What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Myth »

These would be nice timesavers:

- when duplicating linked actors through ID tags, generate new unique tags, think about them lift exits, transloc dests, events, ect, right now you have to manually patch each after a duplicate
- when duplicating actors, they should not be deleted if the new position intersects with geometry, this is confusing, I'm duplicating the geometry brushes as well
- search/select actors by using filters: I want to select all lights that have Hue 0 so that I can change the hue.
- Oh and it would be nice to be able to keep clipping lines and selecting them to reuse instead of being required to remake them, would be something like rules in Photoshop to which you can align your stuff to, well this issue can be extended to CAD like tools, it would speed up my workflow.
- This is a big one, well, map mirroring feature would be nice to have, useful for CTF, I'd implement it as group, mirror/rotate this group, patches team number for actors, does a few texture replacements.

There are some annoying small bugs as well, though I don't have clear steps to reproduce, they might have other sidefects:
- Sometimes selected actors jump on the XY axis,
- Sometimes the brushes gets magically misaligned causing a slight 0.01 barely deviation offset for the current brush, this results in a cascading effect of subtle misalignments.

BTW do we have sources or something? Or is someone actively working on the editor?
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by sektor2111 »

I don't know who is doing and what is doing at the machine-code or C ++ level for the Editor, but what I can say is that at the UScript level we have toys that help us, these are simple things that no one has bothered to write until now. Don't ask me why, they may like the misery on the maps and then we won't ruin their party.
For example, HERE is an update for December 2019 of the MapGarbage builder with two new features.
Feature no 1 - turning bStatic set decorations with an initial destruction purpose spamming fragments into static BlockAll types in a few seconds which are no longer producing fragments and keep initial look and map idea. These decorations will reject destruction because are set bStatic and they keep creating fragments when are damaged. They have to be bStatic = True and selected - setting up variable bStaticDecos = True, press build button - here it is a BlockAll placed at fixed coordinates in 3D space.
Feature no. 2 - probably a bit of my insanity - figuring if navigation specifications known as ReachSpecs number is getting over that maximum 3000, a constant value coded in engine - I don't know if processing routes in run-time stops here but that one looks as a constant similar to Max_Points or how it's called. We do have a simple counter which I tested last time and I like it.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by sektor2111 »

And because I wanted more features added in Editor I've added/changed a few things to MapGarbage.
- Kicker can be set with a JumpSound without wasting time if in map are 20 kickers. Context menu on kicker SelectAll - hit builder put bDoKickSound on True and BUILD button will deliver all setup. I could see some older maps where mapper had no clue to set these things. Amazingly you don't even need a trigger for SpecialEvent used...;
- Disconnecting paths from teleporters which are One-Way and must go only to destination, pawn is kidnapped while is trying to reach to goal thorough these but not in teleporting purpose - sometimes this is needed. This is addressing those understanding what's going on;
- A more or less useless feature - removing default tags which Editor is doing for actors, usually these do not have a TAG - this will discard a few kb from map;
- developer help - logging char codes for being used in logs with function CHR(x) where x is the number for desired character;
- decorations won't need to be bStatic - just selected - for being turned into BlockAll without attempting to run Null animations like those decorations never intended to be screwed;
- changing a bit strategy for removal of duplicates - it might work in the same session for a repeated clean-up. More than 2 copies of a duplicated actor must be cleaned multiple times - both solutions described in document should work, except when map is full crap. Map CTF-Morbias][ which initially had duplicates could be cleaned by pressing button three times until log was showing a "GoodState" tag;
- wrapped pathing functions for being in top of builder window for a quicker access.
HERE is the package.
Note: Perhaps by working here I could figure a way to lock a map against editing from any kind - I think it's about a bug from Editor which I won't talk about because I like to use bugs in my favor, so I don't need any fix here in any UT update, but other required fixes and editing features.
To be honest if a map is bad and locked, we can say bye to any fix but those good maps bugs-free might be excepted from being ruined for brain-farts. Experts probably can figure how to recover such a map but plain users won't do that much.

I'll take a small break before thinking what else I might need to add inside the Lord of Trash... perhaps I have to waste a bit of time in Editor again...
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by EvilGrins »

Foot massager.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Red_Fist »

Mess "N" ger.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by sektor2111 »

Oh, yeah, a messenger in Editor for team-working (even if I did not see this yet at a serious level...)
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by EvilGrins »

A little redeemer screensaver mode that nukes icons on my desktop.

For when I fall asleep while working on something, the "Multi-Kill" sounds should wake me up.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Isn't the UnrealEd that comes with Unreal Tournament already called UnrealEd 2? It's the C++ rewrite of the original UnrealEd, which was in – despair! – Visual Basic.

I'd call this one UnrealEd 2.2 (UEd2.1 is the OldUnreal project for their 227i inbred nonsense), or probably UnrealEd 2+ or something like that.

Also, I suggest just plain writing a whole new editor. Epic did the nae nae with their janky C++ and Sweeney is still so embarassed with the results that he doesn't want to open source it to this day. Not very Slim Jim of you Tim.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Chamberly »

There is Unreal Ed 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2... and maybe 2.3...
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Chamberly »

Anyone remember if you use Replace Textures browser and closed it, you have to restart unrealed to use it again?
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by sektor2111 »

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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by TexasGtar »

Not sure if it has been mentioned before but I think it would be nice to be able to change color spectrum on any texture. A way to make the same ole stock textures have a new look or to match a color scheme you may have going in a section of the map. If you could manipulate color, contrast, and brightness of any texture that would be cool. I always had the worst time trying to pick a texture that looked right. Maybe if I could have changed colors of a texture on the fly it might have been an asset to me. Of course , AFTER YOU MAKE A NEW LOOK TEXTURE A WAY TO SAVE TO MYLEVEL or whatever to finish the deal. sorry about the caps lock.

ps. and I second the foot massager. A feature that would save your map right before it crashes would be nice.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Chamberly »

Dat 1 scale down difference.
Dat 1 scale down difference.
TFW You click on Scale Down on the 2D Shape Editor 1 time and it gives you this big difference.

Now that gives me an idea that the scale down/up option should have a UU scaler size on the right of it asking to scale down via 16 UU or 2 UU... So the difference won't be that big.
Something like this..
Would be nice...
Would be nice...
Also the 2D Shape Editor should keep the brush change made there if we re-open the window imo as for some of us that keeps accidentally closing that window. There is a reason why we have File > New there.

Edit: Duh. There is the brush's property that you can edit the brush scale there. I'll use that instead. :loool:
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by Red_Fist »

What the 2d editor needs is a display of number the size of the brush, say 196 but have to use zoom and one or two UU grid to make it 194 trying to look at that grid.

Because with an existing door or spot I have to constantly make a new builder brush to get the size of the opening, on certain maps or areas.
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Re: What feature do we want to see in UnrealED2?

Post by sektor2111 »

I managed to reconstruct NavigationPointList excepting and deleting invalid InventorySpot actors for items placed in void - no one has access at these anyway and they should not have this useless charge. I'm having reasons to not link all items into network.
Self opinion -> Trash Bytes:
- OldLocation - Stored in Actors
- visitedWeight - restored to zero has no impact - allow run-time engine to do something here if it has to;
- nextOrdered - I don't see where is the problem at removing this;
- previousPath - I could see Bots looping if two of these have similar values - unseen by plain Editor - no critical damage is taken at removing these;
- prevOrdered - my logic it's like in similar cases as before - what if map has only a PlayerStart ? Definitely the most of these are EMPTY and nothing explodes in Engine;
- VisNoReachPaths[0 to 15] - USELESS - unless we want to remap these in run-time as aerial paths... if you have required natives, there can be another solution more or less comfortable.
PrunedPaths[0 to 15] I think means just more data stored - a smarter Pawn should prune paths as it wants depending on Run-Time Conditions not Editor Conditions.
We can take in account Tag placed by Editor. I'm not sure how much it's used.
All these being removed makes map smaller - lol - 300k contest could have maps a bit more complex at that file-size... to not forget 512k.

I think Garbage Lord will have a feature for mapping teleporters properly - adding velocity or adding a kicker for Bot mooing in teleporter.

Edit: Me showing you something, some of you are having a clue what I said before about useless data - It's called "UnRoute.cpp"

Code: Select all

							int numList = 0; //TEMP FIXME
							while ( nextnode->nextOrdered && (nextnode->nextOrdered->visitedWeight < startnode->visitedWeight) )
								if ( numList > 500 )
									debugf( TEXT("Breadth path list overflow from %s"), start->GetName() );
									return 0;
								nextnode = nextnode->nextOrdered;
Have you seen that Brad Pit ? Oops, I mean "Breadth path list overflow from..." in some games ? I could see that when paths are toggled ON and OFF.
They said "//Temp FixMe".
Okay sweeties, I'll use hard way, visitedWeight = 0 and nextOrdered = NONE. Spam Message has flew away, "while" code cycle it's no longer executed with more CPU cycles but maybe processing it's moving elsewhere - game works no doubts, it's tested.
Then sektor2111 says: Remove GARBAGE (- not purge garbage).
I think I can write a mutator for solving this coding junk.
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