Infiltratration summon class

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Infiltratration summon class

Post by GenericoPT »


Wich is the infiltration summon class? and its works in CSWorm mutator?
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Re: Infiltratration summon class

Post by OjitroC »

I'm not sure what you are looking for - is it the weapons? If you want to use Infiltration 2.75 in UT then you just need to run the mod.

If it's the weapons then this is what I have in one of my StuffSwapper configurations
I think this is all the Inf weapons together with their ammo - the summons for the weapons are what comes after 'STR:' and for the ammo what comes after 'AMO:' - ignore the rest
Weapon[8]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:AT4 Launcher STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTAT4Launcher AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTAT4Ammo
Weapon[9]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:Frag Grenade STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTGrenade AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTGrenade
Weapon[10]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:HK69 Grenade Launcher STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTHK69 AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTHK69Shell
Weapon[11]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:M16 STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTM16 AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTM16Clip
Weapon[12]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:M3S90 Shotgun STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTShotgun AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTShellBox
Weapon[13]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:M9 Pistol STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTM9 AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTM9Clip
Weapon[14]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:MP5 STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTMP5 AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTMP5Clip
Weapon[15]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:PSG Rifle STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTPSGRifle AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTPSGClip
Weapon[16]=MOD:Infiltration 2.75 DES:Robar Rifle STR:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTRobar AMO:InfiltrationUT.INFIL_UTRobarRound
I've no idea if they work in the CSWorm mutator or what else you would need to put into that - best to open up InfiltrationUT.u with UTPT and have a look, if that mutator requires other stuff.

The weapons work fine in UT with StuffSwapper or when summoned directly - they have an automatic reload which is good but quite a bit of recoil, which is not so good (for me at least - which is why I prefer CS weapons with the recoil reduced).