oGame ol' school players

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oGame ol' school players

Post by RetroEpoch »

Is there anyone here who played ogame anytime? :)
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Re: oGame ol' school players

Post by Feralidragon »

Yes, I played it for a couple of months about 15 years ago.

I was only doing mining, recycling and times to times I would attack inactive planets only, and got to the point where I could already build destroyers and have a decent defense with plasma cannons and whatnot.
Then one day I was attacked by someone who simply had a lot more stuff than me, so he pretty much destroyed almost every ship and almost every defense I had (I think I only had 2 plasma cannons left), and then quickly proceeded to recycle all the space debris resulted from the battle before there was a chance of a moon being created from it.

So then I just quit.
I wasn't mad, just a bit sad, considering the obscene amount of time I would need to rebuild everything, and the fact that every battle is just a numbers game with absolutely no strategy to be set, and you can guarantee a win by just having more stuff than the other guy, and by then you could also get more stuff by paying for boosts (pay2win), so I completely lost interest, and never played it since.

Although apparently I have heard from friends (whom still play) that the game is still alive.
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Re: oGame ol' school players

Post by RetroEpoch »

Yeah, I feel your frustration with the game, I felt that when I played.

I opened mine at my server and thought maybe people want to join and play with some friends. It's a x4/x5 universe, so things are faster than the original :)
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