UT99 stuff by Barbie

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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

I guess 24H time limit is out
Other note around:
There is a secret with some "great" healing spot and an... awesome RocketLauncher. One confusion: where the heck is ammo for this weapon, for sure you cannot kill next creatures with default 6 rockets. Logic from this maps's setup overrides all my brain cells and even if I'm using my ass for thinking I still cannot find the right deal. Everything is a regen bullshit ? Nah, baby, SuperSwim (oops SuperFly - deliberated forgetting name) it will be some RocketPack types around just for fun, else RocketLauncher is useless...
So injection will contain

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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Bump here. Reason - strange strange strange
Because of some "interesting" stuff happening at collisions I wen ahead to check details of these well aligned brushes. It was amazing to find some known-to-me tricks to fool BSP by rotating a brush and causing building to have some deviations with better results.
However this map seems to have a lot of brushes having rotations as 327680 and some values like these, not only growing bytes but still doing the same effects as a 0 to 16384/32768 with no errors. Right now I'm thinking if people with mental problems would not be better to consult a doctor rather than touching Editor. Yeah, rotating sometimes is helpful, I used this method for preventing map borks but these values and what Movers here were having are out of my logic. I'll try to figure how goes a normal build, but I'm not rushing here, my counters clearly doesn't break nothing if all setup is normal, really were not needed a lot of NOT FIXED version of this rammed map.
Maybe I'll try to fix it properly or not, it's not a rush, really doesn't worth spending more than 10 minutes/session in this Level...
I'm thinking to setup a macro operating changes in t3d file using text editing...
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Some news:
  • MH-HouseOfPsychos+SBMod (Version 3: 03 Nov 2017)
  • MH-HaveFunBuddy2+SBFix (Version 1: 01 Dec 2017)
  • MH-IsvDeck1(SB) (Version 1: 01 Dec 2017)
  • MH-Monster_Tunnel+SBFix (Version 2: 05 Dec 2017)
  • MH-GiranTown+SBFix (Version 1: 09 Jan 2018)
Download at usual place.

Waiting for new shit storm. :tongue:
Last edited by Barbie on Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Red_Fist »

Have not tried it yet
Glad you fixed those things.

Also got your Invulnerability, LONG past due for DM, I miss it really bad from the Quake1 days, bout time !!! :thuup: :thuup:


Two brushes just needed to poke out of the wall.

You really should have not messed with the brushes or making them semisolid. This map had some weird BSP error to begin with. But now one spot is the steps to the flak cannon, has collision. Need to change that back to solid and send, to last.

Those semis are bad news and I placed the semisolids to the exact spots and the solids ,with purpose, for this map.

But there is a worse problem, when a lot of pawns get dropped by the deco, OR it might be the bigger Pupae. not sure what is doing it. But it will slow down to the point of a frozen screen , like it's running but so slow the screen just stays after you can feel it move slower and slower, in-game, the then I have to use windows to get out.

I ran it through the editor, used 16 bots on slomo 8 , is how always tested it .
It just gets mega lag.

Seems like it happened in the second room, to the right, shoot those in the corner, and some other ones.

Also it seems in the log that more things are falling out of world, I see some creature chunks, , dunno but seems like it was more-so than first map.
Try my settings , see if it acts up. cuz something is freaking out.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Red_Fist wrote:You really should have not messed with the brushes or making them semisolid.
Sorry, my thought was the more semi-solid, the better. We played that map a few times on my server and I did not notice any brush error.
Red_Fist wrote:one spot is the steps to the flak cannon, has collision
Ups, yes. I moved the stairway 1 UU away from the building and the obstacle has gone. Did you notice some more brush errors?
Red_Fist wrote:when a lot of pawns get dropped by the deco [...] it will slow down to the point of a frozen screen
I guess it is because some pawns have range attack with projectiles now (Minion, dragonfly, hornet, manta111x). If you release a lot of the pawns the projectiles will slow down the frame rate. While playing the map online, I did not notice any slowdowns.
Red_Fist wrote:Also it seems in the log that more things are falling out of world
Hmm, the location of decoration was not modified. From my experience while shooting a movable decoration it may move and fall out of the world then sometimes. The drop spawns in the void and therefore also falls out of the world. Finally the carcass of the poor pawn spawns in the void:
log file wrote:WoodBoxDrop260 fell out of the world!
WoodBoxDrop1 MH-GiranTown+SBFix1.WoodBoxDrop260 moved without proper hashing
N_mech MH-GiranTown+SBFix1.N_mech69 moved without proper hashing
N_mech69 fell out of the world!
BruteCarcass MH-GiranTown+SBFix1.BruteCarcass138 moved without proper hashing
BruteCarcass MH-GiranTown+SBFix1.BruteCarcass138 moved without proper hashing
BruteCarcass MH-GiranTown+SBFix1.BruteCarcass138 moved without proper hashing
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Red_Fist »

Did you try it with 16 bots slomo 8 ? all bots set to freelance. Hope it's not my system, but it is unplayable.
I edited the brushes back, then ordered things as I went.
They make it to the 5th room, about that time or in that field, but is about the time it happens. I went there godmode, and it did seem to be some minions,

Another spot is in the second room, squish your back on the house on the outside of the door frame, facing away from house, your left side of door. You will get bsp problem.
But it's not just one spot or another, it's the map as a whole, those semisolds transcend across the map, but this map was put together in a weird sloppy way. No semisolid should touch a subtract, these brushes were just slammed in. But if you neatly make a map where every junction is clean, then you could use those much better.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

New stuff has arrived:
  • MH-LostSouls+SBFix (Version 1: 22 Feb 2018)
  • MH-Swarm+SBMod (Version 1: 12 Apr 2018)
  • MH-MonsterBurger+SBFix (Version 1: 29 Apr 2018)
  • MH-UM-Shhsting+SBFix (Version 1: 30 Apr 2018)
  • MH-Shrak3+SBMod (Version 1: 21 Jul 2018)
  • MH-IceSkaarjPrologue+SBFix (Version 1: 21 Jul 2018)
  • MH-GoldenGirl-OfflineAges+SBFix (Version 1: 21 Jul 2018)
Download at usual place.
Last edited by Barbie on Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by rjmno1 »

Barbie stuff looks good and alot of it.
Keep up the good works. :gj:
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https://sites.google.com/view/unrealtou ... oject/home mine home ut99 website.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

For those who use the Mutator that fixes teleporters with travelling URL and spawn a MonsterEnd there: the bEnabled setting of the teleporter was not copied to the bInitiallyActive setting of the MonsterEnd. This is done in version 2. (I run into this with the map TheLastFortressFinal.)

->Download SBFixTeleportersURL.
Last edited by Barbie on Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Did anyone stole this file ? Please put it back...
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:URL [...] not found
Ups, the index file pointed to the older version 1 instead of 2 - I have corrected that.
Sorry for this, but all web pages there are manually written; I wasn't in the mood to code a content management system for that until now... :pfff:
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Red_Fist »

I am anxious to try the thing factory thing. Wish we had that 15 years ago too. :thuup:
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Red_Fist wrote:I am anxious to try the thing factory thing.
The first versions didn't keep track of the overall amount of fabricated Pawns, so monster count was rising instead of going down. :satan:
But now I use it in several maps, for example the Queen's scream or Titan's stomp creates some pupaes, entering a water zone some fishes, opening a door some spiders and so on.
Notabene: I noticed that some players like it to play with that: open a door, kill some spiders, open a door, kill some spiders, open a door, ... :loool:
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by dot »

Barbie wrote:Notabene: I noticed that some players like it to play with that: open a door, kill some spiders, open a door, kill some spiders, open a door, ... :loool:
What a stupid people!
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

dot wrote:What a stupid people!
That is the small quantity...
I was looking over maps for patch purposes. I could figure around Barbie's repositories that remade ScrewedUpMonstersV3 which has origins in V2.
I think I will quit thinking to patch that piece of trash. Title is probably wrong, it's not only about monsters. I could see absolutely each subtracted cube from halls having a solid in the same spot. Map is done Add-Subtract - Add-Subtract - all cubes and areas have duplicate brushes, to not mention textures bleeding eyes being an utter stupid choice. Definitely doesn't worth patching that much before removing around 80+ brushes and map do looks like it's not even touched - no BSP bugs, no zone leaks, the question is: Why the hell was needed that mess with useless "adds" ? Tunnel with AmmoCount textures and some UTMenu if I well recall ? Give me a break, I deleted all useless lights remaining only 4 lights, final map is smaller with more than 600 KB and has the same play volume like it's only re-textured.

About Bot things: I've done map with no single combo LE-LC-LE as long as first test operated with my manual run-time pathing tool was able to head Bots all the time for supporting me. I was hunting and dumping one by one active nodes until map was ready. That tool is doing only raw connections and map is too simple for making a mess with combos where bot might want to go back for items trying without success reach to a previous upper spot. I did only logic "connections" and I got full Bot coverage.

Perhaps it's time for another rework of this ScrewedUpMap not only ScrewedUpMonsters.