2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

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2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Please only post your map submissions here, if you want to update your map, just edit your post and replace the old version with your updated map. Leave map comments in the contest thread:

Don't forget some pictures :mrgreen:
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Post by Shrimp »

DM-NRMC-LongTime, 2-6 player traditional DeathMatch map.

I decided to make my first map in 15 years. Funny how all the mouse and keyboard controls in UnrealEd just come back without even thinking about it. I was happy to find that UEd works pretty well on Linux with Proton as well.

This is an extremely basic map not likely to win any awards, and I messed up the scaling in some areas, I always make things too big, but I'm happy enough with it to call it done. It's just a really simple DM map with nothing fancy in terms of implementation, design, or player movement tricks or anything like that. Tried to make it play and flow like a nice DM map.

UPDATE: DM-NRMC-LongTime-r3, 2021-12-18

I did in fact update the map:

- removed one of the entryway ramps with the Pulse Rifle
- changed the other ramp to lead to a room that's now joined with the shock/UDamage area
- swapped the armour with Keg, moved armour to new small area above main courtyard area
- fixed issues with bot pathing on the ramps in lava/rocket room
- added some visual interest/decorative geo around some pickups

Download (2.5mb)


This will be the final version unless there's a BSP hole or something I didn't see.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Ghostwheel »

DM-NRMC-Outpost24, 6-12 player Deathmatch map.

Hi all, here is my entry for the NRMC, it is and old school mapping styled arena type map. Enjoy.

UPDATE: I worked a bit more on this map to fix the bots from getting stuck and also make it run a little bit smoother.
There are now 2 versions of this map included in the zip file. DM-NRMC-Outpost24_Offline and DM-NRMC-Outpost24_Online
The Offline version was what I originally had in mind, but after testing online I found out the rotating mover would not work properly.
After trying many fixes with no real luck, I decided to alter the idea some and make it playable for online games. I hope you all enjoy
the newer versions.

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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by fudgonaut »


It's probably not done, but I've been working on this map to the point where I've lost all objectivity. Feedback would be great.

Known issues:
- Bots are not picking up or using the sniper rifle at designated defense points (Scanner Room).

- This is my second UT map
- New (non stock) music
- New (not stock UT) textures
- The jumppads are NOT forgiving. If you try to use air control, you will likely end up in the black hole.
- The redeemer is not easy to find or reach, and there is no getting back once you reach it. Using it is a sacrifice play.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

@EvilGrins @TankBeef

Post in this thread ONE MORE TIME and I'm muting you guys till the end of the contest :pfff:
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by papercoffee »

Only maps (and their screenshots) from this point on.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Pikko »

DM-NRMC-BlueBriar][ , 2-6 player DM Map.

- A Pikko entry with a simple Basic map to this Contest. Hopefully the Flow & Fun will be good in this one ;-)
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Pikko »

DM-NRMC-DeepDream][ , 6-12 player DM Map.

- A second Pikko entry with a Bonus Map to this Contest. Hopefully someone will be happy now, and strangers may also like it ;-)
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Red_Fist »


Can't tell if I like it or not. I managed to use 16 loop movers in one room and not flicker.
This map may not work online, I used to be able to test maps from the same computer on a 56k modem.
Now there is all this crap to go through and any map runs slow as hell.
So it was not tested online.

Edit- The one brush map here, was made that way for less polys so that adding more (rendering-movers) was easier on the engine to not flicker my movers. The FPS of the map without bots, is solid, hardly any polys. I give it a 500 poly or much less during game play, LET ME KNOW !! if it is or not, thanks.

The idea was you can go up only, there is no jump spots,, only lifts. I put those pools of liquids so you can jump down fast and not get hurt. There are side lifts that do go both up and down, but in DM it's better to use them as a way around but not stand on drinking a coffee.

One problem that is not solved was giving the movers a way out without looking like it's going through a wall on the corner movers at the top.
The bot pathing is just there, they really don't "use" those movers like a regular lift.

I really don't know what to think about this map, so check it out. Hope it all works and has all the files.
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Last edited by Red_Fist on Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by jmartin »

Here's my entry for the contest.

DM-NRMC-West Side Story

This map is very basic but I promise it will be "unusual", will be memorable, and is relevant to a current event at the time of its making.

Best of luck to all the contestants. Your entries look amazing.

It's a joy and a privilege to reside among my fellow mappers. You make the Unreal... Real.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »

DM-NRMC-Vakiton, aka Vakiton Factory -- a 4-10 player Deathmatch map (max 12 players, any more will be a clusterfuck of a match) for the contest

This is a renovated factory located in New Bern, Switzerland (yes...New Bern :loool: ), originally used for processing Tarydium taken from Na Pali brought to Earth by the New Earth Government, it is now a deathmatch arena.

The readme has more details on this puppy, so if you want to read it, have at 'er! :tu:

I must give credit to the song's author/composer, Nornec, for creating it from scratch specificially for my map. I named it "Vakibyss". His website is https://nornec.bandcamp.com/.
I also will give credit to Novaeon (aka Nova) for allowing me to use brushes and textures (some I modified) from his Corporate Office map. Thank you so much! :mrgreen:

UPDATE: There have been reports including from yours truly that on certain configurations, the map would have major issues making it unplayable (this was prevalent with 436 especially). The cause was due to to the outside which caused an error that Hourences described as a "Massive Occlusion Error". The "No Outside" edition of the map removes the offices and the outside, so the map is playable with these configurations. The links have been updated to reflect this. I have left the original version of the map for those who wish to play it (and you should if it works on your system, unless you prefer no fou-fou :wink: ). Thanks everyone for your understanding! Oh and yes, the "No Outside" version is also a contest map, it is tied together with the normal version of the map. So when you vote for one, you vote for both! :tu:

UPDATE 2: Vakiton Second Edition has been released (apologies about the delay after the mappack has been posted, the 400-451 crash bug while looking outside or near the outside windows in the Flak & Ripper rooms I was dealing with was solved by Ghostwheel (thanks dude! :highfive: ) and I did a few more fixes to the map plus I added some extra details -- I left the NoOutside version as-is intact from the previous build, but the main "outside" version of the map has been updated and it now works with 436-451 (and highly likely 432 as well). Again, my apologies for the update post-mappack release. I updated both the Google Drive link and the Attachment to include Vakiton Second Edition (aka Vakiton SE) and the NoOutside version of Vakiton for those who don't want the outside and office spaces for any reason. :)

UPDATE 3: the original Second Edition has a nasty bug that was fixed in this reupload. My apologies to the 2 people that downloaded the map before, you'll need to redownload the archive. My apologies! :(


Download Links:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ehlk3y ... sp=sharing
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by DavidLightman »

Well, here it is,

My 2021 NRMC Submission.

Super Mario Bros.
I worked on it upto the last moment. and as usual, lots of ideas pop up once "finished". :omfg:

Enjoy. :barf:

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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Aspide »

AS-NRMC-Rendezvous V1.2

This map is my first multiplayer map for UT99 (MRCTF-RingsofSaturn doesn't count as that was M:R), and I had a lot of fun making it,
I really wanted to push myself to the limit with this one. Also I'm shock I manage to release this map before the deadline of the contest,
I'm not good at time management.... This map was made as a love letter to all the original maps of Assault from UT99, I took at least one
element of all those maps and put them in these one, actually the name of the map (Rendezvous Point) has a double meaning, because this map
is like a meeting of all of those maps.

IF YOU HAVE THE 1.0 VERSION, OVERWRITE EVERYTHING (except Pinball.umx and swJumpPad.u )


Changelog v 1.1:
-Fixed a pathnode issue in the yellow ship.
-Changed the ZoneInfo's location strings of the ships.
-Tweaked the name of the objectives in the ships.
-Enhanced the visuals when the convoy enters the planet.
-Added Kickers to help the bots so they don't get stuck on the caverns.
-More Kickers were added to prevent WarBoss to leave the fortress (he still can but it's very rare for that to happen)
-Replaced BlackHoleSunscreen.umx with a new version that's more light in file size.
-Now the defending team cannot hurt WarBoss.

v 1.2:
-Fixed a problem with the jump pads angle, thanks to _21 for letting me know.
Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/118s00Y ... sp=sharing

I hope you all enjoy and good luck to the rest of the contestants :D
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Last edited by Aspide on Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by papercoffee »

So... No Rules Mapping Contest ...

enjoy the rule less map RocketFight_X

it's useless ...you can't move only guide a Redeemer missile and hope to get the opponent first.
max 4 players.
Bots wont shoot.
A buttload of motion sickness.
HAVE FUN! or at least try to have fun ...I had fun making this useless map in 4 hours*

*most of the time I searched for a reason why formally placed flares won't delete.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Berserker »

Here is my submission:

I barely made it into the contest deadline, lets pray there are no bugs with the map :lol2:

Contest literally ends in an Hour from this post :lol2:. Unfortunately, I couldn't fully complete it to my satisfaction, however it is still in a playable state as an RC1, there will be future releases which will improve the map, feedback on bugreports is appreciated. Also, the fps performance is pretty bad and I had no time to improve it because of the deadline, so expect a lot of fps drops, if you use xOpenGL, the performance will be pretty bad. Do try to use the improved 469b OpenGL renderer, which has performance optimizations and can run the map smoothly.

Bot pathing is very primitive, I had to make it 30 minutes ago, but at least bots can grab and cap the flag. Sound effects are also missing and will be included in future releases.


Map was started September, hope you enjoy it! :thuup:

RC3 fixes
- Fixed missing map title description.
- Missing DoorSnd.uax package is now MyLeveled for the people that don't have it. (Thank you for letting me know esnesi!)

-RC4 fixes
- Fixed invisible walls glitches and collision bugs. (thanks to NuLL and subz for playtesting)
- Fixed Bot pathing issues (big thanks to Aspide for making them and helping me).
- Fixed "green" tinted textures on the house windows, which couple people had problems with because of the texture palette.

-RC5 fixes
- Fixed majority of the "green" light issues
- Slight texture and lighting fixes
- Added Kill Trigger on the fireplace
- Better optimization

-Final release
- Slight FPS improvements
- Custom music

-Final release V2
- Fixed custom music for default audio driver
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Last edited by Berserker on Tue Jan 04, 2022 3:55 am, edited 9 times in total.
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