2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by _21 »


Spent the last few hours half a day making sure there is no unrealed hobgoblin messing up no ramp collisions.
If I add 1 small tweak the half the map dissapears in a massive BSP wormhole, and the remainder solid brushes act like nonsolid.

- patched missing wall collider with blockall
- fixed teleporter for multiplayer games
- aligned a few textures
- improved music quality thanks to @Aspide
- finished just before the contest deadline
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Wrongly published my map in the other thread, here's my submission, it's unpacked, I couldn't manage to pack it :( (For now the map is only playable in single player mode, need to fix some bugs)
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by ExpEM »

Bonus map!

Readme for NRMC_SerpentT for Unreal Tournament
My entry for the UT99.Org No Rules Mapping Contest.

This is an unusual entry as it isn't primarily intended for use in UT99 but it can be run with Oldskool (that counts right?).

I've been planning for many years to rebuild / replace select levels from the original Unreal campaign.
Here is the first, it isn't 100% done but time is up for the contest.

This map (and mutator) replaces Demonlord's Lair (NaliLord.unr) with The Serpents Tail (NRMC_SerpentT.unr).

In Unreal (or Oldskool for UT99) simply start a new campaign with "ExpEM's Warlord Plus" mutator selected to play.

Every effort has been made to debug and have the level coop compatible.

Speed running ninjas can skip the boss fight.
If you can beat this map on difficulty 3 (without skipping the boss fight) please upload a vid on youtube :)

A new warlord class has been written just for this map, the code of which is bastardised from the queen, titan and Unreal Evolution's warlord.

From the Warlord code:
// ExpEM_WarLord.
// Teleports to ExpEM_WarlordDest actors with bastardised Queen code.
// -ExpEM_WarlordDest MUST have the same tag!
// -This is to prevent multiple warlords from telefragging each other.
// Can teleport into combat, set orders to "TeleportIn". From bastardised Titan code.
// Can do an appearance and be destroyed, set orders to "TeleScare". Bastardised the "TeleportIn" code.
// Heavy Attack, idea stolen from Unreal Evolution. Bastardised that code too.
// By Michael 'ExpEM' Nunn.

This warlord would probibly work well for monsterhunt maps too.

Title: The Serpent's Tail
Filename: NRMC_SerpentT
Author: Michael 'ExpEM' Nunn
Release Date: 19/12/2021
Last Update:
Version: 1

Known issues:

Play Information

Game: Unreal / Unreal Tournament (with Oldskool)
Level Name: NRMC_SerpentT
Game Type: Single Player / Coop
Botmatch: No
Single Player: Yes
Teamplay: Yes
New Textures: No
New Sounds: Yes*
New Music: No
New Mutators: No
New Code: Yes**
Mods: None

*Sounds ripped from Unreal2.
**Warlord stuff.


Base: New.
Build Time: 4 weeks?
Ideal Playercount: N/A
Editor(s) Used: Unreal 227 & UT 436.
Known Bugs:

Place the .unr into maps directory.
Place the .utx into textures directory.
Place the .umx into music directory.
Place the .uax into sound directory.
Place the .u into system directory.

Copyright / Permissions
This level is copyright 2021, by Michael 'ExpEM' Nunn.

Authors ARE WELCOME TO use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit
permission from the Original Author, provided you include this file and credit me somewhere.

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any
other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission!

You MAY distribute this level through any electronic network (internet (web/ftp),
FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.

Unreal® Tournament (c)1999 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by
GT Interactive Software, Inc. under license. Unreal Tournament and the Unreal
Tournament logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other
trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
Edit: Woopsies, wrong version of one of the files.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Is a new map valid if I publish it before 20th?
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Sinnical »

So I dunno what the exact rules are for the comp but it's only Dec. 19th 11:45 PM Eastern Time... hoping this counts on being on time! That's really rare for me XD

Automatically merged

Sorry for double post... just wanted to make sure there was a time stamp on my submission.

Basically I had grand ambitions, as so many of us often do... but that cruel and unfeeling master known as time got the better of me once again. So it's not as polished as I wanted, but here's DM-NRMC-Outreach.

Theme (short version) is space.

Theme (longer version) is a kind of interstellar welcome center/gift shop that claims to be a service for the people in the local solar system, but really just exists to sell kitch to tourists. I didn't really have enough time to flesh out the theme in very intimate ways. I was hoping to put some shop signs and ships in to make it feel more like a highway truck stop. But the architecture and lighting are kind of 80's American shopping mall inspired, so it sort of fits the theme in that way at least. As you can probably tell I took the color scheme of the contest flyer and really ran with it.

My original goal was to use all custom textures, but I wasn't able to do that. Not fast enough, not skilled enough... whole new respect for people who make them. It is time-consuming. I did end up making *some* textures for the map though. They're a little simplistic, but it's a "no rules" mapping contest, so I thought I'd use them anyway just because.

Kept my head down mapping almost all weekend so I haven't caught up on the thread or seen the other maps yet. Hope to do that in the next day or two.
Gotta get up for work in 5 hours though so I'm crashing right now. I'll check back again as soon as I can. Sorry if I missed something vital and/or important. Lemme know if there are any big issues. And if I can I'll fix them after the deadline and maybe it can be a bonus map.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

OK NO MORE CONTEST SUBMISSIONS PAST THIS LINE, ALL THE REST WILL BE BONUS MAPS (also please post updates of contest maps AFTER the poll is done)
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by DavidLightman »

The Overlook Hotel by David Lightman

File is a bit big as it includes music and all custom textures.
Some places are like people: some shine and some don't. :omfg:
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Are we supposed to release the final version of the maps today?
Well, just in case the last day is today (29) I better release it now lol. Let me know if I should remove the (RC3) text from the name.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Delaying the final upload deadline until next Friday.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Berserker »

Final release of Hightown is here for the map pack, feel free to playtest the map incase I missed any bugs.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by OjitroC »


Not sure if I should ask about this as it's somewhat divorced from the purpose of the map but ... the map has pathnodes but MonsterSpawn fails to spawn anything despite reporting that there are about 180 safe spots. I don't remember this happening before in a map with pathnodes (I'm not trying to spawn monsters with large collision cylinders which can be one reason why stuff doesn't spawn) - anybody have an idea why this would happen?
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by fudgonaut »

CTF-NRMC-Gravitation has been updated

A huge shoutout to Aspide for playtesting, feedback, and providing these fixes:
  • Revamping AlternatePaths from scratch.
  • Adding LiftExit-LiftCenter combo to allow bots to escape the rooftop of the center area.
  • Fixing LiftExit-LiftCenter combos so now bots only use them to go down.
  • Adding a a new pathnode and LiftExit-LiftCenter route to the flag.
  • Improving bot use of Sniper DefensePoints.
  • Suggesting adding a lava zone to kill flags that are dropped into the void
  • Suggesting reimporting the music for better quality (note: the name of the umx has changed from MoonGun to MoonGunGrav)
  • A few other misc improvements
Still open to adjustments if anyone else has feedback.
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by Sinnical »

New version for the final mappack:
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by fudgonaut »

Another thanks to Aspide for letting me know my new .umx file wasn't working with UT99's default audio driver. The .zip file has been updated...
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Re: 2021 NRMC map release thread (put maps here!)

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Here's the packed .unr, all mylevel'd (Final version).
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