Steele Dawn

Maps, mods and resources ported from or to Unreal.
Must run in UT99 or with Oldskool Amp'd.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:26 pm Since I'm not big into SP I haven't tried this as yet, but where my interests do lay is in new monsters.

Are the monsters for SD usable in standard UT?
By and large yes. There are some which raise some issues - the SDLavaBeasts for example - and so it depends in what context you want to use them. I've tried most of them in MonsterSpawn - not the SkaarjBoss though as that has a specific place in SD and I'm not using the SkaarjWorshippers though they do work - again they're better confined to SD because of their place in that.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by TigerTheGreat »

You're welcome to test, however I think they are compatible. I dunno how Yrex made Gal'Razik (SkaarjBoss) vulnerable through the cutscene, so you need to inspect both Gal'Razik's SkaarjBoss class and the JollyRoger map to see how it's done. By default, he is invulnerable and just walks towards you. Once the shield is disabled, he becomes much more aggressive.

No other enemy has such a unique setup there, others should be place-and-go.

EDIT: Oh, and yes, SkaarjWorshippers, they are in need of WorshipperDest points for their teleports.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

So, is there any estimate for the ut fix and what it contains? Also, what about the issue with the starport map in coop, are you guys gonna fix that anytime soon?

@Delacroix: I already saw how its done just by looking at the properties of skaarjboss in the mansion, the variables are self explanatory, basically a mapper can set any event to disable the shield and make it disablable in the first place.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by EvilGrins »

You know, OjitroC & Delacroix, if either of you wanted to add details about the monsters in this to here - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4177 - that would be great!
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Yea i'm testing the last map in coop, apart from it being possible to bump your head on the elevator if you get to the door (the big elevator) and fall down through lol the golden blades skaarj praetorian is really too much. There's a regular one plus a xidia praetorian one and that one's overkill. Don't know who decided to put an extra strong one there.

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Well also Taylor and yourself can fall down the elevator shaft and you have to suicide if that happens.

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That edgy death lol...either way..

Did you really throw in a stargate reference there with naqadah?

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When one of the pirates is low on health and gets shot by another with qacannon projectile, he explodes but doesn't die lmao.

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I just had time to look through the manual further and you do say that Boltjes denied making the level, however he denied the skytown one, not the nalic themed one.
And despite my efforts trying to explain it, it was taken to mean that I meant the Tundra map all the time. Perhaps we should have discussed this at length instead of it being skimmed over as now the manual feels infactual.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by TigerTheGreat »

No, we shouldn't have discussed it at length, you just needed to be more specific. I dunno, for example dropping the name of the original .unr, attaching a screenshot, I dunno, SOMETHING? I think we now understand both that I had no idea what you were talking about and you had no idea how to tell me that. I just took it as a level which was started over. I don't even agree either that it's NaliC-like either simply on the virtue of textures used because, well... is it a castle? Lemme guess... no. No, it isn't.

It honestly looked like a level started over or two sections made for whatever reason separately. It's just a misunderstanding, however, publishing a concise list of post-release fixes for the manual's information with the next patch will be enough IMO.

I've received the UT99-patched files from Aspide recently, I will send 'em to you and to OjitroC to give it a whirl. As far as coop fixes go, IDK, maybe we'll outright publish a completely newly-patched version with all YOUR fixes too.

The Golden Blade Praetorian is the squad's leader and a miniboss. I decided to put it there for two reasons: (1) the squad needed a proper leader and (2) they're meant to be a significant hurdle, moreso than Taylor himself maybe. "Gal'Razik's best" and all that. I don't think it's too much at that point. Seriously, DO dust off that QA cannon and slow him down if he gives you trouble. In general I found a grenade-rain death fitting for the entire squad aside from him and the flak cannon on that red sitting duck itself, but if you're feeling lazy and have the Dyatlov Eightball, all you need is one shot really. Gal'Razik takes three I think if they connect fully with the shockwave so there's more than enough and Taylor, let's be frank, is a weakling compared to him.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Screenshot..filename...look that would have been easier if the machine that I play/test it on was able to connect to the internet..but its not. And apart from that I'd have to transfer files using flashcard, I also now have to wait for this grumpy guy living with me to actually do it since its now 50 percent more complex, or more than that. Because of a broken USB port one has to disconnect the external keyboard, which btw recently broke and we had to quickly get a new one...and..its just OVER MY HEAD.

But I did mention dmtown and those filenames were only the skytown themed ones(while ebolt's maps were dm02 specificaly not dmtown) you can't really blame it on that. We should have talked more about it, I maintain that, and about other things too.

Also in my previous post I meant to say nalicast-themed one. Not NaliC. That's not what I meant to imply now.

I still consider the level Tundra-like however.

EDIT: I have most of my coop maps complete already. But since I am making an alt version for coop specificaly that is better suited to 3's...I did alter the filenames, so they are not simply fixes for the old files. I also did a few texture changes in starport and also added rikia's skin and some of the other skin variations on pirates so they don't all look the same. However anyone can export a t3d and do a t3d comparison in what changed. You can adapt some changes over I guess from my versions but they are really meant as alternate version of the maps.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I just provided a fix for ut version of sdeightball, altered steeledawnpakut file that delacroix sent us for testing from..aspicide. I most likely won't be doing any further code fixes though but it was a big issue between dedicated server/client.

I'm also posting here part of my post from another forum:

I also have to point out that Eric Boltjes did contribute to the project and it was the dm02 maps while stuff originally in dmtown directory was by unknown author but possibly someone else from the team or contributors.

On the topic whether this pack was supposed to be commercial or not, I'm lead to believe that initially yes but by the time the website took on the form it did now it was just planned as a free addon with possibility of being included as extra on some discs, but basically a free download.

Still makes it an expansion pack and not just a mere mappack though. But you can see where Level Infinity stood after having bad experience with publishers during the Twin Dragon period. Which was the project they completed before this, so they were fresh out of that experience of their project not being released due to poor sales of shadow warrior and them having to secure the rights back so they at least release it for free.

This was a major factor in SD's developement. And also reason why it was not completed, as reported by developers they were busy on all kind of other, commercial projects and the constant patching of Unreal at the time didn't help things. (the project survived from vanilla unreal to 220 to early 224 even reportedly, but that phase was cut short and had no system files)

But yea apart from Twin Dragon(being part of that sw re-release stuff) the only thing from them that ever saw itself in any commercial release was in netpack extremeties for quake 2, this was actually an idsoft release but it featured a mod by level infinity.

That and they contributed to Quake 2 Zaero as well.

EDIT: Apparently it's Aspide not Aspicide....sorry
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »


The GoldenBlade seems to be immune to the alt projectile of the QACannon - as far as I can tell, the GoldenBlade is immune to the damagetype 'zapped' probably because that's the damagetype that its projectile causes. The alt projectile of the QACannon also has the damagetype 'zapped'. I have fired loads of QACannon alt projectiles into a GoldenBlade from close range with no effect, even after using the primary fire on it to slow it down. Is this immunity deliberate?

As far as I can tell, the SDEightball fires a PlazmaNuke which causes 10000 damage - I have hit pawns, including the GoldenBlade, with the PlazmaNuke (albeit from some distance away) and seen them only take 250 damage (the GoldenBlade has 320 health - after being hit and 'flung' some distance away they have c70 health). So not sure that the PlazmaNuke always works as it should?
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I don't know if it was deliberate, but I noticed on my original playthrough also noticed that the goldenblades had their enviromap skin part fucked by the qacannon actually, it was no longer golden at some point.

So maybe this immunity was workaround now if this is on the updated version with aspide's files? Because you could see on their corpses that the enviromap was a default texture suddenly? Or maybe that had nothing to do with it, I dunno. Maybe it was a problem with the carcass class instead and the texture didn't work and it wasn't the qacannon that killed them.

as for the nuke lol that much damage would have been overkill so i'm glad its not causing so much either way.

That projectile was developed for the nuker mod originally and it was chargable, (and early iteration of this pack had it too), so maybe that damage was the max charge one, except that the weapon no longer does that.

EDIT: Also there was a confusion/bad update regarding the sdeightball fix. Obviously my fix was applied to the regular steeledawnpakut version as opposed to aspide's, which has a lot more scriptwarnings reportedly.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:53 pm So maybe this immunity was workaround now if this is on the updated version with aspide's files?
I don't think so.

Just to recap - playing in 469, off-line, using SD weapons from SteeleDawnPakUT (QACannon, Grenade Launcher, Eightball, Shotgun) and from SteeleDawnPak (Sniper Rilfe, Minigun) in StuffSwapper in DM maps - I have no errors in the original SteeleDawnPakUT.u nor in your version (that fixes the SDEightball and is a fixed version of the original) - I have errors (NeutronBallInfo and UT_Shotgun RateSelf) in the revised version (by Aspide) - I have no errors from the SteeleDawnPak weapons.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I hope Aspide can take a look at the errors introduced by his revised code then. Because I really don't feel like fixing up after someone else introduced new errors.

And sometimes, altering someone else's code is like having to write in someone else's writing style. Its not always easy to get into.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

Back to the GoldenBlade

I have to slightly revise what I said before about immunity - having played against them (spawned via MonsterSpawn) for over an hour, I would now say that the QACannon alt projectile works sometimes, not frequently but sometimes and more often not - I can't work out any pattern to it except that, possibly, hitting it with several primary fire projectiles from the QACannon means that it is more likely to eventually die from the alt projectiles - but I am by no means certain of that.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) » ...

I decided to post the fix that fixes the error with sdeightball ut on dedicated servers here. Treat this as a fix version of the original, because Aspide's version is an overhaul and I looked at the code and it is not trivial, it is bugged and the scriptwarning spam is too heavy so this is just a plain practical non spammy fix version I am providing, even if the file as such was mistake it proved to be more stable and superior especially for servers and my coop altered version.

I am not going to fix Aspide's version, some of the things I see are unecessary and doesn't make much sense to me, thus I cannot be your fix-up version for that. I had a go at it and its just no. I remember that once CodeX refused to fix something because the code was unlike stuff he worked with before. Sorry but yrex is a better coder who at least knows what he's doing even though he might not be familiar with all things UT.

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Also appearances aren't everything and I prefer a stable file over overhauls and easier client control and what not. Because this is just pain especially for server admins to not be able to see what they type in the log window when they are being spammed by script warnings. And it introduces instability too for this reason. If you give this to us for testing and then expect it to not be fixed or ask the tester to fix it, sorry but that goes too far. You have to take the charge and tell your team to fix up or abandon it. That's how it is. I can give one suggestion who to seek maybe, well I have given, if Aspide doesn't want to work further on this to fix the scriptwarnings...but he wasn't even asked by Delacroix so what use is this.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

SD AutoMag

In SteeleDawnPak.u - it works fine in UT - the only 'thing' is that when one has two AutoMags, the dual AutoMag is fine but one also has a single AutoMag - not sure if this is normally the case with the AutoMag or not - seems a bit superfluous.


All versions - is it possible to do anything about the homing primary fire projectile, in the sense that one can have a clear target in the crosshair and the beam is as likely to home-in on something else entirely rather than the intended target? This is somewhat annoying and can, in certain situations, be fatal - in essence, one can not rely on it. As noted before, one can use the secondary fire in that situation but it is not likely to be effective against high health targets and one may want to slow the target down and finish it off with another weapon rather than expending the QACannon ammo by trying to kill the target with the alt projectile.