UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

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UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Feralidragon »

Been a while since I posted anything here...
One the greatest things about UT v469 is that it solves many performance issues and crashes that would usually happen, especially with mods and maps that pushed the engine to its limit.

Ever since I released NW3, one of my biggest obstacles to do a higher quality release for stronger machines, with more intense effects, has always been the bugs and other issues with the engine itself, namely all sorts render crashes.
Now that UT v469 pretty much solves most or all of them (didn't manage to get a crash since), I tested NW3 at max settings and this is the result:

This is how this nuke is really meant to look like, but performance and crashes prevented me from even suggesting players to upping the settings to the max.
Well, not anymore.

So for those with access to UT v469, and experimenting with this mod, I suggest you to do so by upping it to the max settings, and to only lower them if you get a frame drop. :)

You can up it to max settings by going to: Mod > Nali Weapons 3 Profile Settings, and change the detail profile to "I Haz NASA PC!" (childish name I know, don't mind it, it's how I released it back then).
Turning this setting all up in 436 will generally result in massive FPS drops and/or crashes, especially in big maps like the one above.

And to be honest, if the UT v469 crew (@anth, @Higor, etc) keep at it in fixing these things, and throwing in some neat features as well, this may as well be all I need to maybe start doing something again on this regard.

That is also to say, if there are any developers out there actively working on something and with access with UT v469, please do so using that version.
If there are any developers and mappers without access, I would also urge you to request access to the new version here: https://www.oldunreal.com/cgi-bin/yabb2 ... 1569587267
and continue your mods and maps using the new version already, for 3 reasons:
  • so you can have the most of what the engine is able to offer at the moment;
  • to test and report any bugs you find so that they are solved as soon as possible;
  • to request any features which you believe would be useful (moderately however, keep in mind there are only a few people who can actually work in the patch at the moment, in their free time).
Those who request access however, please keep in mind that this version is yet not public, so the point would be to develop things with the new one and even releasing them for 436 versions for now (since it's retro-compatible), but not release the version itself to other players.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Shrimp »

Holy shit.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Have to admit that explosion was pretty cool.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by EvilGrins »

That didn't look right. I mean the UP fires a beam, not a projectile... and that looked like a projectile.

Very cool, though. Might've been cooler with dinosaurs on the map getting blown up.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Terraniux »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:01 pm That didn't look right. I mean the UP fires a beam, not a projectile... and that looked like a projectile.

Very cool, though. Might've been cooler with dinosaurs on the map getting blown up.
Your reactions should be registred and made into a webpage.
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Might've been cooler with dinosaurs on the map getting blown up.
hahaha :lol2: :lol2:
oh boy the laugh I have, I have cramps in the stomach for this particular message for the next 2 months hahahaha :loool:

No offense to Ferali, looks great! just I had flipover from the desk from this reaction.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Hook »

I'll have to post that video too.
Very nice! :wink:
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Feralidragon »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:01 pm That didn't look right. I mean the UP fires a beam, not a projectile... and that looked like a projectile.
In NW3 you can trigger the explosion with the UltimaProtos itself or the Nuclear Launcher Level 5.
In this video I used the latter, since I wanted to focus in the explosion and the nuclear missile had the least visual footprint.

However, it's a projectile in both cases:

Maybe you're thinking about NW2 where it did resemble more of a beam, but it was still a projectile there as well.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by EvilGrins »

No doubt this is a quirk which can be addressed in NW4.
Feralidragon wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:59 amMaybe you're thinking about NW2 where it did resemble more of a beam, but it was still a projectile there as well.
The NW2 version really didn't look like a projectile...

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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by TexasGtar »

I think that looks fabulous. Awesome job.
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Re: UltimaProtos Nuclear Explosion in UT v469 (Nali Weapons 3 - Max Settings)

Post by Doctor Manhattan »

Feralidragon wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:58 pm

And to be honest, if the UT v469 crew (@anth, @Higor, etc) keep at it in fixing these things, and throwing in some neat features as well, this may as well be all I need to maybe start doing something again on this regard.

Yes please ! :rock:

Your wonderful NW3 made me return to UT99, licking lips in anticipation and thanks for all your great work.