
Discussions about GameTypes
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Post by PrinceOfFunky »

A few weeks ago I started a Battle Royale gametype.
Name: UTRoyale
Version: 1r2
Author: Francesco Biscazzo
Date: 2019
Description: UTRoyale is a last man standing gametype where players have only 1 life. A zone is spawned and shrinks through the match, every player outside of it will get hit.

- Notes for players;
- Instructions for mappers;
- Configurable settings (Game ini);
- Configurable settings (User ini);
- Debug features;
- Information for developers;
- Changelogs;

Notes for players:
- Console commands:
-- cmd - Displays all the available commands;
-- stopmusic - Stops the music which is currently being played;
-- radarlegend - Shows the legend for the icons displayed on the radar;
-- radarpos <position> - Moves the radar to the specified position that can be a mix between a pair of words from this list 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'middle' or just 'center';
-- resetradarsize - Resets the size of the radar;
-- radarsizedec [amount] - Decreases the radar size by the specified amount;
-- radarsizeinc [amount] - Increases the radar size by the specified amount;
-- togglePath - Toggles the visibility of the arrow that indicates the zone's center;
- Debug console commands:
-- [mutate] debugTeleport [<x> <y> <z>] - Teleports the player to a location, based on the radar and the mouse cursor coordinates unless 'mutate' is used;
-- [mutate] debugBlip [<lifespan> <type> <subtype> <x> <y> <z>] - Spawns a blip on a location, based on the radar and the mouse cursor coordinates unless 'mutate' is used;
-- debugToggleWallhack - Toggles wallhack;
-- mutate debugkilled - Simulate the killing of the viewing actor by a random bot;
- Input commands:
-- Jump - If you've been killed and you're currently viewing your killer in a killcam, takes a screenshot. NOTE: Screenshots are saved with the "sshot" command;

Instructions for mappers:
- The zone location relies on the playerstarts, so you should not add a playerstart to an unreachable location.
NOTE: When the zone starts shrinking every actor with "UTR_ZONE_SHRINKING_START" as tag will be triggered. Same happens when the zone stops shrinking with "UTR_ZONE_SHRINKING_STOP".
NOTE: When an actor stays right out of the zone and close to it and its tag is "UTR_OUT_OF_ZONE" it will be triggered. NOTE: A moving actor may move too fast and skip the trigger zone or may move inside the trigger zone multiple times;

Configurable settings (Game ini):
- [<UTRoyale_package>.UTRoyale]
-- config (subclasses will have their own value):
--- bDebug: If true the debug features will be enabled (see "Debug features");
--- bBotWeaponFix: Bots throws errors when having no weapon in the inventory, if bBotWeaponFix is set to True bots will be equipped with an inventory item;
--- bNoBots: If True bots won't be able to join the match;
--- bStartAlone: If True the match can be started even when only one player is on. (Used just because MinPlayers is globalconfig instead of config);
--- bStealth: If True, players will have their AmbientGlow set to 0;
--- bUseCentroid: If True the zone's center will be at the centroid between all the PlayerStart locations;
--- bUsePSNearCentroid: If True and if bUseCentroid is True then the zone's center will be at the PlayerStart which is the nearest to the centroid;
--- bUseRandomPS: If True the zone's center will be at a random picked PlayerStart;
--- zoneCountDown: Max countdown time in seconds before the zone spawns;
--- bUseMostBottomPSLevel: If True the zone's center will be at the most bottom level a PlayerStart have been placed in the map. Can work conjunction with the above zone's center settings;
--- bAdjSpeedByPlayersCount: If true the shrinking speed of the zone may increase by the players count. (e.g. when a player logs out the shrinking speed will increase);
--- speedIncByPlayersCount, speedMulByMapSize, speedIncByMapSizeDivByPlayers;
--- offZoneCheckRate: Interval time that has to pass before TakeDamage() is called on every actor outside of the zone;
--- extraInitialRadiusMulByMapSize: Extra radius to apply to the zone when spawned.
--- minRadius: Minimum radius the zone can shrink to;
--- damageMulByDist: Damage amount every actor outside of the zone gets depending on the distance from the zone's center;
--- bSpawnOutsideZone: If True players will be able to spawn outside of the zone;
--- actualMaxPlayers: Specifies how many players should be able to spawn based on factors like the map size and the amount of PlayerStarts in the map;
--- initialHealth: If not 0, specifies the health players will spawn with;
--- initialArmor: Specifies the armor charge players will spawn with;
--- bDrawItemsOnRadar: If True, inventory items will be visible on the radar;
--- bDrawSoundsOnRadar: If True, noises will be represented on the radar. NOTE: It won't work if bNoMonsters is set to True;
--- radarStepHearingDistMulByMapSize: Distance from the player a footstep sound needs to be represented on the radar;
--- radarOtherHearingDistMulByMapSize: Distance from the player a misc sound needs to be represented on the radar;
--- radarStepLoudnessAddTo: Loudness adjustment amount for footstep sounds on the radar;
--- radarOtherLoudnessAddTo: Loudness adjustment amount for misc sounds on the radar;
--- radarSightDistMulByMapSize: Maximum distance from the player in which an inventory item can be revealed on the radar;
--- radarMulBySightDistZ: Maximum distance on the Z axis from the player in which an inventory item can be revealed on the radar;
--- radarMinDistToShowZLevel: Maximum distance on the Z axis from the player in which an inventory item can be displayed on the radar as a up/down blip;
--- nearOutOfRadarMaxDist: Maximum distance between the zone center and the player before this last's opacity is 0;
--- deathBlipTime: Time in seconds a death representation on the radar can be visible;
--- bEnableKillCam: If True, killcam is enabled. NOTE: This is a beta feature and may have bugs;
--- killCamResolution: FPS of the killcam dolly zoom. NOTE: It is inversely proportional to the killcam's zoom fps;
--- killCamSpeed: Speed of the killcam dolly zoom;

Configurable settings (User ini):
- [<UTRoyale_package>.UTRHUD]
-- globalconfig (subclasses will share the same value):
--- bHideRadar: If True the radar is hidden, visible otherwise;
--- bRadarTop: If True the radar will be positioned at the top of the screen. If bRadarBottom is also True the radar will be positioned at the vertical middle of the screen;
--- bRadarBottom: If True the radar will be positioned at the bottom of the screen. If bRadarTop is also True the radar will be positioned at the vertical middle of the screen;
--- bRadarLeft: If True the radar will be positioned at the left of the screen. If bRadarRight is also True the radar will be positioned at the horizontal middle of the screen;
--- bRadarRight: If True the radar will be positioned at the right of the screen. If bRadarLeft is also True the radar will be positioned at the horizontal middle of the screen;
--- radarMarginMulByScreenX: Horizontal margin of the radar from the screen;
--- radarMarginMulByScreenY: Vertical margin of the radar from the screen;
--- radarSize: Size of the radar;
--- blipSize: Desired radar's blips size;

Debug features:
- Debug commands (See "Notes for players">"Debug console commands")

Information for developers:
- UTRoyale provides a base mutator class called UTRBaseMutator with these callbacks:
-- settingZoneLocation: Called when the location of the zone is being set;
-- settingInitialZoneRadius: Called when the initial radius of the zone is being set;
-- settingInitialShrinkingSpeed: Called when the initial speed of the zone is being set;
-- zoneSpawned: Called when the zone is spawned;
-- zoneShrinkingStarted: Called when the zone starts shrinking;
-- zoneShrinkingStopped: Called when the zone stops shrinking;
-- actorOutOfZone: Called for any actor that stays right out of the zone and close to it. NOTE: A moving actor may move too fast and skip the trigger zone or may move inside the trigger zone multiple times;
-- takeDamageOutOfZone: Called everytime an actor takes damage cause of being out of the zone;
-- manageNoise: Called when before a sound gets represented on the radar;
Classes descriptions:
- UTRArrow: Arrow used to indicate locations. E.g. The center of the zone;
- UTRBaseMutator: Base mutator of all the UTRoyale mutators (for its callbacks see "UTRBaseMutator callbacks");
- UTRBlip: Actor that can be shown as a blip on the radar and will be interpreted basing on its type and subtype;
- UTRDummyActor: Sometimes you just need an empty actor, this is for those cases;
- UTRHUD: Displays a radar and other features to improve UTRoyale gameplay;
- UTRInterpolationTimer: Interpolates its owner to the target location;
- UTRKillCamManager: Manages the interpolation an dolly zoom for the killcam;
- UTRKillCamTimer: Lets the owner view an interpolator until it reaches a killer and then lets the owner view the killer directly;
- UTRMutator: Shows a blip of type 'DEATH' on the radar when players die, also destroys the sound managers of the bots who died as they won't respawn anymore;
- UTRoyale: A last man standing gametype where players have only 1 life. A zone is spawned and shrinks through the match, every player outside of it will get hit;
- UTReplicationInfo: Manages UTRoyale's variables that need to be replicated;
- UTRSoundManager: Represents sounds as blips in the radar;
- UTRZone: A cool Icosphere;
- UTRTimerInfo: Basically a timer that stops after the specified maxIter(ation)s, unless they are set to 0 then it will loop forever until stopTimer() will be called;
- UTRUtils: Generally static functions;

- Changed the default value of killCamResolution;
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Last edited by PrinceOfFunky on Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by ShaiHulud »

That sounds really cool, I'll definitely give this a look, thank you.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by EvilGrins »

This looks like what JackGriffin was doing before he left · viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13068
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

EvilGrins wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:42 am This looks like what JackGriffin was doing before he left · viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13068
I think I played it once when it was on the tribute server, the concept is the same since it's still Battle Royale.


* Updated to v1r2 *
- Changed the default value for killCamResolution; (Basically killCamResolution's default value was set to 4, I forgot to add the zeroes before (0.004).
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by papercoffee »

You know the rules.
No double posts with in a 24 hours time limit.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

papercoffee wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 5:50 am You know the rules.
No double posts with in a 24 hours time limit.
I always thought updates could bypass this rule cause if we posted the update by editing the last post nobody would've known of it.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by papercoffee »

Only tutorial threads have an exception.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

I didn't know it, shouldn't a rule be added for the mods updates? Or maybe it would be flooding if someone makes several updates in a single day.

p.s. Updated to 1r3.
- Fixed the dolly zoom;
- Fixed the wallhack;

EDIT: Updated to 1r4.
- Removed a log;
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I'd probably recommend doing larger but rarer updates rather than do tiny fixes and release multiple times a day.

Good job on the mod btw, really good fun during the friday frag night event ;)
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

UnrealGGecko wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:41 am I'd probably recommend doing larger but rarer updates rather than do tiny fixes and release multiple times a day.

Good job on the mod btw, really good fun during the friday frag night event ;)
Yeah I know, I wish there was an automatic updater to update mods without the need to download it manually everytime.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by [rev]rato.skt »

Nice mod :D i go test
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by a9902957@nepwk.com »

I like this second implementation of Battle Royale.
I would love to have this FerBotz compatible as well and once I figure out how to fully control those to stay in the zone and go about things somewhat more smartly for the gametype's rules
(currently tinkering with them with JackGriffin's version of this gametype as you have likely noticed) it should not be too hard to adapt the support file for this.
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by a9902957@nepwk.com »

Yay, PrinceOfFunky appears to still be around.
I now took to attempting to improve the bots further with UTRoyale and already achieved some decently working
version (albeit with some lazy magic numbers and room for improvements and later possible over-engineering still).
I guess because the source was included that it is okay to tinker with it. Also, sharing it?
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by papercoffee »

If the source is included then it's usually meant to be altered and tinkered with.
But don't forget to give it a proper version number. ;)

Btw. Necro-bump :evil: ............. Image
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by a9902957@nepwk.com »

Heh, yes and a part in the readme for developers. So, I figured I'd come and post the tampered with version's .u file here.
But as said has room for improvements.
There's an especially annoying bug with them sticking to empty weapons. Even when replacing the impact hammer with the chainsaw via that mutator which makes everyone keep a melee weapon to start with ...
With SmartStockBots they can get you running a bit for sure, though.
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