I'm sure that many of you would have a similar story to tell, but for me, UT99 was the shit back in the day: As a kid, I used to play countless hours with my friends, and ultimately we became interested in creating our own maps to play with. They were obviously trash and didn't get past a basic mover - that was the extent of our abilities at the time. I was so happy to learn a couple weeks ago that UT99 still has a passionate community around it to this day, so I bought a fresh copy of the game and jumped back into it. The nostalgia, man.
Today marks the initial release of my first ever map for the public, Ganymede VI.
It was created for the RiDiCuLoUs Mapping Contest, and I hope that its size still qualifies.

All custom assets (textures, sounds) are embedded into the map through MyLevel, with the exception of the music track. I wrote it specifically for usage in UT99 and am kind-of releasing that for all of you to use, too. It's an original composition but I think you can still hear Foregone being an inspiration, haha.
I'm looking forward to your feedback.