled/enabled without any future map editing. More is described in archive. Packages required being already provided are not packed here.
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