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MH-D_sector (WIP _ my first MH map)

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:26 pm
I´m very proud of my work so far, and how far I've evolved as a level Designer
Although i could have worked a lot more and have more work done by now but personal life has needed energy and time investments too


This is my first attempt of a MH map and this is a sneak peak of what I've done so far. Its only a 3d Squetch but I've made the basic outline of the architecture.
My main objective regarding the artistic aspect of the map is to have 3 distinct areas each with its own unique architecture, i'm gonna close my eyes and let my creativity guide me in this regard and so i'm gonna play with shapes and lights as I was painting :D

Regarding the technical part of the Level Design, here are my mental Ideas so far.

More traditional singleplayer experience meant to be played in coop, its a prison ship and the players are security teams woken up from Cryosleep
because some alien prisoners have escaped and so protocol mandates total annihilation of all biological signatures. Not to big nor ambitious map, just simple 3 areas each with not only monsters to kill in some interesting encounters but also bosses. Secrets to explore that unlock great item's for everyone (incentive to exploration) and inbetween intensive fights some puzzles to unlock progress and bring to the player what is the environmental story telling.

I'm not gonna lie my 2 last recent played games were DOOM (2016) and Black Mesa (Hl1 Fan remake) so its very , very inspired by both

Re: MH-D_sector (WIP _ my first MH map)

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:09 pm
by papercoffee
I already like the layout and brush work. ... good luck avoiding a visit from the UEd Goblin.

Re: MH-D_sector (WIP _ my first MH map)

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:32 pm
papercoffee wrote:I already like the layout and brush work. ... good luck avoiding a visit from the UEd Goblin.

Re: MH-D_sector (WIP _ my first MH map)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:09 am
by Ubir4
Maybe is this: