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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Issues with searching for authors like "Hobi-Wan" have been fixed (example), and the mystery of the missing faces has been resolved (example).

Will look into the screenshots stuff next.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by OjitroC »

Shrimp wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:00 pm ... and the mystery of the missing faces has been resolved
As a matter of interest, how did you resolve the missing faces issue?
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:26 pm
Shrimp wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:00 pm ... and the mystery of the missing faces has been resolved
As a matter of interest, how did you resolve the missing faces issue?
They were being picked up as skins, because my logic was looking for skins matching the pattern

Code: Select all

(any number of any characters)(single digit)
, and in many cases the face names end in a number. I've tweaked it to now look much more specifically for

Code: Select all

(4 characters)(single digit)
which seems to be what the game is expecting.

It's been so many years since I made any skins myself I've forgotten the rules on naming and stuff.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Red_Fist »

I wish you could make some actor to shove in a map that would give more versatility in MH, more choices, etc etc.

For instance I have sitting Titans, but in MH they wake up without any event, just seeing the bots wakes them up. I have 10 Titans to do a goal using a counter, can't work.

So I switched to using creature factories, But there is still no way to get my 11th count because all ten happen as soon as they spawned. So I tried each one needs a different tag per factory and 10 counters, but there is still no way to get my 11th count for the goal, even if the count turns on a trigger to then pulse for next goal, it still needs one unrelated event after the 10th death.

So now I am trying a propertyflipper back to sitting titans, I turn the visibility to zero, and the titans sight radius to zero and the tag to pulse the Titans to make them wake up from sitting. However there is no way to make them un-sit and still pulse them without having to shoot them to make them mad, after I wake them up and change the sight radius to 3500, and visibility back to 255.

Now if I could select what scripted pawn will "hate" a bot or not, or "hate"another scripted pawn, or not, (for in-fighting each other) I could just slap up the titans sitting, have them wake up from my first round of pawn killing. Then kill the 10 titans to create the event for the next goal.

What is nice about the Titans sitting is I can change the properties of the titan without having to make a new subclass of the Titan or if forced to use creature factories. They should never wake up without having an event first.

And scripted pawns fighting each other is a HUGE problem in MH, (or SP)
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

I think maybe you replied to the wrong thread? :D

If you're asking me about MH improvements or suggestions to achieve what you need, unfortunately I really can't help you there. I wrote MH literally 20 years ago and haven't really worked on it since, so any context or knowledge I had about it has been lost to me. The other people on this forum are unfortunately much greater experts on the subject now than I am...
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Red_Fist »

Isn't it "like riding a bike " ?
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Dude I don't even know how to use UCC any more :loool:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Red_Fist »

Uh huh, suuuure :mrgreen: I just wish there was a way to use actors in a map instead of mutators, to change things in "gametypes".

I just don't get all that server junk, to me, the map is god, but I just can't get the concept of why a mutators ACTOR just can't be placed in maps. Or a gametype ACTOR in the map to screw over the gametype they use.

Well I will get off this thread now, in any case I sure am glad you made MH. :tu: :tu: :tu:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Fixed problems with maps sharing the same screenshots. Some screenshots were just overwriting others based on name, rather than incorporating hashes in the image filenames, which I added later. Solution was just to re-index the impacted content which seems to have worked.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by EvilGrins »

Shrimp wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:00 pmIssues with searching for authors like "Hobi-Wan" have been fixed
This may not be entirely solvable, as a lot of mappers use characters other than just a hyphen.

For example: -=Scorpion=-

That doesn't work as a search like that, although it does work as =Scorpion= for some reason... but even that brings up unrelated results, like the Scorpion player skin.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Neon_Knight »

While I really appreciate the fact that an actual unreal archive of third party content has finally been produced with proper measures to ensure the preservation, and that it's not limited to a single game, there's a small part of it that greatly bugs me.
Shrimp wrote: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:47 pm Using this library, I attempt to inspect the contents of archives (zip, rar, 7z, exe, etc) to determine their content, figure out the game (only supporting Unreal, UT, and UT2004; nobody cares about the black sheep of the family UT3 :ironic:), and categorise them appropriately (maps, mutators, voices, etc). I'm not repackaging any content, it's provided as-is, as found on the various pages above.
This bit. And I don't care a single bit about people's opinions about UT3. Or popularity itself, for that matter.

On one hand, this is insulting to all of the people that put a lot of effort in producing content for that game (the different CBP, the HOLPs, and everyone at Epic Forums, for example), especially considering that UT3 is one of the very few games in PS3 with mod support, and it had plenty of them.

On the other it's jarring that UT3 is forbidden in the Unreal Archives, yet the other "black sheep" of the family, Unreal 2, has a place.
Last edited by Neon_Knight on Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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ProTip 3: Only the people that do nothing but criticize don't make mistakes. Do things. Make mistakes. Learn from them. And screw those who do nothing but throw poison and criticize.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by esnesi »

Was a RSS feed on your Todo list already ?
Would love that for discord.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Red_Fist »

" And I don't care a single bit about people's opinions about UT3 "

For people that didn't play UT or Unreal, (or Quake 1) they are too young to appreciate how kiddyfied it is, was, and still is.

Plus all the extra server space, I would rather keep what he did so far. 8)
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Neon_Knight »

Red_Fist wrote: Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:35 pm " And I don't care a single bit about people's opinions about UT3 "

For people that didn't play UT or Unreal, (or Quake 1) they are too young to appreciate how kiddyfied it is, was, and still is.

Plus all the extra server space, I would rather keep what he did so far. 8)
Whatever, UT3 is still part of the Unreal family, whether the elitist superoldschoolers like it or not.
OldUnreal U1v227/UTv469 Localization Project coordinator/spanish language maintainer - Unreal Wiki
ProTip 1: anybody using the phrase "I'm a True Fan and You're Not!" is an obnoxious, self-centered, egotistical, elitist, narcissist douchebag.
ProTip 2: anybody who uses the "Royal We" when making a demand wants to pass their own opinion as everyone else's.
ProTip 3: Only the people that do nothing but criticize don't make mistakes. Do things. Make mistakes. Learn from them. And screw those who do nothing but throw poison and criticize.
ProTip 4: If the Duke Nukem Forever fiasco wasn't enough of a lesson, perfectionism leads to nothing positive. Don't be afraid of releasing a buggy product. Even the most polished product has its flaws.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Neon_Knight wrote: Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:23 pm On the other it's jarring that UT3 is forbidden in the Unreal Archives, yet the other "black sheep" of the family, Unreal 2, has a place.
I've spent a lot of time in recent months implementing support for UE3's unpleasant (compared to the relative clean simplicity of UE 1 and 2) package format in the package library, so UT3 content can indeed be supported as well. Hopefully before the end of the year we'll see some stuff for that game/engine coming up in the Archive.

Unfortunately I'm now personally somewhat bandwidth constrained, and as such adding UT3 content which is quite large, may end up taking additional time and resources to bring online.

I'm sorry if you find the lack of UT3 content, and my decision to exclude it, insulting. My original tongue-in-cheek quip was perhaps ill conceived. At the same time the entire system is intended to be open and encourage contribution, however no efforts besides my own have been forthcoming to integrate support for reading UE3 packages which would facilitate the inclusion of such content.
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