UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by NemesisNeS »

Wait, the name of the Mod is Entry or is it apart of the Entry map that comes with UT and was modified? I might actually have it somewhere on my HDD... Have to check more thoroughly.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by OjitroC »

No - the mod has an entry map named UG-Entry.unr - I presume one uses it at the start of the mod - there's a teleporter in the centre of the map which I assume takes you to the first map in the map list (when using the map, there's an error warning in the log indicating that UGPossesor.u can't be found). It's different to a UT Entry map in that, in the UnrealGod one, the Player has health and the dispersion pistol, and can walk around.

There's a short thread at OldUnreal about it - one post suggests the mod is buggy and prone to crashes (surprise!). AlCapowned posted in that thread so may know something more about the mod - if you're interested in it, you could send him a PM as he is a member here.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:23 pmYeah, there's a few things from UnrealGod that I don't use and that is one of them - I may love ScriptedPawns but I certainly don't love pupae, giant or otherwise :P TBH my heart sinks when I fire up a 'new' MH and in the first room are .... yes ... pupae - what comes next is a toss up between flies and mantas - not the kind of map that I play.
I have may have to send you an edit.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by NemesisNeS »

OjitroC wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:03 am AlCapowned posted in that thread so may know something more about the mod - if you're interested in it, you could send him a PM as he is a member here.
Thanks mate for the clarification. And will send him a pm asap. :tu:
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by EvilGrins »

UnrealGod apparently dates back to when was still around, sadly it isn't anymore.

Found this, for info: ... od-further

So, TrodKnee did in fact make UnrealGod.

Update: More on it here, but you'll need to translate the Cyrillic: ... ie-dlya-ut
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by AlCapowned » ... bUCKHnKkae

I think this is everything, but if something is missing, let me know.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by NemesisNeS »

AlCapowned wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:33 am ... bUCKHnKkae

I think this is everything, but if something is missing, let me know.
Thanks mate! :tu: :highfive: :rock: :thuup:

EDIT: You, EvilGrins and OjitroC are my heroes. This mod is definitely a must have. I'll also upload it to both my and mediafire accounts so this way people could check it out if they don't have it. Will supply links later since I got to get some sleep. Only 12 hours of sleep in three days... creating a mod, scripting in UnrealScript while working on my own project via Python... yeah need some sleep... Thanks again mates. :tu:
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by OjitroC »

Perhaps if you getting it working you can post instructions on how to start it? I tried but had no success.

The lack of documentation means that the function of many of the settings available remains obscure - pity really but an lesson to developers 'always provide clear documentation on what you produce so that people can fully understand it and use it' (the model to follow here is Ferali's NW3).

Unlike UG's scriptedpawns, some of the weapons don't work outside the mod (I obviously don't know if they work inside it) - summoning the LaserQuad results in nothing but you will lose existing inventory (something that happens with some other stuff as well but I can't remember the reason).
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by sektor2111 »

What is hard-coded linked with game-type itself and protected against using outside of that game-type has all chances to not work normally or to perform a self-destruct or a self ruining - I'm aware how to do something specific for not being used as a bugger elsewhere, and this is normal and not making a mods soup going nowhere.

I tested a few Troopers using an adjusted SwarmSpawn and they look normal in a DM session - I did do any ON-Line test but Off-Line I got ZERO errors.
Using such configuration

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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:18 pm
I tested a few Troopers using an adjusted SwarmSpawn and they look normal in a DM session - I did do any ON-Line test but Off-Line I got ZERO errors.
Yes, the scriptedpawns work fine - I've used them in MonsterSpawn for ages now (though I haven't played against them recently) and I don't recall any errors or issues (off-line of course).

The issue is more to do with using the mod itself (playing the UnrealGod gametype).
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by NemesisNeS »

Give me a couple of days or so to full go through everything within the mod itself. From what I am understanding is that there might be something within the script itself that needs to be either rewritten or completely removed. With that said, I'll go through a line-by-line theory that has worked for me in the past and has currently been doing the trick in terms of figuring out where any and all issues lie. Of course this will unfortunately take time so bare with me. I'll keep you guys posted here or I'll pm you directly with any updates and finds that I can muster. Any fixes I'll more than likely post here.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:38 amsummoning the LaserQuad results in nothing
Oh, I've seen that weapon fired at me numerous times... it works enough that when the monster that uses it pops out of a creature factory.

You can pick it up after you kill it.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by sektor2111 »

This one ?
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:03 pm
OjitroC wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:38 amsummoning the LaserQuad results in nothing
Oh, I've seen that weapon fired at me numerous times... it works enough that when the monster that uses it pops out of a creature factory.

You can pick it up after you kill it.
Oh right, I'll have to try that.
sektor2111 wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:08 pm This one ?
I would think so, yes.
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Re: UGNPC.u: Not entirely sure what this is.

Post by sektor2111 »

It's a CTF Session using a custom (modified) CTFGame aiming "team" monsters (ScriptedPawns recognizing attitude based on Team Byte...) and NOT replacing any weapon.
Entering alone for probing. Sending Command summon UnrealGod.UGLaserQuad even before to start the game.

In theory it should work with original stock CTFGame as it is placed under TournamentWeapon class so I would expect it to be summon-able.
Extra: The majority of creatures from this sort of game-type are localized in file UnrealGod.u.

Calculator stuff:
UnrealGod.u and UGNPC.u seem to trigger the load of 7092 Objects - not all of them are actors, some of them are just... linkers or other related connected for them...

Code: Select all

Object: Found UGNPC.
Object: Found Transient.LinkerLoad43.
Object: Found UnrealGod.
Object: Found Transient.LinkerLoad44.