Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

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Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by dot »

Measured by mutator: viewtopic.php?t=13019

Measured on Titan and Brute.
as text:

Code: Select all

		UT				Unreal		
		normal	alt	head/combo		normal	alt	head/combo
1	chainsaw	108-114	99-132		disp lvl1 blue	66	33-50	
	hammer	36-54	30-40		disp lvl2 yellow	96-103	20-40	
					disp lvl3 green	120-132	24-48	
					disp lvl4 orange	98-114	26-53	
					disp lvl5 red	134-156	30-60	
2	enforcer	65-70	90-95		automag	65-85	85-100	
	double	135-140	185-190		double	85-140	120-200	
3	bio	225-235	132-154		stinger	113-117	84-105	
					quadshot	55-67	33-50	
4	shock	72-84	150-170	135-160	shock	72-83	160-182	210-230
5	pulse	180	115		eightball	70-88	84	
	healgun	312						
6	ripper	126-135	71-81	439-471	flak	153-192	249	
					xidiacarrifle	180-190	114-152	370-380
7	minigun	135	255		razorjack	99-108	99-108	345-376
8	flak	268	225-270		bio	215-225		
9	rl	134	120		sniper	120-134		270-300
0	sniper	107-120		240-270	minigun	110	225	
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Last edited by dot on Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by OjitroC »

Interesting results - shows the value of UT's pulse rifle for example. One curious result though is the damage range for the Unreal Disperion Pistol's 'orange' projectile - this is odd as the damage of that projectile is 55 as opposed for the level 3 green projectile which deals 40 damage - however the orange projectile's damage range is lower than that of the green projectile.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by dot »

Nothing odd: damage bigger but speed slower. So DPS is lower.

Also I need mention: I reduce special ability for Brute and Titan resist explosives to zero. So it is pure damage. By default both have 0.3 protection for explosives and Titan invulnerable for alt fire of both shock rifles.

Also about pulse: alternate fire can give more if you change distance. It is hack, described here: https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Pulse_Gun
The "Saw" Effect

The beam is divided into 10 segments of 81uu length. Each of them does a fixed damage of 10 health on first contact with the player. So if you move towards an opponent and back away from him you are doing a bit more damage than usually. (imagine you got a saw in your hands, which you have to move forward and back all the time)

Note that the segments 'forget' their last target as soon as you switch to another segment, so the 10 damage on 1st contact always refreshes. That`s why the best method is to switch fast between 2 segments, but you'd have to know the exact segment borders which are difficult to see. But theoretically you could do an insane amount of damage with this method.
In table value for statically burn from one distance without any hack.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by OjitroC »

dot wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:34 pm Nothing odd: damage bigger but speed slower. So DPS is lower.
I see - that's in the code is it, as the default speed is the same?
dot wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:34 pm Also I need mention: I reduce special ability for Brute and Titan resist explosives to zero. So it is pure damage. By default both have 0.3 protection for explosives
I've often wondered if that reduced damage actually works as the damage type which is reduced is 'exploded' and the damagetype of UT rockets, for example, is 'rocketdeath' - so is that in the code of a projectile or a weapon? Which projectiles or weapons actually have an exploded damagetype?
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by dot »

I did not look at the code. Purely visual, in rhythm, it shoots much less often.

It definitely works. I do not know what belongs to the 'exploded' type of damage, but shooting from the Dispersion Pistol gives less damage if there is resist to the 'exploded' by default.

I do not know how Weapons works inside but I notice some cases with different numbers, depends on level:

Code: Select all

function PlayFiring()
	Owner.PlaySound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None, 1.8*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening,,,1.2);
	if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None )
		PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert);	
	if (PowerLevel==0) 
	else if (PowerLevel==1) 
	else if (PowerLevel==2) 
		PlayAnim('Shoot3',0.2, 0.2);
	else if (PowerLevel==3) 
	else if (PowerLevel==4) 
Each animation have 3 frame:

Code: Select all

PowerLevel 3 is slower PowerLevel 2 in two times. Obviously damage increased not in 2 times.
According to: https://www.unrealsp.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2778
40 -> 55. So it make weapon deal less DPS.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by OjitroC »

That's very interesting and informative :tu:
dot wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:40 pm I do not know what belongs to the 'exploded' type of damage, but shooting from the Dispersion Pistol gives less damage if there is resist to the 'exploded' by default.
It looks to me if the 'exploded' damagetype is in the code for the DP projectiles rather than in the default properties.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by dot »

  1. FlakShell - flak alt fire
  2. CannonBolt extends KraalBolt;
  3. WarlordRocket
  4. PeaceRocket - Redeemer rocket (?)
  5. BruteProjectile
  6. DispersionAmmo - primary and alt fire
  7. rocket - for EightBall (maybe not only)
  8. Plasma
  9. Grenade - for EightBall (maybe not only)
  10. Flare
  11. VRocketPack expands RocketPack; for volatile mutator
  12. if Decoration landed on ground after fall
  13. some code in Trigger for Decoration extends Actor
strictly speaking any damage which ended with Default.ExplodeMessage sended with 'exploded' label.

You can search word 'exploded' (with single quotes and case-sensitive) in your UT System directory.
After that view found .u files as text and search 'exploded' over it for find usage in unreal script.
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Re: Damage per second for UT99 and Unreal weapons

Post by noccer »

What about pulse gun. It´s alternate fire seems to be "variable" caused by server´s tick rate.

However, thanks for that information <3

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