MAJOR bot-pathing request

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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Higor »

I found that bots will jump off said lift if they're following a player.
Try ordering to attack and let them go on their own.

Also, FerBotz don't have proper lift handling on that case.
I'll put a new version fixing that later.
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by EvilGrins »

This is the "ski-lift" in question:

Once all the SkaarjSnipers around there (and anything else that can shoot you) are dead, bots still won't ride that lift all the way to the end without jumping over the side.
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins :mrgreen:
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Gustavo6046 »

sektor2111 wrote:you cannot force a retard to drive a plane, else Editor will not add paths on Lifts which seems a problem for more people nowadays because it's so... "hard" :loool: .
You know what? You inspired me to work on BotMovers. Basically an Info actor which takes the tag of the mover, and then traces from the center of the mover + CenterOffset and it traces diagonally downwards at a distance of WalkOffDistance. And inserts a LiftExit at the end.

Basicaslly automated lift pathing C:

P.S.: for movers like a donut, use two of these BotMovers, one for each side of the desired diameter for the bots to get in.
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by sektor2111 »

I understand you. In other case Higor has some XC stuff for fixing Lifts but that thing will not work for mapper.... Technically Horizontal Lifts are a problem for default Bot (it was for MBot too) but not version E which... have a more normal patience, they simply won't jump out of lift as long as lift is moving and they are free of duty (no enemy to hunt).
I see that EG still have problems, testing MBot is simple, easy to add, easy to remove, easy for skinning, preferences menu added and... with that option can be configured any Bot prototype, default Bot will not fix itself in how was hard-coded defined, there are no INI options at this point. NOt to mention that MBot doesn't love MH controller making it to run in place like a dumbass, it is simple stopping after a while trying to get into Path-Net from a longer range than common Bot...
I don't have this issue at this moment (I'm busy with other nasty things) with horizontal lifts, I'm gonna do some full revision to this map if... I consider that it worth efforts, for me doesn't run smoother and I don't like this Engine blast...
For default Bot of course things are not easy because Bot will not wait that much for a mover-lift with many keys...

But... positives are usable for general mapping, here we have a teleporterfix solution operational with no XCGE - a sort of smarty PlayerStart, and if I'm completing my HuntNodes (different formats), triggers, etc. such a map can be fully operational by Bot (not only MBot/FerBotz), to not forget the most important thing: XC_PathBuilder - a treasure after all.
The problem is decreasing performance in attempting a forced Bot Control embedded in map... this is not that helpful.
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I've just coded some prototype. This just lays down a few Lift* NavigationPoints in PreBeginPlay. I hope they get linked in the end :P

But I fear it won't work since bNoDelete is true for LiftCenter and LiftExit. Would doing a subclass of those with bNoDelete false work then? :P

Code: Select all

// BotMovers.
class BotMovers expands Info;

struct KeyPath
	var()	int		KeyBegin;
	var()	byte	KeyOffset;
	var()	name	PathTag;

Automating pathing might be still far from being true.
But here is a possible solution for automating LIFT

By Gustavo6046

var(Pathing)	Vector	CenterOffset;
var(Pathing)	float	WalkOffDistance;
var(Pathing)	float	WalkHeight;
var(Pathing)	int		NumPathes;
var(Pathing)	KeyPath	KeyPathes[8];
var(Pathing)	float	MaxWalkingPitch;
var(Pathing)	bool	bDebug;
var(Pathing)	byte	ExitDirs;
var(Pathing)	name	TriggerTag;
var(Pathing)	bool	bRetagMover;

// DegToRot = 182.0444444444444444444
// RotToDeg = 0.0054931640625

final operator(25) float # (Actor A, Actor B)
	return VSize(Location - A.Location) - VSize(Location - B.Location);

function Vector FullOffs()
	local Vector V;
	V = CenterOffset;
	V.Z += WalkHeight;

	return V;

function bool MoverPathable(Mover Other)
	return Other.bBlockActors;

function Mover GetMover()
	local Mover m, cm;

	if ( Tag != '' )
		foreach AllActors(class'Mover', m)
			if ( m.Tag == Tag && MoverPathable(m) )
				return m;

		foreach AllActors(class'Mover', m)
			if ( MoverPathable(m) && (cm != None || ((m # cm) < 0)) )
				cm = m;

		return cm;

	return None;

function Vector MoverLocWithOffs(Mover Other, optional byte MoverKey)
	local Vector ML;

	ML = Other.KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + FullOffs();

function Vector MyMoverLocWithOffs(optional byte MoverKey)
	local Vector ML;

	ML = GetMover().KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + FullOffs();

function bool SurfaceWalkable(vector HitNormal)
	return abs(Rotator(HitNormal).Pitch) / 16384.0 < MaxWalkingPitch;

function bool TraceWalk(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float YawDeg) // helper function for other modders
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;
	FinalDir.Yaw += YawDeg * 182.044444444444444444444444444;

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff *= WalkOffDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight;

	return Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None;

function bool TraceWalk2(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float YawStep, optional int Steps)
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;

	if ( Steps == 0 )
		Steps = 8;
	FinalDir.Yaw += YawStep * (65536 / Steps);

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff *= WalkOffDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight;

	return Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None;

function ProcessPath(Mover Other, KeyPath Path)
	local Vector InPos, OutPos, OutNrm;
	local LiftCenter LC;
	local LiftExit LE;
	local byte st;

	if ( bRetagMover )
		Other.Tag = Path.PathTag;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin);

	LC = Spawn(class'LiftCenter', self,, InPos);
	LC.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
	LC.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
	LC.bHidden = !bDebug;

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, st, ExitDirs);
		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'LiftExit', self,, OutPos);
		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin);

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, st, ExitDirs);
		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'LiftExit', self,, OutPos);
		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

function PathMover()
	local Mover MyMover;
	local int i;
	local KeyPath KP;

	MyMover = GetMover();
	for ( i = 0; i < NumPathes; i++ )
		ProcessPath(MyMover, KeyPathes[i]);

		KP.KeyBegin = KeyPathes[i].KeyOffset;
		KP.KeyOffset = KeyPathes[i].KeyBegin;

		ProcessPath(MyMover, KP);

function PreBeginPlay()
And a subclass which sets the offsets automatically:

Code: Select all

// QuickBotMover.
class QuickBotMover expands BotMovers;

var(Pathing)	bool	bResetWalkHeight;

// This class deprecates CenterOffset (and if desired WalkHeight) by using this actor's relative position to the mover instead.

function PreBeginPlay()
	local Mover MyMover;
	local Vector Offset;

	MyMover = GetMover();

	Offset = Location - MyMover.Location;

	if ( bResetWalkHeight )
		WalkHeight = Offset.Z;

	CenterOffset = Offset;

	if ( bResetWalkHeight )
		CenterOffset.Z = 0;
I should do sanity checks later, but this is a prototype and I'm testing it :P

SO yeah, I just speedcoded :mrgreen:

EDIT: Seems to work now:

Code: Select all

// BotMovers.
class BotMovers expands Info;

Automating pathing might be still far from being true.
But here is a possible solution for automating LIFT

By Gustavo6046

struct KeyPath
	var()	int		KeyBegin;
	var()	byte	KeyOffset;
	var()	name	PathTag;

var(Pathing)	Vector	CenterOffset;
var(Pathing)	float	WalkOffDistance;
var(Pathing)	float	WalkHeight;
var(Pathing)	int		NumPathes;
var(Pathing)	KeyPath	KeyPathes[8];
var(Pathing)	float	MaxWalkingPitch;
var(Pathing)	bool	bDebug;
var(Pathing)	byte	ExitDirs;
var(Pathing)	name	TriggerTag;
var(Pathing)	bool	bRetagMover;

// DegToRot = 182.0444444444444444444
// RotToDeg = 0.0054931640625

final operator(25) float # (Actor A, Actor B)
	if ( A == None || B == None )
		return 0;

	return VSize(Location - A.Location) - VSize(Location - B.Location);

function Vector FullOffs()
	local Vector V;
	V = CenterOffset;
	V.Z += WalkHeight;

	return V;

function bool MoverPathable(Mover Other)
	return Other.bBlockActors;

function Mover GetMover()
	local Mover m, cm;

	if ( Tag != 'None' )
		foreach AllActors(class'Mover', m)
			if ( m.Tag == Tag && MoverPathable(m) )
				return m;

		foreach AllActors(class'Mover', m)
			if ( MoverPathable(m) && (cm != None || ((m # cm) < 0)) )
				cm = m;

		return cm;

	return None;

function Vector MoverLocWithOffs(Mover Other, optional byte MoverKey)
	local Vector ML;

	ML = Other.KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + FullOffs();

function Vector MyMoverLocWithOffs(optional byte MoverKey)
	local Vector ML;

	ML = GetMover().KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + FullOffs();

function bool SurfaceWalkable(vector HitNormal)
	return abs(Rotator(HitNormal).Pitch) / 16384.0 < MaxWalkingPitch;

function bool TraceWalk(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float YawDeg) // helper function for other modders
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;
	FinalDir.Yaw += YawDeg * 182.044444444444444444444444444;

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff *= WalkOffDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight;

	return Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None;

function bool TraceWalk2(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float YawStep, optional int Steps)
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;

	if ( Steps == 0 )
		Steps = 8;
	FinalDir.Yaw += YawStep * (65536 / Steps);

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff *= WalkOffDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight;

	return Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None;

function bool ProcessPath(Mover Other, KeyPath Path)
	local Vector InPos, OutPos, OutNrm;
	local LiftCenter LC;
	local LiftExit LE;
	local byte st;

	if ( bRetagMover )
		Other.Tag = Path.PathTag;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin);

	LC = Spawn(class'AutoLiftCenter', self,, InPos);

	if ( LC == None )
		return False;

	LC.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
	LC.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
	LC.bHidden = !bDebug;

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, st, ExitDirs);
		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'LiftExit', self,, OutPos);

		if ( LE == None )
			return False;

		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin);

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, st, ExitDirs);
		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'LiftExit', self,, OutPos);

		if ( LE == None )
			return False;

		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

	return True;

function PathMover()
	local Mover MyMover;
	local int i;
	local KeyPath KP;

	MyMover = GetMover();
	for ( i = 0; i < NumPathes; i++ )
		ProcessPath(MyMover, KeyPathes[i]);

		KP.KeyBegin = KeyPathes[i].KeyOffset;
		KP.KeyOffset = KeyPathes[i].KeyBegin;

		ProcessPath(MyMover, KP);

function PreBeginPlay()
	if ( GetMover() == None )

And AutoLiftCenter is just an empty LiftCenter subclass with like no changes other than bNoDelete = false.

I could also do class'LiftCenter'.default.bNoDelete = false; before and class'LiftCenter'.default.bNoDelete = true; after. But that would be hackish :P

EDIT: Damnit, I didn't see LiftExit bStatic! I'm doing such an awful job :C

EDIT: I just did this, but those LiftExit's just won't spawn in the ground where the lifts start! >.<

Code: Select all

// BotMovers.
class BotMovers expands Info;

Automating pathing might be still far from being true.
But here is a possible solution for automating LIFT

By Gustavo6046

struct KeyPath
	var()	int		KeyBegin;
	var()	byte	KeyOffset;
	var()	name	PathTag;
	var()	float	InDistance;
	var()	float	OutDistance;

var(Pathing)	Vector	CenterOffset;
var(Pathing)	float	WalkHeight;
var(Pathing)	int		NumPathes;
var(Pathing)	KeyPath	KeyPathes[8];
var(Pathing)	float	MaxWalkingPitch;
var(Pathing)	bool	bDebug;
var(Pathing)	byte	ExitDirs;
var(Pathing)	name	TriggerTag;
var(Pathing)	bool	bRetagMover;
var(Pathing)	float	MoverHeight;

// DegToRot = 182.0444444444444444444
// RotToDeg = 0.0054931640625

function CheckLog(string s)
	if ( bDebug )

final operator(25) float # (Actor A, Actor B)
	if ( A == None || B == None )
		return 0;

	return VSize(Location - A.Location) - VSize(Location - B.Location);

function Vector FullOffs(optional bool bAddHeight)
	local Vector V;
	V = CenterOffset;
	V.Z += WalkHeight;

	if ( bAddHeight )
		V.Z += MoverHeight;

	return V;

function bool MoverPathable(Mover Other)
	return Other.bBlockActors;

function Mover GetMover()
	local Mover m, cm;

	foreach AllActors(class'Mover', m, Tag)
		if ( MoverPathable(m) && (cm == None || ((m # cm) < 0)) )
			cm = m;

	return cm;

function Vector MoverLocWithOffs(Mover Other, optional byte MoverKey, optional bool bAddHeight)
	local Vector ML;

	ML = Other.KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + Other.Location + FullOffs(bAddHeight);

function Vector MyMoverLocWithOffs(optional byte MoverKey, optional bool bAddHeight)
	local Vector ML;
	local Mover M;

	M = GetMover();
	ML = M.KeyPos[MoverKey];

	return ML + M.Location + FullOffs(bAddHeight);

function bool SurfaceWalkable(vector HitNormal)
	return abs(Rotator(HitNormal).Pitch) / 16384.0 < MaxWalkingPitch;

function bool TraceWalk(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float WalkDistance, float YawDeg) // helper function for other modders
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;
	FinalDir.Yaw += YawDeg * 182.044444444444444444444444444;

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff *= WalkDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight * 2 + MoverHeight;

	return Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None;

function bool TraceWalk2(out Vector HitLoct, out Vector HitNorm, vector Start, float WalkDistance, float YawStep, optional int Steps)
	local Rotator FinalDir;
	local Vector DirOff;
	local bool b;

	if ( Steps == 0 )
		Steps = 8;
	FinalDir.Yaw = YawStep * (65536 / Steps);

	DirOff = Vector(FinalDir);
	DirOff.X *= WalkDistance;
	DirOff.Y *= WalkDistance;
	DirOff.Z -= WalkHeight * 2 + MoverHeight;

	b = Trace(HitLoct, HitNorm, Start + DirOff, Start, false) != None || !FastTrace(Start + DirOff, Start);
	CheckLog(Start@+@DirOff@=@Start + DirOff@o@FinalDir.Yaw@^@Rotator(HitNorm).Pitch@->@HitLoct@==@b);
	return b;

function ProcessPath(Mover Other, KeyPath Path)
	local Vector InPos, OutPos, OutNrm, _, v1, v2;
	local LiftCenter LC;
	local LiftExit LE;
	local byte st;

	if ( bRetagMover )
		Other.Tag = Path.PathTag;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin, true);

	LC = Spawn(class'AutoLiftCenter', self,, InPos);

	if ( LC == None )

	LC.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
	LC.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
	LC.bHidden = !bDebug;

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin, false);

		if ( !TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, Path.InDistance, st, ExitDirs) )
		v1 = OutPos;
		v1.z -= 24;

		v2 = OutPos;
		v2.z += WalkHeight;

		Trace(_, OutNrm, v1, v2, false);

		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight * 2 + class'AutoLiftExit'.default.CollisionHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'AutoLiftExit', self,, OutPos);

		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

	InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin + Path.KeyOffset, true);

	LC = Spawn(class'AutoLiftCenter', self,, InPos);

	if ( LC == None )

	LC.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
	LC.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
	LC.bHidden = !bDebug;

	for ( st = 0; st < ExitDirs; st++ )
		InPos = MoverLocWithOffs(Other, Path.KeyBegin + Path.KeyOffset, false);

		if ( !TraceWalk2(OutPos, OutNrm, InPos, Path.OutDistance, st, ExitDirs) )

		v1 = OutPos;
		v1.z -= 24;

		v2 = OutPos;
		v2.z += WalkHeight;

		Trace(_, OutNrm, v1, v2, false);
		if ( !SurfaceWalkable(OutNrm) )

		OutPos.Z += WalkHeight * 2 + class'AutoLiftExit'.default.CollisionHeight;

		LE = Spawn(class'AutoLiftExit', self,, OutPos);

		LE.LiftTag = Path.PathTag;
		LE.LiftTrigger = TriggerTag;
		LE.bHidden = !bDebug;

function string LogActor(Actor Other)
	local string res;

	if ( Other == None )
		return "";

	res = "<"$Other.Class.Name@'$Other$"' at x="$Other.Location.X$",y="$Other.Location.Y$",z="$Other.Location.Z$">";


	return res;

function PathMover()
	local Mover MyMover;
	local int i;
	local KeyPath KP;

	MyMover = GetMover();
	for ( i = 0; i < NumPathes; i++ )
		ProcessPath(MyMover, KeyPathes[i]);

function PreBeginPlay()
	if ( GetMover() == None )

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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by sektor2111 »

Is not more simple to use Botz mutator already done ?
I don't see where do you add ReachSpecs and all that stuff for attaching them in Path-Net (- and good luck with bStatic things). I'm curious when you'll get them ready... At this moment in UT'99 by only using XC_Engine paths can be changed, without XC_Engine or other similar natives, this is just a GUESS heading nowhere, because dropping Navigation points will not link them using magic. I'm not asking how do you know differences between a door and a lift since nowadays doors are lifts and there are maps where lifts are moving like doors. Then, Bot has issues at Horizontal lifts.
Edit:I might go to prepare a small DM Demo map where a Mover is Door and Lift in the same time - and probably Map will be called DM-Modolif (aka Mover is Door and Lift) - a Mapping contest idea ? :ironic: .
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Gustavo6046 »

sektor2111 wrote:Is not more simple to use Botz mutator already done ?
I don't see where do you add ReachSpecs and all that stuff for attaching them in Path-Net (- and good luck with bStatic things).
Seems that my bots are capable of using the lifts with the nodes that are placed in PreBeginPlay. But I don't think the nodes are placed correctly since there are no starting LiftExits in the bottom :P
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by EvilGrins »

Gustavo6046 wrote:Seems that my bots are capable of using the lifts with the nodes
My bots use the vertical lifts going up fine, but they seem to prefer jumping over the side rather than take them down.

Admittedly I've been following their example. With all that water down there, it really is faster.

It's that sideways going ski-lift that's still the issue, though.
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins :mrgreen:
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Gustavo6046 »

EvilGrins wrote:
Gustavo6046 wrote:Seems that my bots are capable of using the lifts with the nodes
My bots use the vertical lifts going up fine, but they seem to prefer jumping over the side rather than take them down.
I've heard that bots take only the vertical difference between their position and their destination LiftExit's position to jump, so the solution here would be to instead attach the LIftExit's in the end to a Mover, that is normally out of reach, and moves the LiftExit back into position only once the bot's lift is near the end.

P.S. When I talked about my bots capable of using the lifts I was talking about vertical maps with vertical lifts, in another topic, about automatic lift pathing. :P
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by sektor2111 »

EvilGrins wrote: My bots use the vertical lifts going up fine, but they seem to prefer jumping over the side rather than take them down.
Admittedly I've been following their example. With all that water down there, it really is faster.
Then read again here:
Higor wrote: PD: Added a small Jeronimo shortcut which becomes available once someone uses the lift at least once so bots don't get stuck waiting one after another.
HIGOR ADDED A DIRECT PATH in case you have failed my latest posts about those said "hyper-paths" - now there are solutions cute and handy for mapping things. Already described....

That's the jump - in my old version they never jump because I did not use nothing, but later I added an extra-path there for doing the same thing, is water down there after all...

PS:That one from water is the node which I moved a bit because I see Bots hitting bridge many times and dying crushed. I have checked code from falling state, they might adjust fall to a nearest node, then after trying that far node they switch to a nearby one but they hit ground badly (at least this is what my Bots were doing - not all time but... hey !).

As for posts with "they did it" and loading 30+ Bots, that's not what I want - ALL Bots should be able to recover hunting status and not camping down in water and all of them traveling to ALL objectives not only 4 or 5 or 2 because of "faith".
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by EvilGrins »

If nobody minds me being just a little evil, at the start of this thread I linked 2 maps... both part of the same mission in Unreal1.

The 2nd link has basic pathing just for the very beginning area.

Anybody wanna take a shot at pathing the 2nd link?
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by sektor2111 »

The same problem: LIFTS - not even a singe lift is pathed. This second one needs lifts pathed, waypoints set, probably triggers/movers corrections... but primary check must be done to see if DevPath is friendly, given map's load...
There is also a bridge having no single link. In old way Could be used a combo but since Lift Stuff is unknown even in version F I'm not expecting to see any wild tricky link, not even in old style of pathing. That's why Bot stay there in first path-net - yes, map is divided in multiple path-zones not a single path-net as it should be.
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by EvilGrins »

If this hasn't already been addressed:

Where that blast mark is left of the door is a BSP-hole. If you get too close you fall in and die.
thought it was cool when monsters got stuck in it
If that's not clear, it's the 1st castle you come to doing the map.
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by Higor »

Just cluster a few BlockAll actors to simulate a wall.
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Re: MAJOR bot-pathing request

Post by sektor2111 »

I think I solved that but I cannot be sure if other zone did not went screwed up, lol map.
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