Download: ... es/tag/2.4
Version 2.4 Change Log:
- Fixed .servers and .active not displaying anything if server list is large and exceeds 1024 characters, now the bot splits the messages into blocks to get around the limit.
- Enabled Discord cache management to reduce RAM usage.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Server ping info starts straight away instead of waiting for first tick.
- Bot no longer deletes non bot messages in the auto query channel.
Version 2.3 Change Log:
- Added support for Unreal Servers
Version 2,2 Change Log:
- Fixed timeout messages being displayed in auto query channel.
Version 2.1 Change Log:
- Fixed memory leak, bot should only use around 30-75mb, previously was going into many hundreds of MB of ram usage.
- Fixed servers showing :flag_none: next to server names.
Github Repo and ReadME: ... iscord-Bot

Original Post:
Latest Release: ... v0.3b-beta
List of commands:
Code: Select all
.servers Lists all servers that are added to the database.
.q serverid Get more detailed information about a UT Server in the .servers list..
.q game serveraddress:port Get more detailed information about a UT server not in the .servers list. If port is not specified 7777 will be used.
.q ut
.q ut2004
.ip serverid Get server name and URL.
.help Displays this text block.
Admin Commands
.addchannel Gives the bot permission to post in the current channel.
.removechannel Removes the bot's permission to post in the current channel.
.addserver [.addserver game alias ip:port?password=password] Adds a server to the database. Example:
.addserver ut TestServer
.addserver ut TestServer
.addserver ut2004 TestServer 2
.addserver ut2004 TestServer 2
.updateserver [.updateserver id type value] Updates the server information with the matching id. Examples:
.updateserver 2 alias newname
.updateserver 2 ip
.updateserver 2 port 7777
.updateserver 2 address
.updateserver 2 password newpassword
.deleteserver id Removes a server from the database with the matching id.
.allowrole name Gives the matching role permission to use the admin commands.
.removerole name Removes the matching role's permission to use the admin commands.
.setauto serverid Sets auto query to server id, and change display channel to current.
ReadMe: ... /