Due a discussion toward some evil borked content from a MH map over fixed and not fixed I think I was waiting enough for a potential author to show up with reasonable explanations about settings done there and what "Editor" was used. While we can still waiting a sudden appearance I think I got a temporary (or permanent) replacement for some Level which I call CryptRunners, probably an ode to the same texture(/s).
- Destroyed mystical quality setup of movers from this level that fart with bNoDelete=False was set back to True because is Mover not Pickup;
- Entire content except LevelInfo actor and builder brush was copied into a clean location in order to gain an "Autofix" a la Edy Goblin as follows:
a) Edy has blocked/caped insane rotations done at some brushes without screwing them and just giving them normal values;
b) Edy has removed duplicated actors by setting two of them in spot and then I happily removed the second one;
c) Edy has rammed screenshot probably borked as well and I got it as a 256 color texture looking as original;
- map has now some Bot Support a bit protected for default MH crapped A.I. code - including a HuntNode for reducing a bit bot's retarded behavior and there is also a small fine tuning toward some random water problems of default Bot (for whoever uses it). For this reason I think map can go here;
- LevelInfo's fake Info has been updated - for sure this is not for 32 players as it was described and we cannot use 18 playerstart actors in default MH because that thing uses TDM code which has a deal for 16 players (males, females, grandmothers, grandfathers and/or kids + 2 moron neighbors and a dog - okay not really).
A small description about this map is written here and some downloads of previous bugged ones
http://blackmore.no-ip.pl/uttracker/map ... runners-v1
where it seems to be promised a never came fix.
Allright, the file...
Archive Description:
Using Zip and having all supposed non-stock required files except MonsterHunt.u file (you should have it if you start playing a MH map don't you ?). If some file is missing let me know. MapManager did this task and it goes retarded at random. Archive do includes two files for redirects - old "uz" and less older "lzma".