We don't really have a theme here, the use of "special" was last minute, but seeing as near as anyone knows there's only been mapping contests and never a skinning contest... it's kinda special!
I originally was going to go with the "Stuck-At-Home Skinning Contest" but Shelter-In-Place is more or less over, so that's out.
These are the models you can skin:

Boss, Female Commando, Female Soldier, Male Commando, Male Soldier, Nali, WarCow, Skaarj Hybrid, Xan II, WarBoss.
Some ground rules:
· You can make more than 1 skin, but no more than 2.
· If you decide to make a skin-set, 1 skin for each model or a couple models (kind of a team theme) that's okay.
· Skins need to be original works, not cut & paste jobs from existing skins... with the exception of faces/heads. You can use existing faces/heads.
· You can use existing hands too, if they're species specific. You use a fuzzy/fluffy face, you're gonna want the fuzzy/fluffy hands that go with.
· To be fair for all, it has to be something new. If you're already working on a skin, you CANNOT include it in this contest.
· If you had a skinning project in mind already but you haven't started it yet... that you can use.
· NO NAKED SKINS! Not only are those weirder than weird, they make team colors tricky.
· Skins must have all 4 team colors.
· You can ONLY use the models displayed above for your skins, this is not a modeling contest.
· All skins must have a Talk Texture, that pic that pops up when they speak.
What to use for skinning:
We don't all do things the same way. For example, I don't use any skinning programs... I use MS-Paint, ThumbsPlus, & Window's Notepad. That may sound ridiculous, but you've all seen my skins... so it works.
For those wanting things more conventional:
· http://unrealtournament.99.free.fr/foru ... 997#p10997
· viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4487
· https://www.newbiesplayground.net/dogfo ... 874#p24874
· https://www.oldunreal.com/cgi-bin/yabb2 ... 014804/1#1
You don't need to use any of these, whatever works best for you.
This is a handy reference too · http://marcelbalu.tripod.com/ut/UTSkins.htm
Good references for how to do animated skins · viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5747
When does the contest end?
I was originally thinking going for 2 months, but maybe 1 month is enough. So August 1st is the end date... if anyone needs more time I may extend it about a week.
Skins will be judged by:
You can discuss your skinning designs in this thread, to share what you're doing. Helps to prevent anyone from doing exactly the same thing.fudgonaut wrote: ↑Sat May 02, 2020 12:10 amI propose the following criteria:
Technical: Is the chat thumbnail included? How well are the textures aligned? Are the details clear? If applicable, are the team colors readable?
Originality: Is the skin 100% original, or did the artist photographs, or graphics and to what degree?
Creativity: The uniqueness, cleverness, or 'cool factor' of the concept.
Design: Is the skin well thought out and well executed? Is the illustration stlye appealing/appropriate to the concept?
What does the winner get?
Ah yes, the much vaunted prize. We are a needy people, so I've come up with something "special".
There's that word again...
Did you know that de-extinction is a thing? Apparently you take the DNA of an extinct animal and implant it in its closest living descendent. After a successful incubation period, the extinct animal is de-extinct!
Ain't science cool?
Whoever wins this contest, as soon as someone decides to bring 1 back, you will get your own personal dodo bird.
May want to start researching now, because I have no idea what they eat.
Current skins submitted:
ASLY: SSC-Babes viewtopic.php?p=121000#p121000
TexasGtar: naliskin2 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=13996&start=30#p121458