Seemed kinda perfect for tanks.
The last couple years I'd been editing Brikby, as I tend to play offline more than I play online. Adding and removing monsters of various types, moving around weapons...

...until I had the ideal mix of what I wanted to keep things interesting.
X-vehicles just make things all the more interesting.

What's here:
· 2 squads of Space Marines. 1 squad armed with redeemers, the other with Instagibs. As Scripted Pawns, they have unlimited ammo .
· UTDM-monsters are here, 1 of each kind. Warlord has the same ammo as the GK1 tank.
· Cyberus, the unkillable beastie... really keeps me on my toes.
· Happy Fun Ball, which is an unkillable Sentry with a happy skin.
· All XV has to offer other than the jeeps, which don't seem to do as well outside of team games.
I removed all the Infiltration content, so none of that is necessary.
Usual Suspects:
.u /system
.umx /music
.unr /maps
.utx / textures
.png - pwetty
https://www.mediafire.com/file/n1d1je18 ... Brikby.zip
You can get Xvehicles here · viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14936 · which you need to make this work!