This build adds support for CTF4, in addition to record tracking for solo and assisted cap times for capture the flag games, these are displayed on the records page, match pages, player pages, and map pages.
Recommend a fresh install as some data in tables will be missing unless logs are reimported.
If you don't want to do a fresh install you must run the command node upgrade to update database tables.
Latest Build:
Build v2.2.0: ... tag/v2.2.0
Player Page Cap Records:

Map Page Assisted Cap Records:

Map Page Solo Cap Records:

Match Cap Records:
Change Log
**** Build v2.2.0 04/01/22
- Upgraded to Next.js 12.
** New Feature
-- CTF cap records(on records page), view cap records for all maps(solo, and assisted), view all caps for each map(solo, and assisted).
- Added support for CTF4.
- Fixed caps, assist from CTF4 not counting multiple drops/caps.
- Fixed 0 second cap times(CTF4).
- Added columns(flag_team, total_Drops, total_covers, total_self_covers, total_pickups, total_unique_assists,total_seals, time_Dropped, carry_time) to ctf_caps table
- Added fastest ctf caps to match pages.
- Added fastest ctf caps to maps pages.
- Added CTF cap records to player pages.
- Fixed broken flag links on player aliases component.
- Fixed Image host urls being broken if no port is found in link.
- Fixed broken matchbox map images.
- Added option to use default image server, or alternative. (bUseImageServer)
- Fixed crash on map pages
- Fixed error in players API(forgot to remove resolve())
- Changed useImageServer to false for default settings.
- Fixed ACE importer crash.
- Changed match CTF caps display, now has two modes, simple and detailed.
- Fixed Importer getting stuck if a regular expression doesn't find any matches.