UTDMT under 469 patch

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Re: UTDMT under 469 patch

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:55 am
papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:26 am Dude ...request a patched UTDMT.
Are they making individually patched items?

Because I'd need such for each UTDM-monster... or, at the very least, find someone to figure out why they aren't doing as they used to.
No ...I meant from some of our coder gurus on our forum.
But Buggi is right state the issue on github.

Use a copy of UT patch it and then test the UTDMT, then write down what you noticed and report it on github.
If you say "nay" then you are just lazy and like it more to rant about stuff.
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Re: UTDMT under 469 patch

Post by TankBeef »

papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:40 pm If you say "nay" then you are just lazy and like it more to rant about stuff.
Yes, I see this a lot, and it contributes nothing. They go with something similar to " Ahhh, this patch sucks, it's crap, I am not getting that" Well then, why don't you help make it better? " Ahhh, no, I am just going to keep ranting about how much the patch sucks, is crap, and i am not getting it". And sorry, but lately things like this are annoying me. :wth:
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Re: UTDMT under 469 patch

Post by sektor2111 »

UTDMT is a bugged thing with codes happily reproduced into other "species". They were somehow usable but probably new "adds" done in 469 (which I did not recommended), are making these "players" to not work normally.
To me this patch would be good to aim critical points and leaving everything as it was,... and LATER talking about a sort of UT GOLD with a few improvements and tiny changes here and there and not directly changing/adding functions/classes as it was done. This is only making endless bug reporting and perhaps won't be finished not even next year. Good luck with original UTDM... whatever, me one I already changed them with more logic based codes and not spam based codes.
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Re: UTDMT under 469 patch

Post by Neon_Knight »

TankBeef wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:23 pm
papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:40 pm If you say "nay" then you are just lazy and like it more to rant about stuff.
Yes, I see this a lot, and it contributes nothing. They go with something similar to " Ahhh, this patch sucks, it's crap, I am not getting that" Well then, why don't you help make it better? " Ahhh, no, I am just going to keep ranting about how much the patch sucks, is crap, and i am not getting it". And sorry, but lately things like this are annoying me. :wth:
I share the feeling. Anth, Smirf and all the guys behind the v469 patch for UT and v227 patch for U1 don't get enough credit for what they did. There are some people who instead of trying to help and contribute the patch to become better just want to throw shit like monkeys. YES, the patch HAS issues, but also YES, those issues CAN be fixed and eventually WILL be fixed, provided people HELP. (HERE'S SOME NEWS FOR YOU, UNPLEASABLES: ABSOLUTE PERFECTION DOESN'T EXIST, IT'S A MYTH, A FAIRYTALE, A FANTASY).
OldUnreal U1v227/UTv469 Localization Project coordinator/spanish language maintainer - Unreal Wiki
ProTip 1: anybody using the phrase "I'm a True Fan and You're Not!" is an obnoxious, self-centered, egotistical, elitist, narcissist douchebag.
ProTip 2: anybody who uses the "Royal We" when making a demand wants to pass their own opinion as everyone else's.
ProTip 3: Only the people that do nothing but criticize don't make mistakes. Do things. Make mistakes. Learn from them. And screw those who do nothing but throw poison and criticize.
ProTip 4: If the Duke Nukem Forever fiasco wasn't enough of a lesson, perfectionism leads to nothing positive. Don't be afraid of releasing a buggy product. Even the most polished product has its flaws.
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Re: UTDMT under 469 patch

Post by EvilGrins »

Deepu wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:15 pmI told that early, update the set enemy function in UTDMT.u file, fixed in Monster match
Sure but at the time you previously said that I thought you meant only for that specific gametype.
TankBeef wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:18 pmYeah, well, I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic
I wasn't, but I was about to pass out on my way to bed and a quick google didn't bring up the result that I've since been informed of.
papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:40 pmIf you say "nay" then you are just lazy and like it more to rant about stuff.
While I am fairly lazy these days, I'll give it a go. Looks like I need to setup an account with that to add an entry on this...