Xcom MH maps for Garden of Death

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Xcom MH maps for Garden of Death

Post by EvilGrins »

Maps on my lil' community for UT over on Livejournal that're part of a series (my tendency to make multiple edits of the same map) I give their own tag. Helps me keep up with which ones I've shared and which I haven't.

Due to this, I recently noticed...
...I hadn't shared this one, until today.

A stretch back medor introduced a bunch of monsters most nobody had ever seen before, and I tend to lump them all together as I learned about them all at once. Now, at their default settings they mostly have not a lot of health, lots of them don't have a corpse (when killed they simply disappear) setup, and some of them don't have very well defined textures.
Still, that doesn't mean they're not fun to fight in large numbers... even if many of them can be killed in 1 shot.

Made 2 edits of this map, one is standard weapons and the other has Xvehicles.
Though, admittedly, with XV this is a wholesale slaughter.

Even though most of what's on this map will be very easy to beat...
...it's still a long way to the end. If you play with bots, you can take periodic breaks to do other stuff.

Are you all caught up on your laundry?

Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.uax - /sounds
.umx - /music
.unr - /maps
.utx - /textures
png - Pwetty!

https://www.mediafire.com/file/rh61vj3f ... fDeath.zip

You can get Xvehicles here · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14936 · which you need to make this work!
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Re: Xcom MH maps for Garden of Death

Post by OjitroC »

Odd that someone should go to the trouble of porting (and making) those ScriptedPawns and then give them minimal health.

AFAIK only a few are from XCOM (sectoid, sectopods, mutons, snakeman) - would be interesting to know where the others came from and, indeed, who made them.

I've played around with them and altered a few things including increasing their health and getting the carcasses and skins (wingedterror) to work properly.