Whether it's his first time on a forum or not is not an excuse.
I still clearly remember the first time I joined a forum, and it was a UT99 forum actually, and my own perception back then, and the reason I had joined was "these guys are awesome", and I very humbly took the first steps into participating, and showing my content.
And I am telling you, my first works were also pretty much editing existing standard UT maps into new ones, the same thing with mods, so we all started pretty much the same way and, personally speaking, I still remember it quite vividly, and I did not talk down to anyone (at least at the start, I did mistakes as anyone else over time).
And the result was, despite my shitty work at the start, having support and constructive criticism from others.
Make no mistake however, I was also a rather immature kid back then, and I didn't like much if someone talked shit about my stuff, no one does, but my own stance from the start was that I knew I could get some flak over how shitty my initial work was, and I heard everyone out, and I got kindness in return instead.
As a result, I am pretty comfortable discussing things out nowadays, almost a decade later, providing and receiving criticism, and creating things which I can pretty much be truly proud of.
So I know very well what he's going through, and all he needs to do is to chill out, not take almost anything said here personally, and put faith on us that whenever we say something sucks or is wrong or could be improved, it's for his own good, and not to diminish in any way his effort.
The moment he understands this, and wishes to act accordingly, he's more than welcome to participate and post more of his work imho, and hopefully learn in the process.
EDIT: And I just noticed he "deleted" his first post, so this is no longer a topic to be in the Mapping section I believe, so perhaps it's best to just move it to Offtopic?
papercoffee wrote:sektor2111 wrote:I see his rank "BANNED" right now...
That's his personal rank. You can write there whatever you want.
This is how a real banned account looks like.