Please, help: preferred weapon?

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Please, help: preferred weapon?

Post by frk »

I know this question may look stupid, since I played UT for 20 years, but I clearly remember settings about "preferred weapon" (or something like this, I've got the game localized in my language) and "automatic weapon change"...

Well, now I looked everywhere in options but I simply can't find these settings!!! :o

Please, could you tell me if these options exist or if I dreamed about them? :???:

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Please, help: preferred weapon?

Post by OjitroC »

Hi - welcome to the forum.

Not a stupid question at all. I think you're looking for this - when you start the game, in the menu at the top of the screen go to Options ->Weapons. There you will see a list of weapons in descending order of priority - moving weapons higher up the list increases their priority (preference). If you tick the box AutoSwitch Weapons then when you pick up a new weapon this will automatically become the current weapon (the one being used). There is an advanced priority window that allows you to add to the weapons priority list weapons which you have (for which there is an .int file) but which are not already on that list.
Last edited by OjitroC on Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please, help: preferred weapon?

Post by EvilGrins »

It's that part in the middle, says "Favorite Weapon" actually...
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Re: Please, help: preferred weapon?

Post by frk »

Thank you very much to both of you, you're very kind! :tu: