Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by memsys »

HOLY SHIT that is god-damn amazing!

If there was a remake/reboot like that that was still as fun to play as the original I would insta buy the shit out of that at full price! And that is saying something as I tend to wait a few months/years until games go on sale.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by Higor »

papercoffee wrote:how Unreal should Unreal be and how to make the thing at all
Lmao, that's why you announce a project once you've done at least 10% of the work and laid out the entire guidelines.
Too many 'concepters' and 'balance discussers' with nothing more than a shitty opinion.
Oh wait, that's UT4 too.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by Gadavre »

I dont want to see an UE4 Remake of Unreal. at least UE3 Remake. As I and many players will not be able to play without expensive upgrading your hardware.
I would like to see Remake with large spaces and dungeons. The original unreal world is very tight. When in a close dungeon you are attacked by multiple monsters at a high level of difficulty, to survive impossible. The game becomes uninteresting.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by Carbon »

Gadavre wrote:I dont want to see an UE4 Remake of Unreal. at least UE3 Remake. As I and many players will not be able to play without expensive upgrading your hardware.
Yep. Game engine development should stop completely to let people catch up. :P
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by nogardilaref »

If we're going the hardware route:
- players had to buy good hardware to play Unreal/UT;
- players had to buy better hardware to play UT2003/UT2004;
- players had to buy even better hardware to play UT3;
- players have to buy a hell lot better hadware to play UT4;
see the trending? Each engine generation will obviously lead to the need of newer and better hardware, there's no stopping it, and in a few years almost anyone will probably have "low-end" hardware by the standards then, but which is more than good enough to play UT4.

So yeah, using the hardware alone as a reason to not do something in a newer engine, is rather silly.

And this new hardware might be needed not only because of its superior raw performance, newer hardware generally has new built-in features in itself which only the newer engines can use.
This is why while you could buy the best graphic card in the market, it doesn't necessarily grant you a superior framerate in UT, but it certainly allows you to play any newer far more detailed and heavy game smoothly, since UE1 does not use any of the hardware features only new hardware provides, while UE4 for example does, hence being able to do what it can do, and do it with a good framerate.

Having that said, it's true that the newer the engine, the harder is to make anything with it, and Tim Sweeney already talked about this some years back, namely on the costs of such an increased complexity, as newer engines grant the possibility to do far more amazing things, but the people remain pretty much the same so you need bigger teams and even more development time to do anything of worth at all with these, and the costs of that are increasing.
One way of tackle these costs is with microtransactions.

This is why many developers are returning to the roots.
"Minimalist" design overall in games is not much about the style itself, but rather what just a handful of developers are able to make in a shorter amount of time, and still make it pleasant to the eye concerning the quality standards of nowadays.

This is also why guys like me still enjoy doing one or another thing for UT99 for instance. It's still one of the best games I ever played, with a shit ton of content to enjoy, from absolute garbage to jaw dropping, and despite all its technical flaws and limitations by any standard nowadays, it's one of the only platforms someone like me actually has a bit of free time to dedicate to, rather than using something newer which, while it would be far more future proof and would look better, it would take a lot more time to do anything at all due to the sheer amount of time the artist side of things alone would take in comparison (textures/skins, models, etc).
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by rjmno1 »

Well i think its going to be a hell of a project, takes a long time to edit convert and actualy making such project.
Someone on the unreal ed 4.0 did already made a great job making some ut 99 weapons wich we can use in the upcoming unreal tournament 4 also.
You must have a bunch of good people who can actualy make this stuf, in a 3 d environment also.
3dsmax and maya is looking at you and unrealed 4.0.
unreal tournament 99
https://sites.google.com/view/unrealtou ... oject/home mine home ut99 website.
https://richardmoust105.blogspot.com/20 ... ef-in.html dutch blog page about ut99 settings.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by JackGriffin »

I have a sneaky suspicion that the big model makers that donated so much time at the start of UT4 were doing it as a way of getting noticed and perhaps getting a job with Epic or another company that was watching. When it didn't happen they stopped working for free and the project began to flounder. Nog is totally right in that community made stuff just won't happen in newer games to the extent we see in UT. The disciplines are too specialized and it takes too much time and work to get a finished product. It's hard enough to do that in this old engine.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by nogardilaref »

Actually we don't even need to go as far as UT4 to show that at least some modders/mappers/artists worked with the hope of building a good enough portfolio to get hired.

For example, I vaguely remember someone from UnrealSP working on one of the really major, and thus far, unreleased SP campaigns (TCO or Firestorm or some other I believe), with that exact intent.
These were never released, maybe never will (who knows...), but there you have it.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by Hellkeeper »

But these projects were mods of an existing game.
With UT4, we're talking about modders building the entire game. I'm fairly sure JackGriffin pinpointed exactly why this game is a stillborn.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by JackGriffin »

I remember talking with some of the guys at BU and saying I was sad when I saw the level of development that the weapons were getting when this started up. It seemed obvious to me that the few guys doing all the main work were never going to keep that up and that they would either be hired away or eventually quit. We all love gaming but economics comes into play eventually.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by gamerz31w »

papercoffee wrote:There was already a project to remake Unreal in UE4. But it stopped and got dissolved because the team got into arguments and name-calling about how Unreal should Unreal be and how to make the thing at all. At the end someone got banned. :noidea
That's what happened without a team leader... or a team leader without communication skills.
Did it happen at Epic Games or some Unreal 1 fans community? Anyway Valve Corporation allowed Half-Life 1 fans to ship Black Mesa Source a fanmade remake of Half-Life 1.Unreal Tournament 2016 aka UT4 was cancelled,but demo is still playable on Epic Games Launcher so the team changed their directions to start working on Fortnite Battle Royale.I'm still excited about official remake of Doom 1 made by Bethesda and they are still making Wolfenstein.I heard they are going to make movie adaptation based on computer game speaking only of Doom.Main protagonist will be a woman you know just like Samus Aran in Metroid series.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by papercoffee »

gamerz31w wrote: Did it happen at Epic Games or some Unreal 1 fans community?
They had a development thread at Epic's forum.
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by gamerz31w »

Are you talking about Unreal Engine Forums?
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Re: Who wants to make an UE4 Remake of Unreal ?

Post by papercoffee »