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Re: EditorTools

Post by Barbie »

How can I change the PrePivot of an Actor in UnrealEd? By now I cut the Actor to a text editor, change it there and paste it back to UnrealEd...
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

Maybe as any another options in editactor tool.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by sektor2111 »

You can use the tool by Buggie or MapGarbage with option bAdvActorEdit and Actor selected.
Either way command:

Code: Select all

EditActor Name=ClassX
In which ClassX might be:
FlagBase0 FlagBase1 FemaleTorso3 etc.

Optimal solution is using in Editor/Modding version of UT an Engine with these properties opened and constants turned into variables - I really don't get what is with some of those "constants" which are extremely "variable" at C++ Level... and not all of them should be constants at all, they are only making a mess in compiler for nothing.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

11. ShowObjectPaths - Show ObjectPath paths.
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Also additional info about how ObjectPath build path:
1. path built by cubic bezier curve.
2. Rotation of PathPoint does not matter.
3. When built curve PathPoints use as base dots for it.
4. Arms for dots parallel for line connect dot before with dot after.
5. Both arms is same size and equals PathPoint.curveSpeed field.

Here example base on 2D UnrealEd editor:
scr_1623587409.png (3.98 KiB) Viewed 3473 times
Red dots is represent PathPoints.
Blue arms is virtual. Size equals PathPoint.curveSpeed. Direction defined by location of next and previous PathPoints in the list.

Additional note:
If you set PathPoint.speedU to zero in the middle of list - moved Actor not able going past this PathPoint (except some rounding errors help it).
So better try values like 0.01.

Tool ShowObjectPaths can be used for calculate count seconds need for make full way of object.
Show path, select one ClipMarker, select all ClipMarkers, show count of selected actors, multiply on delay amount (default 0.5 sec) - you get time of the travel.
Can be useful for set retrigger delay if you use retriggerable or returnable ObjectPath.

Cyclic retriggerable ObjectPath:

Code: Select all

class ObjectPathRet expands ObjectPath;

function Tick( float DeltaTime )
	local bool bOld;

	bOld = bPlayedOnce;
	Super.Tick( DeltaTime );
	if ( !bOld && bPlayedOnce )
		bTriggeredOnce = false;
		Enable( 'Trigger' );
Returnable ObjectPath with delay for open time:

Code: Select all

class MyObjectPath expands ObjectPath;

var() float StayOpenTime;
var bool bReturn;	

function Tick( float DeltaTime )
	local bool bOld;

	bOld = bPlayedOnce;
	Super.Tick( DeltaTime );
	if ( !bOld && bPlayedOnce )
		if (bReturn)
			SetTimer(StayOpenTime, false);

function Timer()
	local int i, l;
	local PathPoint tempPP;

	RAdjust = rot(0,0,0)-RAdjust;
	for (i=0; i<numPathNodes; i++)
		Path[i].pVelocity = -Path[i].pVelocity;

	for (i=numPathNodes/2; i<numPathNodes; i++)
		l = numPathNodes - 1 - i;
		tempPP  = Path[i];
		Path[i] = Path[l];
		Path[l] = tempPP;
	bTriggeredOnce = false;
	Enable( 'Trigger' );
	bReturn = !bReturn;
	if (bReturn)
		Trigger(None, None);

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Also need mention ShowObjectPaths nod calculate or predict anything.
It just call Actor which placed on map and drop ClipMarker for each location of Moved Target.

Good news:
- This approach mostly work with all extensions of ObjectPath. Mostly - because heavy modification maybe not work.
- Result 100% exact same as in game. No need any special support for extensions class.
- Even if some path change formula for calculation - tool will work properly.

Bad news:
- Possible some garbage info leave after this call in ObjectPath fields.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

12. SetLiftTag - Set Lift tags.
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-=[ Usage SetLiftTag ]=-

1. Select LiftCenter(s), Mover(s), LiftExits(s), Trgger(s) which belong to one lift.
2. Click tool button.
3. Not forget rebuild paths after that.
Updated in first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14061[hr][/hr]

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Remove dependency to PathFixer.u

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Comment native stuff dependency.

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Re: EditorTools

Post by Barbie »

Improvement suggestion for class'SkyBox1000Stars': after spawning a "star" do a test if it is within the skyzone (Region.iLeaf != -1). If not, remove it, because it will not be visible anyway. To reach the desired amount of stars you have to change the for-loop into a while-loop then. I'd add a runaway-loop-break anyway - there may be broken skyzones out there (e.g. if (loopcount++ > 2 * CountStars) Goto Err_TooManyStarsForSkybox).

PS: It was a good idea to give them a group name. :gj:
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

Fixed SkyBox1000Stars for case where there many stars. More from 327. now all work good up to 32768 stars.

Added check for stars placements. if stars out of map, you will be warned about that.

Update in first post: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?t=14061
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Test how many dust on your monitor how looks skybox with 1000 stars.

Skybox rotate. So you need FPS limiter if it stuck or twitches on zoom.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

This topic for specific tools. You need create own one for your question. There question left unnoticed.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by [NBK]DxTrEm3Fx »

Hello All,
I hope I can post this here.
Is it possible to create a tool for a non-solid cylindrical sheet with the top and bottom open for Skyboxes?
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

Make usual non-solid cylinder. After build map set top and bottom surface to invisible and you get what you want.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by [NBK]DxTrEm3Fx »

Buggie wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:17 am Make usual non-solid cylinder. After build map set top and bottom surface to invisible and you get what you want.
Man, that does work. Thank you buggie. I learn something new every day here.
Last edited by [NBK]DxTrEm3Fx on Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by papercoffee »

Buggie wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:17 am Make usual non-solid cylinder. After build map set top and bottom surface to invisible and you get what you want.
I map for so many years ...and I totally forgot you can do this. :ironic:
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

Trick with invisible walls helpful also in case when BSP goes wild and start produce weird non-collide walls. Just make them invisible and pick best brush size combination for hide it.
I not able solve this weird BSP glitch so make it invisible and no any problems.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

improve Extruder.

Updated in first post: viewtopic.php?t=14061

Example work with Extruder:
This one you can do with 2d editor too, but in editor in much easy fir to desired size.

How can it done:
1. Make shape for base by place ClipMarkers (Ctrl+RMB) in desired form, and move last one to first one.
2. Place next ClipMarker for pivot point.
3. Place all next ClipMarkers as way on which base travel. In exact this case it just move up, so it be one slip marker up.

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Example use Extruder for build way:

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Example use Extruder for build waterfall:

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MH-Nigutar is example, what can be mapped with Extruder. All brushes, except cube for skybox and sheets for water, done with Extruder tool.
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Re: EditorTools

Post by Buggie »

- Fix use SizeStars by SkyBox1000Stars tool.

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