mister_prophet wrote: ↑Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:47 pm
I know that Oldskool and save slots always had random issues in the past. I would not be surprised if there is some new weirdness with the mutator and 469 going on too. Nevertheless I am glad you have been able to play normally at least. Thanks for the heads up just the same, it is worthwhile to take note of.
I seem to have two Save 'locations' - one off the main path UT/Save and the other UT/Maps/Save - I have no idea why - might have been something I did in the past. Anyway removing the UT/Maps/Save path from the SP UT/ini seems to have worked and Oldskool seems to work better.
A quick note from the Log on the first Demo Level - there's either a BSP hole somewhere or this is placed in the void as the UT log says "Log: FemaleTorso2 fell out of the world!".
I play through new campaigns on Easy just to get the hang of the levels, find out where to go (which can sometimes be a problem) and get an idea of what to expect. Perhaps it would be appropriate to consider whether the number of opponents at more or less the same time in the 'dining room' in the first map is a little much for this difficulty level. Again, facing a Titan with 1800 health and then six krall, two brutes and 2 skaarj warriors, again at more or less the same time, near the start of the second level is also, possibly, a little too much for the Easy difficulty level?
----------------- Footnote --------------------------
Interested in what you say in the readme
"-Savage Krall is unfinished and won't work right." Seems to work OK when summoned into maps - certainly attacks the player - haven't noticed anything odd about its behaviour - so wondered what it was that doesn't work right?
"-Krall Captain DOES work." It does, though its attitudetoPlayer is set to Ignore so, when summoned into maps, it will only attack when attacked by the player. There is something a little odd about the collision cylinder, perhaps it is set a little too low as I can fire through the top of its head without causing damage.