Future of the internet?

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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Higor »

The only regulation you need is call the landlines a public utility, and let companies bid or share, with possiblity to perform maintenance and upgrades.

But let's oversimplify again: Uruguay.

Landlines are owned by a single state monopolic company, ANTEL, the landlines (where it's being implented atm, around 50% of the home clients so far) are made of optic fiber, put underground. Where there's still no fiber we use the old ADSL plans.
The smallest fiber plan? 30/4 mbps
The smallest ADSL plan? 3/.5 mbps
Our biggest bottleneck? Miami and that 160 ping it adds, don't worry one day we'll bypass the US whenever we want to connect to EU/Asian ip's.
Average latency to another IP address within ANTEL's service? 2ms.
Outages in fiber? None, except during upgrade.
Port scanning is fined... and that's about it when it comes to usage behaviours.
Cloudflare proxy in Buenos Aires averages 35ms to forwarded sites, Google and Netflix have cache servers on the ISP to guarantee no bottlenecks.
PD: The fiber is being paid using money that goes in thru the contracts and bills, heck the company could even afford to waste 40 million dollars in sponsoring a new basketball stadium.

I'm not asking to install a state-oriented monopoly due to the obvious concerns (falls in the wrong hands), but turning the infrastructure into a public utility can yield very similar effects without the clusterfuck of regulations the US has.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by JackGriffin »

That's an argument of false premise. Using one of the smallest (if not the) nation in S.A. isn't a fair example. New York has twice the population of the entire country. It's infinitely easier to do a better job at something when you are working in scales that are orders of magnitude smaller.

I've spent my working career inside a monopoly: the US Postal Service. One of my best friends drives for Federal Express and I have a couple of guys I hang out with that drive for UPS. We compare notes and I see how powerful a monopoly is. Yeah, we have to go to every address every day and those other guys don't but that's still not fair for them. We don't have to:
-Register our vehicles, mailtrucks don't need plates or state registration/inspection
-Pay taxes
-Yeah we pay the taxes at the pump for gas but guess where that money goes? Yep, back to us.
-We are exempt from a slew of things since post offices are consider "federal lands"

I could go on and on about the advantages a monopoly gives in direct competition but you get the idea. The balance for having this monopoly is that you must give universal service at a universal price that's as low as you can manage. The PO does this. The same 49 cent stamp works everywhere for everyone. If we started charging more for those houses that are kilometers out of the way then the whole model begins to fall apart.

That's what will happen when ISP's begin to shape pricing in a market that is at the scale of the US. It's going to be a slow build but in the end you can be assured it's going to be ugly and the average consumer will be worse off.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by gamerz31w »

Well new FCC chairman Ajit Pai repealed Network Neutrality.Formerly he was Verizon lawyer.I guess now together with Comcast and AT&T they made only in USA for now SmartNet so now internet users got affected with microtransations which they have to pay to their Internet providers of course it's only profitable and beneficial for big corporations.As for now European Parliament rejected temporarily new copyright law named EPICA people are calling it ACTA 2.0,but as we know European Parliament rejected ACTA permanently 7 years ago.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Hook »

We need to get rid of people like Ajit Pai !
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by rjmno1 »

Higor wrote:The only regulation you need is call the landlines a public utility, and let companies bid or share, with possiblity to perform maintenance and upgrades.

But let's oversimplify again: Uruguay.

Landlines are owned by a single state monopolic company, ANTEL, the landlines (where it's being implented atm, around 50% of the home clients so far) are made of optic fiber, put underground. Where there's still no fiber we use the old ADSL plans.
The smallest fiber plan? 30/4 mbps
The smallest ADSL plan? 3/.5 mbps
Our biggest bottleneck? Miami and that 160 ping it adds, don't worry one day we'll bypass the US whenever we want to connect to EU/Asian ip's.
Average latency to another IP address within ANTEL's service? 2ms.
Outages in fiber? None, except during upgrade.
Port scanning is fined... and that's about it when it comes to usage behaviours.
Cloudflare proxy in Buenos Aires averages 35ms to forwarded sites, Google and Netflix have cache servers on the ISP to guarantee no bottlenecks.
PD: The fiber is being paid using money that goes in thru the contracts and bills, heck the company could even afford to waste 40 million dollars in sponsoring a new basketball stadium.

I'm not asking to install a state-oriented monopoly due to the obvious concerns (falls in the wrong hands), but turning the infrastructure into a public utility can yield very similar effects without the clusterfuck of regulations the US has.
The best what people are good at is making everything to there needs so that internet question, do i need glassfiber is yes.
But in the future some whizzkid stand up and makes something whole different wich alow us to use internet in a faster way then even glass fiber.
What internet will bring us to the future nobody knows that.I think that the apps for the smartphone made a fast introduction and many apps you can download and use whatever you like.The progression and the technique will go on in a fast way just like the upcoming processors and mainboards from computers we all use.They will add faster memmory and faster processors and ofcourse faster internet.Programms will be bigger and harddrives will be faster and bigger mass storage terabites.
remember 30 yers ago we where still busy with the dos machines wich where not powerfull enough to run windows version 10 on it.So everything will be bigger faster and bether withou thinking on it,we are just humand who will chance everything to there needs,and before you know it you have a 128 or 256 bit processot with 2 tb of intern memmory and very fast 5 petybyte fast internet.intel will still rule the world together with microsoft and some 3 party motherboard makers together with amd ofcourse because they made a very good chip the last years, its a solit marked what they have right now and they deside what happen within the future upcoming hardware. :rock:
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by sektor2111 »

rjmno1 wrote:intel will still rule the world together with microsoft and some 3 party motherboard makers together with amd ofcourse because they made a very good chip the last years, its a solit marked what they have right now and they deside what happen within the future upcoming hardware. :rock:
This is what you think and personal opinions are welcomed. My problem and my opinion are a bit different. If these "High Tech Experts" are not fixing flaws specific to these OLD manufacturing methods (bugs are there for 20+ years, btw) the rest of manufacturers will quit using their products and making them to earn so much money. Facebook is planing its own terminals and chips, Apple will do the same things since they were using flawed Intel chips - project was on hold but now is back on the lab. If these guys are not solving their issues probably their route is down-hill. So far, jesters were clapping hands about strong machines, now they slow them down trying to fix hardware flaws :loool: . They have been asked what do they do accordingly and answer was like a string of sentences saying a lot and nothing, For me is an evidence that they don't really have solutions. I read a couple of articles about Spectre and Meltown bugs, they are definitely spread in more families now. DDR3 memories and Gigabit Ethernet types are also a good environment for NetHammer and the rest of exploits to not forget how smart and professional are becoming hackers - memory flaws don't seems that can be solved too easy. Where goes Internet ? Hell knows. I take my habit in account, when I don't have a task to do over Internet for the moment, I simply unplug cable outta machine. Happy people about their X GB network can clap hands until they will find themselves in troubles.
I'm not going to speak about an experiment done in Israel at some University. They bought X devices IoT types and were trying to figure how goes with security breaching, amazingly X-2 were capable easily to be weaponized and turned into nice DDoS devices - no evidences available on them because they do not have logs from any kind - TRASH products floating on markets - Have fun on Internet. We do need Internet but I think it needs a "reboot and a re-install".
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by sektor2111 »

rjmno1 wrote:intel will still rule the world together with microsoft and some 3 party motherboard makers together with amd ofcourse because they made a very good chip the last years, its a solit marked what they have right now and they deside what happen within the future upcoming hardware. :rock:
Another evidence about what they did last years... I believe this is not the end of problems, dream on, dude...
But read here first and then take a cold shower...
And that's not all yet about hardware.
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