
Maps, mods and resources ported from or to Unreal.
Must run in UT99 or with Oldskool Amp'd.
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Post by JackGriffin »

If you play UT2004, especially Invasion then the name "Iniquitous" probably means something. Ini is a great guy and he's given a lot to the game. He's created a ton of monsters and mods, and posted a small armada of tutorials and coding examples/explanations.

My absolute favorite monster is his Dragon. I sought his permission to use the model and import it. Unreal 227 allows for a ton of customization and allows me to make a suitable set of effects so I'm going to do this. Here's things so far:

Still to come:
-I'm learning animation(Blender) now so there will be a skeleton that collapses if the Fire Dragon burns you up. Think 'Dragon's Lair'...
-Wind dragon tosses you around pretty badly now if it blasts you. Don't fight him near any ledges.
-Earth dragon blasts you with boulders and rocks.
-Ice Dragon shoots ice balls that can freeze you solid.
-Nature Dragon can summon forth the creatures of the forest
-Ion Dragon...He's just plain nasty.

Oh, and as Ini says in his Dragon's readme:
There are rumors of a rare Dragon!
I won't post more about this here since it's an Unreal project. It won't translate to UT easily since I'm using a lot of the 227 tools and goodies. I post updates at OldUnreal if you are interested in following along.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by Higor »

Saw your OldUnreal post.
If you're one day making a UT implementation... let me know, I'm your "natives" man.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by EvilGrins »

The rare dragon was part of his monster package for them on ut2004; forget which color it was... might've been black.

When I was actively playing ut2004 I practically downloaded everything he made:

Wing-tracings from the flapping seems longer on your dragons, but I like it.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by Dr.Flay »

These seem to be an improvement in several ways rather than a simple port.
Yes the trails are very cool
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by JackGriffin »

Yeah, I probably should have been a bit more specific. I used INI's models and skins but everything else will be my reinterpretation of the monsters for Unreal. This isn't done in a vacuum though, Ini and I converse via email and he's very much guiding the direction of things. I super respect him and this is meant as an homage to the person who taught me coding. The dragons will end up being similar but because of the limits that Unreal227 has it will be somewhat limited in it's scope versus what he was able to do with 2K4. I have to recreate what he did but do it with less tools. For instance here is my Nature Dragon in action:
Grasses grow, butterflies and fireflies spawn up, even a rabbit or two can appear. It's the same idea as Ini, just done in the ways that Unreal can handle. It's tough to do with such less control over static meshes but I like the challenge this represents.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by Metalfist »

OMG DRAGONS!! :shock: I wanna ride on them :mrgreen:!
More more! I need to install 227 and play with this :P
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by EvilGrins »

Even though you're not intending them for it, I'm hoping they wind up working in UT regardless. Some things, even ones made exclusively for Unreal1 do work in ut99 too.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by UTX »

I want to know, why wouldn't it work? What's with this 227 thing? I'm a little behind on some things.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by Dr.Flay »

UTX wrote:I want to know, why wouldn't it work? What's with this 227 thing? I'm a little behind on some things.
Unreal has been updated because Smirftsch has the 1 and only licence for the Unreal source.

UT99 has the new renderers by Smirftsch and the UT-SDK by Shadow
Because Shadow does not have the source or licence, he has to make everything from nothing.

Both projects aim to add similar features and functions, but they are not compatible.
Shadow has been busy with other things so the SDK is not a priority.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by EvilGrins »

Say, Jack... since you're getting big on making monsters again, and seeing as we discussed something before a while ago · viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3975
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by JackGriffin »

@UTX: It's simply amazing what you can do in 227. I can spawn a trail emitter, texture it easily, then attach it to a single point on a mesh. What used to be a huge pain in UT (creating a trail effect and updating it via Tick) is now super easy and very fast. Here's an example:

Code: Select all

function PostBeginPlay()
	local EarthDragonTrailEmitter WingTip;

	if (Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
		WingTip = Spawn(class'EarthDragonTrailEmitter', Owner,,,);
		AttachActorToBone(WingTip, 49);
That's all you need to have that neat trail effect you see in my video. It only gets better from there. Yeah, I'll never go forward (back?) to coding in UT.

I posted a moment ago over there. In truth I think I just made godzilla with the Fire Dragon. It's all there:
-dragon's stomp around tosses you
-fire breath emits perfectly from the mouth even if the head turns side to side
-fire burns, spreads, rolls across the ground when spat out, behaves like it really would
-several emitter classes attach to the mesh and add the proper visuals

All I'd need is a proper model and to size the effects up. Oh my, look at what I just found...
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by EvilGrins »

JackGriffin wrote:All I'd need is a proper model and to size the effects up. Oh my, look at what I just found...
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

So do I need to host an Unreal 227 server to play with these dragons.
Well I suppose I could host Unreal again but it has been ages since I hosted Unreal.
I recall when I first started playing this series back in the day when I only had a 56k modem. Maybe its time. :rock:
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by sektor2111 »

JackGriffin wrote:Yeah, I'll never go forward (back?) to coding in UT.
I understand all new options from 227, it's a good thing after all... but I can rememeber when I was trying some game where a bunch of pupae surrounded me and I was truly happy firing in any direction. Then I crashed due to some audio problems, LOL. If 227 is supposed to bring news for short time and another deception by crashing, for me is a no go. Those drivers seems to not include SANITY checks hardware dependant or overload checks. Default UT audio driver never been a problem for me with this on-board Realtek soundcard. Perhaps I can challenge my patience as follows:
- Sir Higor bringing some XC_Goodies;
- Awaiting updates 228 ? Also Editor there is confusing me a bit... AT least for Unreal I simply miss Bot, there is not much fun as in any DM, CTF, MH, from UT (or that noisy battle is an usual thing for me) - and I see that UT99 servers are much over Unreal/UGold servers. That BotPack has flaws and is limiting your player class and doesn't have more accesible menu options.
Since I can experiment new things using XC_Core I will spent some time in UT because I want to get all resources offered by Engine (now I'm having fun with some maps which weren't pathed in some spots due to default limited stuff used by people in 2001-2008 - which has the same flaws even in 227, LOL. In 2015 I can do that - and it works). Like I said: At moments it's more interesting to use Engine's bugs for your advantage rather than fixing them... as you see I like A.I. + if I mention sounds added for projectiles and the rest, UT seems OK with them at default sound driver because it looks being well sanitized at this point.
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Re: INIsDragons

Post by Forum|User »

Dr.Flay wrote:Unreal has been updated because Smirftsch has the 1 and only licence for the Unreal source.
What can happen if somebody have the UT99 source? Im really corious about this.
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