Fragball explained

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Fragball explained

Post by Pileyrei »


To anyone who doesn't understand Fragball I hope this helps.
The full player guide can be found in the help folder of the .ZIP file below:

I run this awesome mod on my server so please pop on and give it a go! (see signature).

How to Play

The Ball
• The ball used in Frag*Ball matches is a high tech device with several advanced capabilities: ◦ The ball can translocate, allowing it to leave the map and re-enter at a different location, including into the possession of a player.
◦ It can follow a player, hovering just over and behind their head, allowing the player to 'carry' the ball without using his hands. The carrying player is called a quarterback.
◦ A sensor that allows the ball to translocate immediately in front of the hammer when fired by the quarterback, allowing the quarterback to throw the ball.
◦ It emits holographic images as it travels, leaving a trail of holograms in it's wake, allowing players to track the ball's trajectory.
◦ Environmental sensors, which allow the ball to translocate out of hostile environments.
◦ A beacon which advertises the ball's position to the hammer when the ball is in play.

The Hammer
• The hammer used in Frag*Ball matches is a modified Impact Hammer. It's additional capabilities include: ◦ A charge meter to indicate the hammer's charging level when the player is carrying the ball. The charge meter rotates four arrows and opens up as the hammer charges. The arrows turn to four blinking squares when the hammer reaches maximum charge.
◦ A ball radar that detects the ball's beacon and shows it's relative position to the player. The blip shows an overhead view of the ball position with the player centered on his crosshair, and the top of the HUD being the direction faced by the player. A larger blip is shown at the edge of the radar circle in the direction of the ball when it moves beyond an extreme range.
◦ The blip is square when the player and ball are at the same level. It becomes and arrow pointing up or down when the ball is above the player's head or below his feet.
◦ A translucency mode that indicates to the player when he is carrying the ball.

• When not carrying the ball, the hammer's primary fire works like the regular Impact Hammer.
• The alternate fire always works like the regular Impact Hammer. This is especially useful for throw blocks against other players and rocket attacks while remaining ready to throw the ball.

HUD Icons (see attached document)
•Game State (shown in lower right color by team score):
• Playing for net possession.
• A face off is pending. Colour shows neutral, red or blue face off.
• Ball is in play. Red or blue if team possessed, yellow otherwise.
• Ball is being carried by team. Icon colour matches team.
• Turnover to team. Icon colour matches team.
• A scrum is being held.

•Other icons:
• Scoreboard icon for quarterback.
• Shows hammer charge or ball radar blip if ball is lower or higher than player.
• Shows maximum hammer charge or ball radar blip if ball is same level as player.

• A team wins a Frag*Ball match by: ◦ Scoring the most points at the end of the time limit or during overtime;
◦ Beating the point spread during regular play. That is, their score is greater than their opponents score by more than the point spread.

Player Score
• Players are also awarded individual points for their achievements and embarrassments on the field. The following events affect the player's individual score: ◦ Tackling (fragging) an opposing player,
◦ Winning a scrum,
◦ Winning possession of the team's net,
◦ Sacking (fragging) the quarterback.
◦ Scoring a goal, field goal or touchdown.
◦ Scoring against his own team.
◦ Fumbling the ball while quarterback.

Detailed Player Stats
• Detailed player statistics can be shown on the scoreboard by selecting the FragBall Player Stats mutator when starting a game. This shows the following individual statistics for each player: ◦ SC Individual Player Score
◦ PT Team Points Score
◦ GL Goals Scored
◦ FG Field Goals Scored
◦ TD Touchdowns Scored
◦ A Assists
◦ PP Net Penalty Points Scored
◦ SW Scrums Won
◦ S+ Sacks For
◦ S- Sacks Against
◦ P Out Of Play Penalties
◦ PD Passing Distance
◦ BP Ball Possession Time (As Quarterback)

Game Start
• Game starts with scrum for the ball or a face off.

Net Possession
• Net possession is determined either by: ◦ The assignment of nets to teams by the map maker. This is encouraged in symmetrical maps.
◦ After the starting scrum, first team to run or throw the ball into a net area owns that net.

• The team must defend the net it possesses, and score against (attack) the opposing team's net.
• Neutral nets may be scored on by either team.

• The ball can be thrown into the team net for 1 or 2 points.
• Throwing directly into the net from outside the field goal radius is worth 2 points, all other goals are worth 1 point.
• The default point values can be changed by the map maker, including a value of zero, which disables that category of goals.
• Credit for the goal is given to the team attacking the net, and the last player to possess the ball. If another teammate possessed the ball immediately prior to scoring, the teammate is credited with an assist.

• The ball can be carried into the net area a 5 point touchdown.
• The default point value can be changed by the map maker, including a value of zero, which disables touchdowns.
• The ball must be carried. This means that players must have a hammer in their inventory.
• Credit for the touchdown is given to the team attacking the net, and the last player to possess the ball. If another teammate possessed the ball immediately prior to the touchdown, the teammate is credited with an assist.

Net Penalty
• The ball can be thrown into the wrong team net which awards the opposing team 3 points.
• The default point value can be changed by the map maker, including a value of zero, which disables net penalties.
• A scoring penalty is given to the last player to possess the ball. There is no penalty to a player for the assist.
• Note that deflections and stray weapon fire can accidentally place the ball into the wrong team net. ◦ It is intended to penalize teams for poor control of the ball in their own net area.
◦ It is not supposed to be employed intentionally.

Play After Scoring
• After a goal, field goal, touchdown or net penalty, the ball will translocate temporarily off the map. The ball is returned to play either by: ◦ A neutral face off if supported by the map.
◦ A turnover to the team not scoring, if allowed by the map.
◦ A scrum.

• A face off results in the ball translocating to a face off location. The ball may be moving when it appears.
• A map may contain multiple face offs. They will be cycled through and the ball will translocate to one randomly.
• As the face offs are cycled through, the current face off activates. There should be a visual cue that the face off is active. After a period the face off deactivates and either the ball translocates to the face off position -- ending the face off, or a different face off in the cycle activates.
• Face offs may be neutral or owned by a team. Team owned face offs are used when the team is penalized for putting the ball out of play.

FaceOff Camping
• Players must clear the face off area when a face off is being held, otherwise: ◦ When the face off area activates, each player in the face off area will receive damage.
◦ When the ball is dropped all players in the face off area will be killed.

• Camping damage can be modified or disabled by the map maker.

• A turnover results in possession of the ball by the closest player of the opposing team who is eligible to receive a turnover.
• To be eligible for a turnover, one player from the opposing team must: ◦ Be out of all net crease areas.
◦ Not feigning death.

• The closest player is determined relative to: ◦ where the ball went out of play;
◦ the middle of the map after scoring.

• If no player on the opposing team becomes eligible for the turnover within a set time, a scrum is started.
• Alternately, a penalty face off can be held.

Penalty Face Off
• This face off occurs at a face off owned by the team being penalized, which is typically at a position disadvantageous to that team. Otherwise it works like a regular face off.

• The first kill during a scrum results in the ball being dropped at the kill location.
• If during a scrum, a player balks by commiting suicide or is killed other than by weapon fire (e.g. falls in lava), a turnover to the opposing team results.
• If after a set time no players respawn on one team, a face off will be held instead.

Out of Play
• If the ball does not move within a set time, it is considered out of play, and a scrum is started. ◦ This prevents a ball from becomes stuck on an inaccessible part of the map.

• The ball is put out of play by falling out of the game world, or being placed into an area that kills or causes player damage, such as lava. The ball will be returned to play by: ◦ A turnover to the opposing team if the ball was possessed before going out of play.
◦ A scrum if no team was in possession of the ball before it went out of play.

• A quarterback who commits suicide or is killed other than by weapon fire, fumbles the ball out of play. The ball is returned to play by: ◦ A turnover to the opposing team.

• The last team to carry the ball, or move the ball with a player's body or a projectile from a weapon, possesses the ball.
• The ball glows with the color of the team in possession, or a neutral hue if no team is in possession.
• The neutral hue is selected by the map maker for high contrast with the predominating map textures. Yellow and purple are common.

• The ball can be moved by striking it with weapon fire. ◦ Different weapons have different effects on the ball.

• If carrying is enabled, the quarterback can throw the ball by discharging the primary fire of his hammer. The ball automatically translocates from over the quarterback's head to in front of the hammer. ◦ The hammer charge determines the force with which the ball is thrown. A charge meter appears around the crosshair when the hammer is charging.

• If carrying is disabled, the ball can be moved by striking it with the player's body. ◦ The ball is propelled in the striker's view direction with a velocity slightly higher than the striker's, allowing for ball control.
◦ If the striker's velocity is zero, the ball will be stopped.

• A player with a hammer may catch the ball by touching the ball in the air or on the ground. The player carrying the ball is called the quarterback.
• The map maker may disable this feature of the hammer, in which case the ball can only be moved, not carried.
• The ball carrier ceases to carry the ball when: ◦ The player uses the primary fire on the hammer propelling the ball in the direction in which the hammer is pointed, or the player translocates, leaving the ball behind. ◾ Note that the player's team still is in possession of the ball.

◦ The quarterback is killed. ◾ When that death is not due to the action of another player, a turnover to the opposing team results.
◾ When that death is due to the action of another player, the ball is fumbled at the kill location. This is referred to as a quarterback sack.

◦ The quarterback leaves the game, which results in a face off.

I hope this helps :D


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