It has 2 modes:
- Basic:
Alf fire key (while not chasing player) will chase closest player in the spectator's aim.
Jump key releases the spectator from the player at the player's location.
Grab command will teleport the spectator at the wall the spectator's aiming, for fast navigation.
'Chase' command, used to find players by partial matches > (EX: CHASE LANE > specs Tamerlane)
- Simulation
Locked in first person view.
99% accurate inventory simulation.
100% accurate rotation simulation. (capped to server framerate)
Weapon display identical to the player's.
Fixed legacy log spamming issue for weapons with ammocount (pulse gun and minigun).
Ducking eyeheight correction.
Cycling between players stays in first person mode.
In order to enter Simulation mode, you must chase a player, then type 'Simulate', cycling players will keep simulation mode.
In order to leave Simulation mode, jump out of your view target.
Other info:
If server doesn't automatically put you in XC_Spectator mode, type MUTATE XC_SPEC and it'll reconnect you in said mode.
In order to properly simulate, it is recommended that the the average server outgoing traffic per spectator never reaches the one specified by MaxClientRate.
ViewClass and ViewPlayerNum antispam.
ViewPlayerNum works like UTPure's.
SiegeIV's clock below the player health.
Usage instructions.
- Add mutator:
Making server replace all default spectators with XC_Spectators
Create XC_Spec.ini and add the following lines.
Code: Select all