Thanks - I didn't see that despite trying several times
Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 25 minutes later
Have played through to the first of the Duke Nukem maps - good fun thus far.
In Dynamo2 got a helluva lot of lines in the log of
Code: Select all
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class Skaarj is abstract
This is caused by CreatureFactory6 with its prototype given as 'UnrealShare.Skaarj' which, as the Warning indicates, is an abstract class.
Also in Dynamo2 looks like many of the movers throw an error in the log
Code: Select all
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover53 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover51 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover43 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover49 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover48 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover39 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover36 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover33 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover29 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover28 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover22 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover20 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover14 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover19 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover12 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover10 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover9 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover2 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Error: Mover SL09-Dynamo2_V2.Mover1 (Function Engine.Mover.MakeGroupReturn:0033) GotoState (None Close): Label not found
Doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect on the operation of the movers, at least none that I have seen. Possibly worth checking nonetheless if only to get rid of the log spam?
One curiosity is that in the two maps with 'trains', there are a number of ScriptedPawns on the tracks and so in the path of the oncoming mover with the result that they are crushed - seems a bit odd to place them there or maybe not, saves the player the trouble of dealing with them - perhaps it is deliberate?
Another is that quite a few of the Scripted Pawns are placed with their backs to the direction from which the player will appear - they are often slow to react and can be dealt a lot of damage before they are aware of the player's presence - again, whilst odd, something of a positive from the player's point of view.