I see here some issues (including with info file "colony.txt"). What ECoop was pointing...
During this time I was reading also info fileECoop.uc wrote: if (Other.IsA('SkaarjScout') && Left(String(Other), 18) ~= "SPabc1.SkaarjScout")
/*Something clearly wrong with the pathing in this map - affects only high intelligenc SP's / needs more testing
Critical: APawn::breadthPathFrom
Critical: APawn::findPathToward
Critical: AActor::ProcessState
Critical: Object SkaarjScout spabc1.SkaarjScout10, Old State State UnrealShare.Skaarj.Hunting, New State State UnrealShare.Skaarj.Hunting
Critical: AActor::Tick
Critical: TickAllActors*/
if (Rand(3) == 0)
ReplaceWith(Other, "Unreali.Behemoth");
else if (Rand(2) == 0)
ReplaceWith(Other, "Unreali.Brute");
ReplaceWith(Other, "Unreali.GiantGasbag");
return False;
For me personally, map was crashing game (even XC game) like this:colony.txt wrote: Additional Credits to : Epic Megagames (http://unreal.epicgames.com/)
for making a great outlet for creativity.
The Testers. Hyperion in particular for helpful feedback.
All the editing sites I visited, everyone had something to offer.
You, for playing this level. Thanks a lot!
Known bugs : None I'm aware of. Mail if you find something.
bla bla spam spam spam
Code: Select all
Critical: APawn::TraverseFrom
Critical: APawn::TraverseFrom
Critical: APawn::TraverseFrom
Critical: APawn::TraverseFrom
Critical: APawn::findRandomDest
Interesting that "testers" did not see anything - I think they never ended this map, unless they were lucky...
In old times fixing this map was not exactly a fix but more like a mitigation. Relink Nodes into Navigation ( code needs hacks for getting compiled ) and discarding offending ReachSpecs. What is about more exactly ?
Oh well... The boy has deleted nodes, then saving map and then sharing it - a misery more exactly.
Here are a few things from Paths report - these are available in 2022 and we can even have a run-time patch supported by XC_Engine for fixing this garbage:
Code: Select all
ReachSpec: 292 : Start = MyLevel.PathNode32 End = None ColRadius = 31 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 944 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 424 : Start = MyLevel.PathNode49 End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 464 Pruned = 0.
ReachSpec: 425 : Start = MyLevel.PathNode49 End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 872 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 427 : Start = None End = MyLevel.PathNode32 ColRadius = 31 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 944 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 428 : Start = None End = MyLevel.PathNode49 ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 464 Pruned = 0.
ReachSpec: 429 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 408 Pruned = 0.
ReachSpec: 430 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 904 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 431 : Start = None End = MyLevel.InventorySpot55 ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 780 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 432 : Start = None End = MyLevel.PathNode49 ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 872 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 433 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 408 Pruned = 0.
ReachSpec: 434 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 64 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 497 Pruned = 0.
ReachSpec: 435 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 70 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 904 Pruned = 1.
ReachSpec: 436 : Start = None End = None ColRadius = 64 ColHeight = 70 ReachFlag = 1 Dist = 497 Pruned = 0.
and the same funky stuff