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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Barbie »

Letylove49 wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:00 pm i got the same error with this
If you have replaced this code fragment and refer to it:
It looks like to be outside any function. You should provide more info. My crystal ball is broken.
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

Here the code of the original function setup

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.

	if (player == none || player.playerReplicationInfo == none || player.gameReplicationInfo == none) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
	} else if (player.playerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator &&
	    !player.playerReplicationInfo.bWaitingPlayer) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[4];
	} else if (useUTHUDColor || (!player.gameReplicationInfo.bTeamGame && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD) != none)) {
		baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).favoriteHUDColor * 15.9;
	} else if (0 <= player.playerReplicationInfo.team && player.playerReplicationInfo.team <= 3) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[player.playerReplicationInfo.team];
	} else {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];

	// Fix offset 
	C.bCenter = false;
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY ||
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {	
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * chatMsgMaxCount;
		// Other messages.
		otherFont = getFont(otherMsgSize, c);
		c.font = otherFont;
		c.strLen("XXX", dummy, otherFontHeight);
		bForceUpdate = false;
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;
the fonction that i wich to put for fixe the Hud on gametype Holywars to get the hud on the right color :

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup1(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.
      baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;

	// Fix offset 
	C.bCenter = false;
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY ||
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {	
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * chatMsgMaxCount;
		// Other messages.
		otherFont = getFont(otherMsgSize, c);
		c.font = otherFont;
		c.strLen("XXX", dummy, otherFontHeight);
		bForceUpdate = false;
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;
i don''t know if this can be useful

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called before anything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function preRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called after everything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function postRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	// Render the message box.
	if (client.bUseNexgenMessageHUD) {
	// Render HUD extensions.
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {
now the Hud on holywarsgametype ( this is not included on Nexgen)

Code: Select all

// HolyWarsHUD.
class HolyWarsHUD expands ChallengeHUD;

simulated function HUDSetup(canvas canvas)
	local String MyName, SaintName;
	local bool bHeretic;


	MyName = PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName;
	bHeretic = HolyPRI(PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo).bHeretic;
	SaintName = HolyWarsReplicationInfo( PlayerOwner.GameReplicationInfo ).TheSaint;

	if( MyName == SaintName )
		HUDColor = GoldColor;
	else if( bHeretic )
		HUDColor = RedColor;
		HUDColor = BlueColor;

	SolidHUDColor = HUDColor;
	if ( Level.bHighDetailMode )
		HUDColor = Opacity * 0.0625 * HUDColor;

simulated function PostRender( canvas Canvas )
	super.PostRender( Canvas);

	// Display HolyWars Information
	if( !PlayerOwner.bShowScores )
		DrawHolyInfo( Canvas );

simulated function DrawHolyInfo( canvas Canvas )
	local float XOffset, YOffset, XL, YL;
	local String HolyMessage, VersionMessage, MyName, SaintName;
	local bool bHaloSpawned, bHeretic;

	MyName = PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName;
	bHeretic = HolyPRI(PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo).bHeretic;
	SaintName = HolyWarsReplicationInfo( PlayerOwner.GameReplicationInfo ).TheSaint;
	bHaloSpawned = HolyWarsReplicationInfo( PlayerOwner.GameReplicationInfo ).bHaloSpawned;

	Canvas.Font = MyFonts.GetBigFont( Canvas.ClipX );

	if( MOTDFadeOutTime > 0 )
		VersionMessage = "HolyWars"@HolyWarsReplicationInfo( PlayerOwner.GameReplicationInfo ).Version;
		Canvas.StrLen(VersionMessage, XL, YL);
		XOffset = (Canvas.ClipX - XL ) / 2; 
		YOffset = Canvas.ClipY - 128*Scale - 2 * YL;
		Canvas.SetPos(XOffset, YOffset);
		Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
		Canvas.DrawText(VersionMessage, False);
		HolyMessage = "http://www.planetunreal.com/flatware";
		Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor;
	else if( bHeretic )
		HolyMessage = "You're a Heretic, loser!";
		Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor;
	else if( MyName == SaintName )
		HolyMessage = "You are the saint! Go berserk!";
		Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor;
	else if( !bHaloSpawned )
		HolyMessage = "Waiting for the Halo to spawn...";
		if( !PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator )
			HolyMessage = HolyMessage@"Get ready to rock...";
		Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
	else if( SaintName == "" )
		if( !PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator )	
			HolyMessage = "Find the Halo! Hurry!";
			HolyMessage = "The Halo is free.";
		Canvas.DrawColor = GreenColor;
		HolyMessage = SaintName@"is the Saint!";
		if( !PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator )
			HolyMessage = HolyMessage@"Kill that bastard!";
		Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor;

	Canvas.StrLen(HolyMessage, XL, YL);			// Check string's length
	XOffset = (Canvas.ClipX - XL ) / 2; 		// Center message
	YOffset = Canvas.ClipY - 128*Scale - YL;	// Place it over weaponinfo
	Canvas.SetPos(XOffset, YOffset);
	Canvas.DrawText(HolyMessage, False);
	Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;



Letylove49 aka Alicia
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Deepu »

What is the actually goal of Nexgen HUD with HolyWar HUD?
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

the nexgen hud is not dispay in the same color than the HolywarsHud. i want that NexgenHud be the same color than the HolywarsHud

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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Deepu »

Okay so copy the master HUD's color to Nexgen HUD, problem will be resolved as I posted already use this code and delete the rest of the codes

Code: Select all

baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;
This will copy all colors from player's HUD color means the master HUD when the master hud's color is changed Nexgen also changes the color, if you customized your UT preferred color to any, any color it will copy so no more extra codes needed, first do a test then, if required do a 1000 times test.
As per your code is required HolyWars PRI info but Nexgen's HUD doesn't know about HolyWars HUD's color, possible but Nexgen package must needed HolyWars package for loading Saint or something for the color info so use the simple method.
Also before you said this:
I am not 100% satisfied because it disables the "useUTHUDColor" function
What do you mean by this? Customized UT's HUD color from the UT HUD's menu?
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

Deepu wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:21 pm Okay so copy the master HUD's color to Nexgen HUD, problem will be resolved as I posted already use this code and delete the rest of the codes

Code: Select all

baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;
This will copy all colors from player's HUD color means the master HUD when the master hud's color is changed Nexgen also changes the color, if you customized your UT preferred color to any, any color it will copy so no more extra codes needed, first do a test then, if required do a 1000 times test.
As per your code is required HolyWars PRI info but Nexgen's HUD doesn't know about HolyWars HUD's color, possible but Nexgen package must needed HolyWars package for loading Saint or something for the color info so use the simple method.
Also before you said this:
I am not 100% satisfied because it disables the "useUTHUDColor" function
What do you mean by this? Customized UT's HUD color from the UT HUD's menu?
if his option is disabled the hudcolor will be the team color ( but only the nexgenhud) ( this option will be available only on the futur official release of Nexgen113 or on my custum Nexgen112SDL

Letylove49 aka Alicia
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Deepu »

Can you show me some examples? Or connect me in discord Deepu#9797
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

Deepu wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:43 pm Can you show me some examples? Or connect me in discord Deepu#9797
Reslut on Holywars with the setting

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.
	if (player == none || player.playerReplicationInfo == none || player.gameReplicationInfo == none) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
	} else if (player.playerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator &&
	    !player.playerReplicationInfo.bWaitingPlayer) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[4];
	} else if (useUTHUDColor || (!player.gameReplicationInfo.bTeamGame && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD) != none)) {
		baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).favoriteHUDColor * 15.9;
	} else if (0 <= player.playerReplicationInfo.team && player.playerReplicationInfo.team <= 3) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[player.playerReplicationInfo.team];
	} else {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
On Holywars :
on ctf with (useUTHUDColor On False / this will work only on team Game)
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Deepu »

I set my preferred color in CTF game with Nexgen and it's working
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

if you use Nexgen112N that work fine

Letylove49 aka Alicia
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Deepu »

Then copy the HUD code from NexgenHUD112N to your NexgenHUD's version to fix this problem right?

Code: Select all

 *  NSC. Nexgen Server Controller by Zeropoint.
 *  $CLASS        NexgenHUD
 *  $VERSION      1.23 (15-3-2009 11:55)
 *  $AUTHOR       Daan 'Defrost' Scheerens  initial version
 *  $CONTACT      d.scheerens@gmail.com
 *  $DESCRIPTION  Nexgen HUD extension class.
class NexgenHUD extends Mutator;

#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\LadrStatic.utx PACKAGE=Botpack.LadrStatic

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=base         FILE=Resources\base.pcx         GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=grad32       FILE=Resources\grad32.pcx       GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=grad64       FILE=Resources\grad64.pcx       GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=playerIcon   FILE=Resources\PlayerIcon.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=playerIcon2  FILE=Resources\PlayerIcon2.pcx  GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=serverIcon   FILE=Resources\ServerIcon.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=serverIcon2  FILE=Resources\ServerIcon2.pcx  GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=offlineIcon  FILE=Resources\OfflineIcon.pcx  GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=offlineIcon2 FILE=Resources\OfflineIcon2.pcx GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=waitIcon     FILE=Resources\WaitIcon.pcx     GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=waitIcon2    FILE=Resources\WaitIcon2.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=specIcon     FILE=Resources\SpecIcon.pcx     GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=specIcon2    FILE=Resources\SpecIcon2.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=shieldIcon   FILE=Resources\ShieldIcon.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=shieldIcon2  FILE=Resources\ShieldIcon2.pcx  GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=idleIcon     FILE=Resources\IdleIcon.pcx     GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=idleIcon2    FILE=Resources\IdleIcon2.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=mutedIcon    FILE=Resources\MutedIcon.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=mutedIcon2   FILE=Resources\MutedIcon2.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=matchIcon    FILE=Resources\MatchIcon.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=matchIcon2   FILE=Resources\MatchIcon2.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=loginIcon    FILE=Resources\loginIcon.pcx    GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=loginIcon2   FILE=Resources\loginIcon2.pcx   GROUP="GFX" FLAGS=3 MIPS=OFF

var NexgenClient client;                // Client owning this HUD.
var PlayerPawn player;                  // Local player (which has a viewport).

var float lastSetupTime;                // Last time setup() was called.
var Font baseFont;                      // Base font to use for rendering text.
var Color blankColor;                   // White color (#FFFFFF).
var Color baseHUDColor;                 // Base color of the HUD (background color).
var Color baseColors[6];                // Base colors available for the HUD.
var Color colors[11];                   // List of colors for text.
var float baseFontHeight;               // Height of the base font.

struct MessageInfo {                    // Structure for storing message information.
	var string text[9];                 // Message text list.
	var int col[9];                     // Message text colors.
	var float timeStamp;                // Time at which the message was received.

struct PanelInfo {                      // Panel info container structure.
	var string text;                    // Text displayed on the panel.
	var Color textCol;                  // Color of the text to display.
	var Texture icon;                   // Icon displayed in front of the text.
	var Texture solidIcon;              // Solid version of the icon.
	var bool bBlink;                    // Indicates if the text should 'blink'.

var MessageInfo chatMessages[3];        // List of chat messages.
var MessageInfo messages[9];            // List of all other messages.
var int chatMsgCount;                   // Number of chat messages stored in the list.
var int msgCount;                       // Number of other messages stored.
var Texture faceImg;                    // Face texture to display in the chat message box.

var float msgBoxWidth;                  // Width of the message box.
var float msgBoxLineHeight;             // Height of a line in the message box.
var float msgBoxHeight;                 // Total height of the message box.
var float minPanelWidth;                // Minimum size of the panel.

var bool bFlashMessages;                // Whether new messages should flash.

var float lastResX;                     // Horizontal resolution at last setup call.
var float lastResY;                     // Vertical resolution at last setup call.

var float lastLevelTimeSeconds;         // Last value of level.time seconds.
var float timeSeconds;                  // Gamespeed independent timeSeconds, that keeps counting
                                        // even when the game is paused.
var bool bShowPlayerLocation;           // Show player location name in teamsay messages?

var NexgenHUDExtension extensions[10];  // Registered HUD extensions.

const iconSize = 24.0;                  // Size of the status icons.

const chatMessageLifeTime = 16.0;       // The amount of time a chat message is diplayed (in sec).
const messageLifeTime = 12.0;           // Amount of time any other message is displayed (in sec).
const messageBlinkTime = 4.0;           // How long a message is highlighted (in sec).
const messageBlinkRate = 4.0;           // Message highlight blink rate (in Hz).
const panelBlinkRate = 2.0;             // Panel text highlight blink rate (in Hz).
const blinkColorDamp = 0.70;            // Dampening factor for blinking text.

const connectionAlertDelay = 2;         // Time to wait before showing the bad connection alert.
const secPerMinute = 60;                // Number of seconds per minute -- duh!
const matchInfoSwitchTime = 4;          // Number of seconds to wait before switching between time
                                        // remaining and match num.

// Alert window settings.
const hDefBarSize = 20;                 // Animated horizontal bar size.
const alertAnimTime = 0.5;              // Animation cycle time.
const alertAnimDist = 64;               // Distance the animated bar moves away from the window.
const alertBorderSize = 32;             // Distance between borders and text of the window.
const newLineToken = "\\n";             // Token used to break the text in multiple lines.

// Colors.
const C_RED = 0;
const C_BLUE = 1;
const C_GREEN = 2;
const C_YELLOW = 3;
const C_WHITE = 4;
const C_BLACK = 5;
const C_PINK = 6;
const C_CYAN = 7;
const C_METAL = 8;
const C_ORANGE = 9;

// Server states.
const SS_Loading = 'ssloading';         // Loading.
const SS_Offline = 'ssoffline';         // Connection with server is failing.
const SS_Waiting = 'sswaiting';         // Server is waiting for players.
const SS_Ready = 'ssready';             // Game is ready to start.
const SS_Starting = 'ssstaring';        // Game is counting down to start.
const SS_Ended = 'ssended';             // Game is ended.
const SS_Paused = 'sspaused';           // Game is paused.
const SS_Match = 'ssmatch';             // A match is in progress.
const SS_Normal = 'ssnormal';           // A normal game is in progress.

// Client states.
const CS_Login = 'cslogin';             // Client is logging in.
const CS_Idle = 'csidle';               // Client is idle or camping.
const CS_Protected = 'csprotected';     // Client is (damage) protected.
const CS_Muted = 'csmuted';             // Client is muted.
const CS_Dead = 'csdead';               // Client is dead.
const CS_Normal = 'csnormal';           // Client is in normal state.

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes the extended HUD.
 *  $REQUIRE      owner != none && owner.isA('NexgenClient')
 *  $ENSURE       client != none
function postBeginPlay() {
	client = NexgenClient(owner);

	//registerHUDMutator();  // doesnt always work, as the player HUD is not always valid at this point
                             // call it direct from postRenderHUD to be sure
	bFlashMessages = client.gc.get(client.SSTR_FlashMessages, "false") ~= "true";
	bShowPlayerLocation = client.gc.get(client.SSTR_ShowPlayerLocation, "true") ~= "true";

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the extended Nexgen HUD.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
function postRender(Canvas c) {
	local float badConnectionTime;
	local int timeRemaining;
	local int index;
	// Let other HUD mutators do their job first.
	if (nextHUDMutator != none) {
	// Render HUD extensions.

	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {
	// Render alerts.
//	setup(c);
	badConnectionTime = client.timeSeconds - client.badConnectionSince;
	if (client.bBadConnectionDetected && client.sConf != none && client.sConf.autoReconnectTime > 0 &&
	    (badConnectionTime > connectionAlertDelay || client.gInf.rebootCountDown > 0)) {
		// Connection lost alert.
		timeRemaining = client.sConf.autoReconnectTime - badConnectionTime + 1;
		if (timeRemaining > 0) {
			renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.autoReconnectAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_RED], colors[C_RED]);
		} else {
			renderAlert(c, client.lng.reconnectingAlert, colors[C_RED], colors[C_RED]);
	} else if (client.gInf != none && client.gInf.rebootCountDown > 0) {
		// Reboot warning.
		timeRemaining = client.gInf.rebootCountDown;
		renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.rebootAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_WHITE], baseHUDColor);
	} else if (client.idleTimeRemaining >= 0 && client.idleTimeRemaining <= client.idleTimeWarning) {
		// Idle warning.
		timeRemaining = client.idleTimeRemaining;
		renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.idleAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_WHITE], baseHUDColor);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders an alert window.
 *  $PARAM        msg        The message to display on the alert window.
 *  $PARAM        textColor  Color of the text displayed on the alert window.
 *  $PARAM        baseColor  Background color of the alert window.
simulated function renderAlert(Canvas c, string msg, color textColor, color baseColor) {
	local int windowWidth;
	local int windowHeight;
	local int cx, cy;
	local float animIndex;
	local int dist;
	local int hBarSize;
	local float textWidth;
	local int maxTextWidth;
	local float textHeight;
	local int lineCount;
	local string remaining;
	local int index;
	local string text;
	// Initialize.
	c.font = ChallengeHUD(c.viewport.actor.myHUD).myFonts.getStaticHugeFont(c.clipX);
	remaining = msg;
	lineCount = 0;
	while (remaining != "") {
		index = instr(remaining, newLineToken);
		if (index > 0) {
			text = left(remaining, index);
			remaining = mid(remaining, index + len(newLineToken));
		} else {
			text = remaining;
			remaining = "";
		c.strLen(text, textWidth, textHeight);
		maxTextWidth = max(maxTextWidth, textWidth);
	windowWidth = maxTextWidth + 2 * alertBorderSize;
	windowHeight = lineCount * textHeight + 2 * alertBorderSize;
	cx = (c.clipX - windowWidth) / 2;
	cy = (c.clipY - windowHeight) / 2;
	// Render frame background.
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	if ( (ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) || !Level.bHighDetailMode )
		C.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	c.drawColor = baseColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(cx, cy);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad64', windowWidth, windowHeight, 0.0, 0.0, 64.0, 64.0);
	// Render borders.
	c.drawColor = baseColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 1.0 + windowWidth, cy - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy - 2.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hDefBarSize, cy - 2.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hDefBarSize, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// High detail animation effect.
	if (level.bHighDetailMode) {
		animIndex = (client.timeSeconds % alertAnimTime) / alertAnimTime;
		c.drawColor = baseColor * (1.0 - animIndex);
		dist = sin(animIndex * pi * 0.5) * alertAnimDist;
		hBarSize = hDefBarSize + hDefBarSize * ((windowWidth + alertAnimDist) / windowWidth) * animIndex;
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy - 1.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0 + 2 * dist, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 1.0 + windowWidth + dist, cy - 1.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0 + 2 * dist, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy - 2.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight + dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hBarSize + dist, cy - 2.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hBarSize + dist, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight + dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Render text.
	remaining = msg;
	lineCount = 0;
	c.drawColor = textColor;
	while (remaining != "") {
		index = instr(remaining, newLineToken);
		if (index > 0) {
			text = left(remaining, index);
			remaining = mid(remaining, index + len(newLineToken));
		} else {
			text = remaining;
			remaining = "";
		c.setPos(cx + alertBorderSize, cy + alertBorderSize + lineCount * textHeight);
		c.drawText(text, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the message HUD.
 *  $PARAM        msg      The message that is to be displayed.
 *  $PARAM        msgType  Message type identifier.
 *  $PARAM        pri1     Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2     Replication info of the second player involved.
simulated function message(string msg, name msgType, PlayerReplicationInfo pri1, PlayerReplicationInfo pri2) {
	local int playerColor;
	local int messageColor;
	local bool bIsSpecSayMsg;
	local PlayerReplicationInfo specPRI;
	local GameReplicationInfo gri;
	local int index;
	local string locationName;

	// Check if the message was send by a spectator using say.
	if (msgType == 'Event' && instr(msg, ":") >= 0) {
		// Get shortcut to the game replication info.
		gri = player.gameReplicationInfo;	
		// Find a player.
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			if (gri.PRIArray[index].bIsSpectator &&
			    left(msg, len(gri.PRIArray[index].playerName) + 1) ~=
			    (gri.PRIArray[index].playerName $ ":")) {
				if (bIsSpecSayMsg) {
					if (len(gri.PRIArray[index].playerName) > len(pri1.playerName)) {
						pri1 = gri.PRIArray[index];
				} else {
					bIsSpecSayMsg = true;
					pri1 = gri.PRIArray[index];

	// Check message type.
	if (bIsSpecSayMsg) {
		// Chat message. Special case: player is spec and using say (not teamsay).
		if (pri1.talkTexture != none) {
			faceImg = pri1.talkTexture;
		addChatMsg(C_METAL, pri1.playerName $ ": ", C_METAL, mid(msg, len(pri1.playerName) + 1));

	} else if (pri1 != none && msg != "" && (msgType == 'Say' || msgType == 'TeamSay')) {
		// Chat message.
		playerColor = getPlayerColor(pri1);
		if (pri1.talkTexture != none) {
			faceImg = pri1.talkTexture;
		if (msgType == 'TeamSay') {
			if (pri1.bIsSpectator && !pri1.bWaitingPlayer) {
				messageColor = C_WHITE;
			} else {
				messageColor = C_GREEN;

			if (!pri1.bIsSpectator) {
			    if (pri1.playerLocation != none) {
			        locationName = pri1.playerLocation.locationName;
			    } else if (pri1.playerZone != none) {
					locationName = pri1.playerZone.zoneName;
		} else {
			if (pri1.bIsSpectator && !pri1.bWaitingPlayer) {
				messageColor = C_METAL;
			} else {
				messageColor = C_ORANGE;
		if (locationName != "" && bShowPlayerLocation) {
			addChatMsg(playerColor, pri1.playerName, C_CYAN, " (" $ locationName $ "): ", messageColor, msg);
		} else {
			addChatMsg(playerColor, pri1.playerName $ ": ", C_GREEN, msg);
	} else if (msg != "") {
		// Other message.
		addColorizedMessage(msg, pri1, pri2);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the area just below the chatbox. Before the message is added an
 *                attempt will be made to highlight player names. This is done by checking if the
 *                messages contain the names of the given player replication info objects.
 *  $PARAM        msg   Message to add.
 *  $PARAM        pri1  Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2  Replication info of the second player involved.
simulated function addColorizedMessage(string msg, PlayerReplicationInfo pri1, PlayerReplicationInfo pri2) {
	local string firstPlayerName;
	local string secondPlayerName;
	local int firstIndex;
	local int secondIndex;
	local int firstPlayerColor;
	local int secondPlayerColor;
	local string msgPart1;
	local string msgPart2;
	local string msgPart3;
	local int msgColor;
	local string tempPlayerName;
	local int tempIndex;
	local int tempPlayerColor;
	// Get message color.
	msgColor = class'NexgenUtil'.static.getMessageColor(msg);
	if (msgColor < 0) {
		msgColor = C_CYAN;
	msg = class'NexgenUtil'.static.removeMessageColorTag(msg);
	// Get player name indices.
	getPlayerNameIndices(msg, pri1, pri2, firstIndex, secondIndex);
	// Get player names & colors.
	if (pri1 != none) {
		firstPlayerName = pri1.playerName;
		firstPlayerColor = getPlayerColor(pri1);
	if (pri2 != none) {
		secondPlayerName = pri2.playerName;
		secondPlayerColor = getPlayerColor(pri2);	
	// Swap first and second player if necessary.
	if (secondIndex >= 0 && (secondIndex < firstIndex || firstIndex < 0)) {
		tempPlayerName = secondPlayerName;
		tempIndex = secondIndex;
		tempPlayerColor = secondPlayerColor;
		secondPlayerName = firstPlayerName;
		secondIndex = firstIndex;
		secondPlayerColor = firstPlayerColor;
		firstPlayerName = tempPlayerName;
		firstIndex = tempIndex;
		firstPlayerColor = tempPlayerColor;
	// Split message.
	if (firstIndex >= 0 && secondIndex >= 0) {
		msgPart1 = left(msg, firstIndex);
		msgPart2 = mid(msg, firstIndex + len(firstPlayerName), secondIndex - firstIndex - len(firstPlayerName));
		msgPart3 = mid(msg, secondIndex + len(secondPlayerName));
	} else if (firstIndex >= 0) {
		msgPart1 = left(msg, firstIndex);
		msgPart2 = mid(msg, firstIndex + len(firstPlayerName));
		secondPlayerName = "";
	} else {
		firstPlayerName = "";
		secondPlayerName = "";
		msgPart1 = msg;
	// Add message.
	addMsg(msgColor, msgPart1, firstPlayerColor, firstPlayerName, msgColor, msgPart2,
	       secondPlayerColor, secondPlayerName, msgColor, msgPart3);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Attemps to locate the indices of player names in the given message. To speed up
 *                the locating process you can pass the player replication info actors of the
 *                players that are most likely to be included in the message.
 *  $PARAM        msg     The message which may contain player names.
 *  $PARAM        pri1    Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2    Replication info of the second player involved.
 *  $PARAM        index1  The location in the string where the first player name occurs.
 *  $PARAM        index2  The location in the string where the second player name occurs.
 *  $ENSURE       (index1 >= 0 ? pri1 != none : true) && (index2 >= 0 ? pri2 != none : true)
simulated function getPlayerNameIndices(string msg, out PlayerReplicationInfo pri1,
                                        out PlayerReplicationInfo pri2, out int index1,
                                        out int index2) {
	local PlayerReplicationInfo tmpPRI;
	local GameReplicationInfo gri;
	local int index;
	local int nameIndex;
	local int tmpIndex;
	// Get shortcut to the game replication info.
	gri = player.gameReplicationInfo;
	// Initially no indices have been found.
	index1 = -1;
	index2 = -1;
	// Check if the first PRI is actually in the message. This appears not to be the case for some
	// messages (for example with the Stranglove weapon mod).
	if (pri1 != none && instr(msg, pri1.playerName) < 0) {
		pri1 = none;
	// Swap player replication info's if needed.
	if (pri1 == none && pri2 != none) {
		pri1 = pri2;
		pri2 = none;
	} else if (pri1 != none && pri2 != none && len(pri2.playerName) > len(pri1.playerName)) {
		// Ensure the longest playername is located first.
		tmpPRI = pri1;
		pri1 = pri2;
		pri2 = tmpPRI;
	// Get the position of the first player name in the message.
	if (pri1 == none) {
		// No PRI found, try to find one.
		index = 0;
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			// Get current player replication info.
			tmpPRI = gri.PRIArray[index];
			// Get position of the players name in the message.
			nameIndex = instr(msg, tmpPRI.playerName);
			// Select PRI?
			if (nameIndex >= 0 && (pri1 == none || len(tmpPRI.playerName) > len(pri1.playerName))) {
				// Yes, no name has been found so far or a longer player name has been found.
				pri1 = tmpPRI;
				index1 = nameIndex;
			// Continue with next player name.
	} else {
		// Already got PRI, just find the index of the name.
		index1 = instr(msg, pri1.playerName);
	// Get the position of the second player name in the message.
	if (pri1 != none && pri2 == none) {
		// No PRI found, try to find one.
		index = 0;
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			// Get current player replication info.
			tmpPRI = gri.PRIArray[index];
			// Get position of the players name in the message.
			nameIndex = instr(msg, tmpPRI.playerName);
			// Check for overlap.
			if (index1 >=0 && nameIndex >= 0 && index1 <= nameIndex &&
			    nameIndex < index1 + len(pri1.playerName)) {
				// Overlap detected, check if name occurs after the first player name.
				nameIndex = instr(mid(msg, index1 + len(pri1.playerName)), tmpPRI.playerName);
				if (nameIndex >= 0) {
					nameIndex += index1 + len(pri1.playerName);
			// Select PRI?
			if (nameIndex >= 0 && (pri2 == none || len(tmpPRI.playerName) > len(pri2.playerName))) {
				// Yes, no name has been found so far or a longer player name has been found.
				pri2 = tmpPRI;
				index2 = nameIndex;
			// Continue with next player name.
	} else if (pri2 != none) {
		// Already got PRI, just find the index of the name.
		nameIndex = instr(msg, pri2.playerName);
		// Check for overlap.
		if (index1 >= 0 && nameIndex >= 0 && index1 <= nameIndex && nameIndex < index1 + len(pri1.playerName)) {
			// Overlap detected, check if name occurs after the first player name.
			nameIndex = instr(mid(msg, index1 + len(pri1.playerName)), pri2.playerName);
			if (nameIndex >= 0) {
				nameIndex += index1 + len(pri1.playerName);
		// Set index.
		index2 = nameIndex;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the chatbox. The message is split in several parts, so each can
 *                be displayed in a specified color.
 *  $PARAM        col1   Color of the first part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text1  First part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col2   Color of the second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text2  Second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col3   Color of the third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text3  Third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col4   Color of the fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text4  Fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col5   Color of the fifth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text5  Fifth part of the message.
simulated function addChatMsg(int col1, string text1,
                              optional int col2, optional string text2,
                              optional int col3, optional string text3,
                              optional int col4, optional string text4,
                              optional int col5, optional string text5) {
	local int index;
  local NexgenRCPChatLog chatLogPanel;
	// Find position in messages list.
	if (chatMsgCount < arrayCount(chatMessages)) {
		index = chatMsgCount;
	} else {
		// List is full, shift messages.
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		index = chatMsgCount - 1;
	// Store message.
	chatMessages[index].text[0] = text1;
	chatMessages[index].text[1] = text2;
	chatMessages[index].text[2] = text3;
	chatMessages[index].text[3] = text4;
	chatMessages[index].text[4] = text5;
	chatMessages[index].col[0] = col1;
	chatMessages[index].col[1] = col2;
	chatMessages[index].col[2] = col3;
	chatMessages[index].col[3] = col4;
	chatMessages[index].col[4] = col5;
	chatMessages[index].timeStamp = timeSeconds;

	chatLogPanel = NexgenRCPChatLog(client.mainWindow.mainPanel.getPanel(class'NexgenRCPChatLog'.default.panelIdentifier));
    if (chatLogPanel != none)
        chatLogPanel.addChatMsg (text1@text2@text3@text4@text5);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the area below the chatbox. The message is split in several
 *                parts, so each can be displayed in a specified color.
 *  $PARAM        col1   Color of the first part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text1  First part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col2   Color of the second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text2  Second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col3   Color of the third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text3  Third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col4   Color of the fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text4  Fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col5   Color of the fifth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text5  Fifth part of the message.
simulated function addMsg(int col1, string text1,
                          optional int col2, optional string text2,
                          optional int col3, optional string text3,
                          optional int col4, optional string text4,
                          optional int col5, optional string text5) {
	local int index;
	// Find position in messages list.
	if (msgCount < arrayCount(messages)) {
		index = msgCount;
	} else {
		// List is full, shift messages.
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
		index = msgCount - 1;
	// Store message.
	messages[index].text[0] = text1;
	messages[index].text[1] = text2;
	messages[index].text[2] = text3;
	messages[index].text[3] = text4;
	messages[index].text[4] = text5;
	messages[index].col[0] = col1;
	messages[index].col[1] = col2;
	messages[index].col[2] = col3;
	messages[index].col[3] = col4;
	messages[index].col[4] = col5;
	messages[index].timeStamp = timeSeconds;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getStaticSmallestFont(c.clipX);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;

	// Set base hud color.
        baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor; // use the HUD colour set in UT prefs	
/*	if (player == none || player.playerReplicationInfo == none || player.gameReplicationInfo == none) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
	} else if (player.playerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator &&
	    !player.playerReplicationInfo.bWaitingPlayer) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[4];
	} else if (!player.gameReplicationInfo.bTeamGame &&
		       ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD) != none) {
		baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).favoriteHUDColor * 15.9;
	} else if (0 <= player.playerReplicationInfo.team && player.playerReplicationInfo.team <= 3) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[player.playerReplicationInfo.team];
	} else {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY;
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {

	// Set base hud color.
        baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor; // use the HUD colour set in UT prefs	
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getStaticSmallestFont(c.clipX);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * arrayCount(chatMessages);
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called before anything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function preRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called after everything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function postRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	// Render the message box.
	if (client.bUseNexgenMessageHUD) {


	// Render HUD extensions.
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the chat message box.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function renderMessageBox(Canvas c) {
	local float panelWidth;
	local float panelHeight;
	local PanelInfo serverState;
	local PanelInfo clientState;
	local int index;
	local float cx;
	local float cy;
	// Initialize.
	panelHeight = int((msgBoxHeight - 3.0) / 2.0);
	serverState = getServerState();
	clientState = getClientState();
	panelWidth = fMax(getPanelWidth(serverState, c, panelHeight), getPanelWidth(clientState, c, panelHeight));
	// Background.
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	if ( (ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) || !Level.bHighDetailMode )
		C.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;

	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad64', msgBoxWidth - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 64.0, 64.0);
	// Borders.
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(0.0, 0.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0 - panelWidth, panelHeight + 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', panelWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxHeight - 1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 2.0 - panelWidth, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Panels.
	renderPanel(serverState, c, panelHeight, msgBoxWidth - panelWidth - 1.0, 1.0);
	renderPanel(clientState, c, panelHeight, msgBoxWidth - panelWidth - 1.0, panelHeight + 2.0);
	// Face image.
	if (faceImg != none) {
		c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
		c.drawColor = blankColor;
		c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
		c.drawTile(faceImg, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, faceImg.uSize, faceImg.vSize);
     	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
        c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.25;
        c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
        c.drawTile(Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00', msgBoxHeight - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                   Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00'.uSize, Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00'.vSize);
	// Typing prompt.
	if (player.player.console.bTyping) {
		renderTypingPromt(c, "(>" $ player.player.console.typedStr $ "_");
	// Chat messages.
	cx = msgBoxHeight + 2.0;
	cy = (msgBoxLineHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	for (index = 0; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
		renderMessage(c, cx, cy, chatMessages[index]);
		cy += msgBoxLineHeight;
	// Other messages.
	cx = 1.0;
	cy = msgBoxHeight + 2.0;
	if (player.player.console.bTyping) {
		cy += msgBoxLineHeight;
	for (index = 0; index < msgCount; index++) {
		renderMessage(c, cx, cy, messages[index]);
		cy += baseFontHeight;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the typing promt for the chat message box.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function renderTypingPromt(Canvas c, string msg) {
	local float msgOffset;
	// Background.
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;

	if ( (ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) || !Level.bHighDetailMode )
		c.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;

	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(1.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad32', msgBoxWidth - 2.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 32.0, 32.0);
	// Borders.
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight + msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Message.
	msgOffset = (msgBoxLineHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	c.drawColor = colors[C_WHITE];
	c.setPos(msgOffset, msgOffset + msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawText(msg, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the specified message.
 *  $PARAM        c    Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        x    Horizontal offset.
 *  $PARAM        y    Vertical offset.
 *  $PARAM        msg  The message that is to be rendered.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none && msg != none
simulated function renderMessage(Canvas c, float x, float y, MessageInfo msg) {
	local float cx;
	local int msgIndex;
	local float msgWidth;
	local float msgHeight;
	local float lifeTime;
	local float blinkFactor;
	local float blinkIntensity;
	// Check if the message should blink.
	lifeTime = (timeSeconds - msg.timeStamp);
	if (bFlashMessages && lifeTime < messageBlinkTime) {
		blinkFactor = (1.0 + cos(lifeTime * 2 * pi * messageBlinkRate)) / 2.0;
		blinkIntensity = (1.0 - blinkFactor) * 255.0;

	// Render message.
	cx = x;
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;	
	for (msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < 5; msgIndex++) {
		c.setPos(cx, y);
		c.drawColor = colors[msg.col[msgIndex]];
		if (bFlashMessages && lifeTime < messageBlinkTime) {
			c.drawColor = c.drawColor * blinkColorDamp;
			c.drawColor.r = int(float(c.drawColor.r) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
			c.drawColor.g = int(float(c.drawColor.g) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
			c.drawColor.b = int(float(c.drawColor.b) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawText(msg.text[msgIndex], false);
		c.strLen(msg.text[msgIndex], msgWidth, msgHeight);
		cx += msgWidth;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Retrieves the current state of the server. The result will be stored in a
 *                PanelInfo struct so it can be immediately rendered.
 *  $RETURN       The current server state.
 *  $ENSURE       result != none
simulated function PanelInfo getServerState() {
	local PanelInfo pInf;
	local string stateInfo;
	local int remainingTime;
	local int minutes, seconds;
	local name stateType;
	local byte bBlink;
	local int index;
	// Check current state.
	if (!client.bInitialized) {
		// Loading Nexgen.
		stateType = SS_Offline;
		pInf.text = client.lng.loadingState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_WHITE];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';	
	} else if (player.bBadConnectionAlert) {
		// Server is offline.
		stateType = SS_Offline;
		if (client.sConf.autoReconnectTime > 0) {
			stateInfo = string(max(0, 1 + client.sConf.autoReconnectTime - (client.timeSeconds - client.badConnectionSince)));
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.offlineStateRCN, stateInfo);
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.offlineState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';	
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Waiting) {
		// Waiting for players.
		stateType = SS_Waiting;
		if (client.gInf.countDown <= 0 || !client.sConf.enableNexgenStartControl) {
			pInf.text = client.lng.waitingStateUnknownTime;
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.waitingState, client.gInf.countDown);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];		
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Ready) {
		// Ready to start the game.
		stateType = SS_Ready;
		if (client.gInf.bTournamentMode) {
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.readySignalWaitState,
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.readyState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_ORANGE];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Starting) {
		// Game is starting.
		stateType = SS_Starting;
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.startingState, client.gInf.countDown);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Ended) {
		// Game has ended.
		stateType = SS_Ended;
		pInf.text = client.lng.endedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'serverIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'serverIcon2';
	} else if (level.pauser != "") {
		// Game has been paused.
		stateType = SS_Paused;
		pInf.text = client.lng.pausedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_METAL];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';
	} else if (client.sConf.matchModeActivated) {
		// Match in progress.
		stateType = SS_Match;
		remainingTime = player.gameReplicationInfo.remainingTime ;
		if (remainingTime > 0 && (remainingTime / matchInfoSwitchTime) % 2 == 1) {
			minutes = remainingTime / secPerMinute;
			seconds = remainingTime % secPerMinute;
			stateInfo = right("0" $ minutes, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ seconds, 2);
		} else {
			stateInfo = client.sConf.currentMatch $ "/" $ client.sConf.matchesToPlay;
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.matchState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'matchIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'matchIcon2';
	} else {
		// Game in progress.
		stateType = SS_Normal;
		remainingTime = player.gameReplicationInfo.remainingTime ;
		if (remainingTime > 0) {
			minutes = remainingTime / secPerMinute;
			seconds = remainingTime % secPerMinute;
			stateInfo = right("0" $ minutes, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ seconds, 2);
		} else {
			stateInfo = right("0" $ level.hour, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ level.minute, 2);
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.onlineState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_GREEN];
		pInf.icon = Texture'serverIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'serverIcon2';
	// Allow plugins to modify the state panel.
	bBlink = byte(pInf.bBlink);
	while (index < arrayCount(client.clientCtrl) && client.clientCtrl[index] != none) {
		if (client.clientCtrl[index].bCanModifyHUDStatePanel) {
			client.clientCtrl[index].modifyServerState(stateType, pInf.text, pInf.textCol,
			                                           pInf.icon, pInf.solidIcon, bBlink);
	pInf.bBlink = bool(bBlink);
	// Return state panel.
	return pInf;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Retrieves the current state of the client. The result will be stored in a
 *                PanelInfo struct so it can be immediately rendered.
 *  $RETURN       The current client state.
 *  $ENSURE       result != none
simulated function PanelInfo getClientState() {
	local PanelInfo pInf;
	local string stateInfo;
	local byte protectTime;
	local name stateType;
	local byte bBlink;
	local int index;
	pInf.icon = Texture'playerIcon';
	pInf.solidIcon = Texture'playerIcon2';
	// Check current state.
	if (!client.loginComplete) {
		// Logging in to the server.
		stateType = CS_Login;
		pInf.text = client.lng.loginState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_WHITE];
		pInf.icon = Texture'LoginIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'LoginIcon2';
		pInf.bBlink = true;
	} else if (client.idleTimeRemaining >= 0) {
		// Idle / camping.
		stateType = CS_Idle;
		stateInfo = string(client.idleTimeRemaining);
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.idleState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_CYAN];
		pInf.icon = Texture'idleIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'idleIcon2';
		pInf.bBlink = true;
	} else if (client.spawnProtectionTime > 0 ||
	           client.tkDmgProtectionTime > 0 ||
	           client.tkPushProtectionTime > 0) {
		// Client is damage protected.
		stateType = CS_Protected;
		protectTime = max(max(client.spawnProtectionTime,
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.protectedState, protectTime);
		if (client.tkDmgProtectionTime > 0) {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_ORANGE];
		} else {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'shieldIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'shieldIcon2';	
	} else if (client.bMuted || client.gInf.bMuteAll) {
		// Client is muted.
		stateType = CS_Muted;
		pInf.text = client.lng.mutedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];	
		pInf.icon = Texture'mutedIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'mutedIcon2';
	} else if (player.health <= 0) {
		// Player is dead.
		stateType = CS_Dead;
		pInf.text = client.lng.deadState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];	
	} else {
		// Normal state.
		stateType = CS_Normal;
		pInf.text = client.title;
		if (client.bSpectator) {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_CYAN];
			pInf.icon = Texture'specIcon';
			pInf.solidIcon = Texture'specIcon2';
		} else {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_GREEN];
	// Allow plugins to modify the state panel.
	bBlink = byte(pInf.bBlink);
	while (index < arrayCount(client.clientCtrl) && client.clientCtrl[index] != none) {
		if (client.clientCtrl[index].bCanModifyHUDStatePanel) {
			client.clientCtrl[index].modifyClientState(stateType, pInf.text, pInf.textCol,
			                                           pInf.icon, pInf.solidIcon, bBlink);
	pInf.bBlink = bool(bBlink);
	// Return state panel.
	return pInf;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Returns the space necessary for the given panel if it is to be rendered.
 *  $PARAM        pInf         Panel contents.
 *  $PARAM        c            Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        panelHeight  Vertical space available for the panel (in pixels).
 *  $REQUIRE      pInf != none && c != none && panelHeight > 0
 *  $RETURN       
 *  $ENSURE       result > 0
simulated function float getPanelWidth(PanelInfo pInf, canvas c, float panelHeight) {
	local float separatorWidth;
	local float width;
	local float temp;
	// Get text width.
	separatorWidth = int(baseFontHeight * 0.4);
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.strLen(pInf.text, width, temp);
	width = fMax(minPanelWidth, width);
	// And add icon and separator width.
	if (pInf.icon == none) {
		width += 2.0 * separatorWidth;
	} else {
		if (iconSize > panelHeight) {
			width += panelHeight + 3.0 * separatorWidth;
		} else {
			width += iconSize + 3.0 * separatorWidth;
	return width;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders a panel with the specified contents at the given location.
 *  $PARAM        pInf         Panel contents.
 *  $PARAM        c            Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        panelHeight  Vertical space available for the panel (in pixels).
 *  $PARAM        x            Horizontal offset.
 *  $PARAM        y            Vertical offset.
 *  $REQUIRE      pInf != none && c != none && panelHeight > 0
simulated function renderPanel(PanelInfo pInf, canvas c, float panelHeight, float x, float y) {
	local float separatorWidth;
	local float cx;
	local float cy;
	local float iconHeight;
	local float lifeTime;
	local float blinkFactor;
	local float blinkIntensity;
	if (pInf.bBlink) {
		blinkFactor = (1.0 + cos(timeSeconds * 2 * pi * panelBlinkRate)) / 2.0;
		blinkIntensity = (1.0 - blinkFactor) * 255.0;
	separatorWidth = int(baseFontHeight * 0.4);
	// Draw icon.
	cx = x + separatorWidth;
	if (pInf.icon != none) {
		if (iconSize > panelHeight) {
			iconHeight = panelHeight;
			cy = y;
		} else {
			iconHeight = iconSize;
			cy = y + int((panelHeight - iconSize) / 2.0);
		c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
		if ( (ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) || !Level.bHighDetailMode )
		   C.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;

		c.drawColor = blankColor;
		c.setPos(cx, cy);
		c.drawTile(pInf.icon, iconHeight, iconHeight, 0.0, 0.0, iconSize, iconSize);
		if (pInf.solidIcon != none) {
			c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
			c.setPos(cx, cy);
			c.drawTile(pInf.solidIcon, iconHeight, iconHeight, 0.0, 0.0, iconSize, iconSize);
		cx += separatorWidth + iconHeight;
	// Draw the text.
	cy = y + (panelHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	c.drawColor = pInf.textCol;
	if (pInf.bBlink) {
		c.drawColor = c.drawColor * blinkColorDamp;
		c.drawColor.r = int(float(c.drawColor.r) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawColor.g = int(float(c.drawColor.g) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawColor.b = int(float(c.drawColor.b) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
	c.setPos(cx, cy);
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.drawText(pInf.text, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Returns the color for the specified player.
 *  $PARAM        pri  Replication info of the player whose color is to be returned.
 *  $RETURN       The color of the player (index in the base color palette).
 *  $ENSURE       0 <= result && result < arrayCount(colors)
simulated function int getPlayerColor(PlayerReplicationInfo pri) {
	local int colorNum;
	if (pri.bIsSpectator && !pri.bWaitingPlayer) {
		colorNum = C_METAL;
	} else if (0 <= pri.team && pri.team <= 3) {
		colorNum = pri.team;
	} else {
		colorNum = C_WHITE;
	return colorNum;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Registers a new HUD extension so that it will receive preRender and postRender
 *                calls.
 *  $PARAM        extension  The HUD extenstion that is to be added.
 *  $REQUIRE      extension != none
simulated function addHUDExtension(NexgenHUDExtension extension) {
	local int index;
	local bool bFound;
	while (!bFound && index < arrayCount(extensions)) {
		if (extensions[index] == none) {
			extensions[index] = extension;
			bFound = true;
		} else {

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Retrieves a small font size for the specified canvas width.
 *  $PARAM        width  The width of the canvas in pixels.
 *  $RETURN       A small font.
 *  $ENSURE       result != none
static function Font getStaticSmallestFont(float width) {
	if (width < 640) {
		return Font'SmallFont';
	} else if (width < 800) {
		return Font(DynamicLoadObject("LadderFonts.UTLadder10", class'Font'));
	} else if (width < 1024) {
		return Font(DynamicLoadObject("LadderFonts.UTLadder12", class'Font'));
	} else {
		return Font(DynamicLoadObject("LadderFonts.UTLadder14", class'Font'));

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Default properties block.

Posts: 178
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:56 pm

Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Eternity »

Letylove49 wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:00 pm

Code: Select all

if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsGame'))
This will return False always...
If you check GameReplicationInfo instead of GameInfo by IsA function, then need to use 'HolyWarsReplicationInfo' name instead of 'HolyWarsGame' name as input parameter.
Posts: 294
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:47 pm
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Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

i have try this but i got a error : Error: C:\UT coding\UnrealTournament\Nexgen112SDL\Classes\NexgenHUD.uc(784) : Error, Bad function definition
if i remove " simulated function GetsetupName;" i got unespected if. how i can fixe an unexped if or pehaps must i added this on another funtion ?

Eternity wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:10 am
Letylove49 wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:00 pm

Code: Select all

if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsGame'))
This will return False always...
If you check GameReplicationInfo instead of GameInfo by IsA function, then need to use 'HolyWarsReplicationInfo' name instead of 'HolyWarsGame' name as input parameter.

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Check if the setup1 muste be used.
 simulated function GetsetupName;

if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
	if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo != None)
		if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsReplicationInfo')) setup1();
else setup();

Letylove49 aka Alicia
Posts: 178
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:56 pm

Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Eternity »

Letylove49 wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:47 pm

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Check if the setup1 muste be used.
 simulated function GetsetupName;

if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
	if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo != None)
		if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsReplicationInfo')) setup1();
else setup();

Code: Select all

simulated function GetsetupName()
	if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
		if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo != None)
			if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsReplicationInfo'))
Posts: 294
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:47 pm
Personal rank: admin Alicia Server
Location: suisse

Re: HolywarsNexgenHudFix

Post by Letylove49 »

now i got this : Call to setup1: bad or missing parameter 1.

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Check if the setup1 muste be used.
simulated function GetsetupName()
	if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
		if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo != None)
			if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsReplicationInfo'))

Code: Select all

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup1(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.
      baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;

	// Fix offset 
	C.bCenter = false;
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY ||
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {	
	// Set base hud color.
      baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * chatMsgMaxCount;
		// Other messages.
		otherFont = getFont(otherMsgSize, c);
		c.font = otherFont;
		c.strLen("XXX", dummy, otherFontHeight);
		bForceUpdate = false;
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;

herw the full file .uc

Code: Select all

 *  NSC. Nexgen Server Controller by Zeropoint.
 *  $CLASS        NexgenHUD
 *  $VERSION      1.23 (15-3-2009 11:55)
 *  $AUTHOR       Daan 'Defrost' Scheerens  initial version
 *  $CONTACT      d.scheerens@gmail.com
 *  $DESCRIPTION  Nexgen HUD extension class.
class NexgenHUD extends Mutator;

var NexgenClient client;                // Client owning this HUD.
var PlayerPawn player;                  // Local player (which has a viewport).

var bool bForceUpdate;
var float lastSetupTime;                // Last time setup() was called.
var Font baseFont;                      // Base font to use for rendering text.
var Font otherFont;									
var Color blankColor;                   // White color (#FFFFFF).
var Color baseHUDColor;                 // Base color of the HUD (background color).
var Color baseColors[6];                // Base colors available for the HUD.
var Color colors[11];                   // List of colors for text.
var float baseFontHeight;               // Height of the base font.
var float otherFontHeight;

struct MessageInfo {                    // Structure for storing message information.
	var string text[5];                 // Message text list.
	var int col[5];                     // Message text colors.
	var float timeStamp;                // Time at which the message was received.
	var byte displayType;

struct PanelInfo {                      // Panel info container structure.
	var string text;                    // Text displayed on the panel.
	var Color textCol;                  // Color of the text to display.
	var Texture icon;                   // Icon displayed in front of the text.
	var Texture solidIcon;              // Solid version of the icon.
	var bool bBlink;                    // Indicates if the text should 'blink'.

var MessageInfo chatMessages[8];        // List of chat messages.
var MessageInfo messages[12];           // List of all other messages.
var int chatMsgCount;                   // Number of chat messages stored in the list.
var int msgCount;                       // Number of other messages stored.
var Texture faceImg;                    // Face texture to display in the chat message box.

var float msgBoxWidth;                  // Width of the message box.
var float msgBoxLineHeight;             // Height of a line in the message box.
var float msgBoxHeight;                 // Total height of the message box.
var float minPanelWidth;                // Minimum size of the panel.

var bool bFlashMessages;                // Whether new messages should flash.

var float lastResX;                     // Horizontal resolution at last setup call.
var float lastResY;                     // Vertical resolution at last setup call.

var float lastLevelTimeSeconds;         // Last value of level.time seconds.
var float timeSeconds;                  // Gamespeed independent timeSeconds, that keeps counting
                                        // even when the game is paused.
var bool bShowPlayerLocation;           // Show player location name in teamsay messages?

var NexgenHUDExtension extensions[10];  // Registered HUD extensions.

// Extended HUD settings introduced in 113
var byte chatMsgMaxCount;
var byte chatMsgSize;
var byte chatMsgColor;
var byte otherMsgMaxCount;
var byte otherMsgSize;
var byte otherMsgColor;
var bool useUTHUDColor;

const iconSize = 24.0;                  // Size of the status icons.

const chatMessageLifeTime = 16.0;       // The amount of time a chat message is diplayed (in sec).
const messageLifeTime = 12.0;           // Amount of time any other message is displayed (in sec).
const messageBlinkTime = 4.0;           // How long a message is highlighted (in sec).
const messageBlinkRate = 4.0;           // Message highlight blink rate (in Hz).
const panelBlinkRate = 2.0;             // Panel text highlight blink rate (in Hz).
const blinkColorDamp = 0.70;            // Dampening factor for blinking text.

const connectionAlertDelay = 2;         // Time to wait before showing the bad connection alert.
const secPerMinute = 60;                // Number of seconds per minute -- duh!
const matchInfoSwitchTime = 4;          // Number of seconds to wait before switching between time
                                        // remaining and match num.

// Alert window settings.
const hDefBarSize = 20;                 // Animated horizontal bar size.
const alertAnimTime = 0.5;              // Animation cycle time.
const alertAnimDist = 64;               // Distance the animated bar moves away from the window.
const alertBorderSize = 32;             // Distance between borders and text of the window.
const newLineToken = "\\n";             // Token used to break the text in multiple lines.

// Fonts.
const F_TINIEST = 0;
const F_TINY = 1;
const F_SMALLEST = 2;
const F_SMALL = 3;
const F_MEDIUM = 4;
const F_BIG = 5;
const F_HUGE = 6;

// Colors.
const C_RED = 0;
const C_BLUE = 1;
const C_GREEN = 2;
const C_YELLOW = 3;
const C_WHITE = 4;
const C_BLACK = 5;
const C_PINK = 6;
const C_CYAN = 7;
const C_METAL = 8;
const C_ORANGE = 9;
const C_DARKRED = 10;

// Server states.
const SS_Loading = 'ssloading';         // Loading.
const SS_Offline = 'ssoffline';         // Connection with server is failing.
const SS_Waiting = 'sswaiting';         // Server is waiting for players.
const SS_Ready = 'ssready';             // Game is ready to start.
const SS_Starting = 'ssstaring';        // Game is counting down to start.
const SS_Ended = 'ssended';             // Game is ended.
const SS_Paused = 'sspaused';           // Game is paused.
const SS_Match = 'ssmatch';             // A match is in progress.
const SS_Normal = 'ssnormal';           // A normal game is in progress.

// Client states.
const CS_Login = 'cslogin';             // Client is logging in.
const CS_Idle = 'csidle';               // Client is idle or camping.
const CS_Protected = 'csprotected';     // Client is (damage) protected.
const CS_Muted = 'csmuted';             // Client is muted.
const CS_Dead = 'csdead';               // Client is dead.
const CS_Normal = 'csnormal';           // Client is in normal state.

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes the extended HUD.
 *  $REQUIRE      owner != none && owner.isA('NexgenClient')
 *  $ENSURE       client != none
function postBeginPlay() {
	client = NexgenClient(owner);
	bFlashMessages = client.gc.get(client.SSTR_FlashMessages, "false") ~= "true";
	bShowPlayerLocation = client.gc.get(client.SSTR_ShowPlayerLocation, "true") ~= "true";

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Game tick. Attemps to register this NexgenHUD instance as a HUD mutator.
function tick(float deltaTime) {
	// Register as HUD mutator if not already done. Note this may fail several times.
	if (!bHUDMutator) registerHUDMutator();

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the extended Nexgen HUD.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
function postRender(Canvas c) {
	local float badConnectionTime;
	local int timeRemaining;
	local int index;
	// Let other HUD mutators do their job first.
	if (nextHUDMutator != none) {
	// Render HUD extensions.
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {
	// Render alerts.
	badConnectionTime = client.timeSeconds - client.badConnectionSince;
	if (client.bBadConnectionDetected && client.sConf != none && client.sConf.autoReconnectTime > 0 &&
	    (badConnectionTime > connectionAlertDelay || client.gInf.rebootCountDown > 0)) {
		// Connection lost alert.
		timeRemaining = client.sConf.autoReconnectTime - badConnectionTime + 1;
		if (timeRemaining > 0) {
			renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.autoReconnectAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_RED], colors[C_RED]);
		} else {
			renderAlert(c, client.lng.reconnectingAlert, colors[C_RED], colors[C_RED]);
	} else if (client.gInf != none && client.gInf.rebootCountDown > 0) {
		// Reboot warning.
		timeRemaining = client.gInf.rebootCountDown;
		renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.rebootAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_WHITE], baseHUDColor);
	} else if (client.idleTimeRemaining >= 0 && client.idleTimeRemaining <= client.idleTimeWarning) {
		// Idle warning.
		timeRemaining = client.idleTimeRemaining;
		renderAlert(c, client.lng.format(client.lng.idleAlert, timeRemaining), colors[C_WHITE], baseHUDColor);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders an alert window.
 *  $PARAM        msg        The message to display on the alert window.
 *  $PARAM        textColor  Color of the text displayed on the alert window.
 *  $PARAM        baseColor  Background color of the alert window.
simulated function renderAlert(Canvas c, string msg, color textColor, color baseColor) {
	local int windowWidth;
	local int windowHeight;
	local int cx, cy;
	local float animIndex;
	local int dist;
	local int hBarSize;
	local float textWidth;
	local int maxTextWidth;
	local float textHeight;
	local int lineCount;
	local string remaining;
	local int index;
	local string text;
	// Initialize.
	c.font = ChallengeHUD(c.viewport.actor.myHUD).myFonts.getStaticHugeFont(c.clipX);
	remaining = msg;
	lineCount = 0;
	while (remaining != "") {
		index = instr(remaining, newLineToken);
		if (index > 0) {
			text = left(remaining, index);
			remaining = mid(remaining, index + len(newLineToken));
		} else {
			text = remaining;
			remaining = "";
		c.strLen(text, textWidth, textHeight);
		maxTextWidth = max(maxTextWidth, textWidth);
	windowWidth = maxTextWidth + 2 * alertBorderSize;
	windowHeight = lineCount * textHeight + 2 * alertBorderSize;
	cx = (c.clipX - windowWidth) / 2;
	cy = (c.clipY - windowHeight) / 2;
	// Render frame background.
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	c.drawColor = baseColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(cx, cy);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad64', windowWidth, windowHeight, 0.0, 0.0, 64.0, 64.0);
	// Render borders.
	c.drawColor = baseColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 1.0 + windowWidth, cy - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy - 2.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx - 3.0, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hDefBarSize, cy - 2.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hDefBarSize, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', hDefBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// High detail animation effect.
	if (level.bHighDetailMode) {
		animIndex = (client.timeSeconds % alertAnimTime) / alertAnimTime;
		c.drawColor = baseColor * (1.0 - animIndex);
		dist = sin(animIndex * pi * 0.5) * alertAnimDist;
		hBarSize = hDefBarSize + hDefBarSize * ((windowWidth + alertAnimDist) / windowWidth) * animIndex;
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy - 1.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0 + 2 * dist, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 1.0 + windowWidth + dist, cy - 1.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', 2.0, windowHeight + 2.0 + 2 * dist, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy - 2.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx - 3.0 - dist, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight + dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hBarSize + dist, cy - 2.0 - dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		c.setPos(cx + 3.0 + windowWidth - hBarSize + dist, cy + 1.0 + windowHeight + dist);
		c.drawTile(Texture'base', hBarSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Render text.
	remaining = msg;
	lineCount = 0;
	c.drawColor = textColor;
	while (remaining != "") {
		index = instr(remaining, newLineToken);
		if (index > 0) {
			text = left(remaining, index);
			remaining = mid(remaining, index + len(newLineToken));
		} else {
			text = remaining;
			remaining = "";
		c.setPos(cx + alertBorderSize, cy + alertBorderSize + lineCount * textHeight);
		c.drawText(text, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the message HUD.
 *  $PARAM        msg      The message that is to be displayed.
 *  $PARAM        msgType  Message type identifier.
 *  $PARAM        pri1     Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2     Replication info of the second player involved.
simulated function message(string msg, name msgType, PlayerReplicationInfo pri1, PlayerReplicationInfo pri2) {
	local int playerColor;
	local int messageColor;
	local bool bIsSpecSayMsg;
	local PlayerReplicationInfo specPRI;
	local GameReplicationInfo gri;
	local int index;
	local bool bSuppress;
	local string locationName;
	// Allow plugins to decide whether to add the message or not.
	while (index < arrayCount(client.clientCtrl) && client.clientCtrl[index] != none) {
		bSuppress = bSuppress || client.clientCtrl[index].suppressMessage(msg, msgType, pri1, pri2);
	// Do not send if desired.
	if(bSuppress) return;

	// Check if the message was send by a spectator using say.
	if (msgType == 'Event' && instr(msg, ":") >= 0) {
		// Get shortcut to the game replication info.
		gri = player.gameReplicationInfo;	
		// Find a player.
		index = 0;
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			if (gri.PRIArray[index].bIsSpectator &&
			    left(msg, len(gri.PRIArray[index].playerName) + 1) ~=
			    (gri.PRIArray[index].playerName $ ":")) {
				if (bIsSpecSayMsg) {
					if (len(gri.PRIArray[index].playerName) > len(pri1.playerName)) {
						pri1 = gri.PRIArray[index];
				} else {
					bIsSpecSayMsg = true;
					pri1 = gri.PRIArray[index];
	// Check message type.
	if (bIsSpecSayMsg) {
		// Chat message. Special case: player is spec and using say (not teamsay).
		if (pri1.talkTexture != none) {
			faceImg = pri1.talkTexture;
		addChatMsg(C_METAL, pri1.playerName $ ": ", C_METAL, mid(msg, len(pri1.playerName) + 1));

	} else if (pri1 != none && msg != "" && (msgType == 'Say' || msgType == 'TeamSay')) {
		// Chat message.
		playerColor = getPlayerColor(pri1);
		if (pri1.talkTexture != none) {
			faceImg = pri1.talkTexture;
		if (msgType == 'TeamSay') {
			if (pri1.bIsSpectator && !pri1.bWaitingPlayer) {
				messageColor = C_WHITE;
			} else {
				messageColor = chatMsgColor;

			if (!pri1.bIsSpectator) {
			    if (pri1.playerLocation != none) {
			        locationName = pri1.playerLocation.locationName;
			    } else if (pri1.playerZone != none) {
					locationName = pri1.playerZone.zoneName;
		} else {
			if (pri1.bIsSpectator && !pri1.bWaitingPlayer) {
				messageColor = C_METAL;
			} else {
				messageColor = chatMsgColor;
		if (locationName != "" && bShowPlayerLocation) {
			addChatMsg(playerColor, pri1.playerName, C_CYAN, " (" $ locationName $ "): ", messageColor, msg);
		} else {
			addChatMsg(playerColor, pri1.playerName $ ": ", messageColor, msg);
	} else if (msg != "") {
		// Other message.
		addColorizedMessage(msg, pri1, pri2);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the area just below the chatbox. Before the message is added an
 *                attempt will be made to highlight player names. This is done by checking if the
 *                messages contain the names of the given player replication info objects.
 *  $PARAM        msg   Message to add.
 *  $PARAM        pri1  Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2  Replication info of the second player involved.
simulated function addColorizedMessage(string msg, PlayerReplicationInfo pri1, PlayerReplicationInfo pri2) {
	local string firstPlayerName;
	local string secondPlayerName;
	local int firstIndex;
	local int secondIndex;
	local int firstPlayerColor;
	local int secondPlayerColor;
	local string msgPart1;
	local string msgPart2;
	local string msgPart3;
	local int msgColor;
	local string tempPlayerName;
	local int tempIndex;
	local int tempPlayerColor;
	// Get message color.
	msgColor = class'NexgenUtil'.static.getMessageColor(msg);
	if (msgColor < 0) {
		msgColor = otherMsgColor;
	msg = class'NexgenUtil'.static.removeMessageColorTag(msg);
	// Get player name indices.
	getPlayerNameIndices(msg, pri1, pri2, firstIndex, secondIndex);
	// Get player names & colors.
	if (pri1 != none) {
		firstPlayerName = pri1.playerName;
		firstPlayerColor = getPlayerColor(pri1);
	if (pri2 != none) {
		secondPlayerName = pri2.playerName;
		secondPlayerColor = getPlayerColor(pri2);	
	// Swap first and second player if necessary.
	if (secondIndex >= 0 && (secondIndex < firstIndex || firstIndex < 0)) {
		tempPlayerName = secondPlayerName;
		tempIndex = secondIndex;
		tempPlayerColor = secondPlayerColor;
		secondPlayerName = firstPlayerName;
		secondIndex = firstIndex;
		secondPlayerColor = firstPlayerColor;
		firstPlayerName = tempPlayerName;
		firstIndex = tempIndex;
		firstPlayerColor = tempPlayerColor;
	// Split message.
	if (firstIndex >= 0 && secondIndex >= 0) {
		msgPart1 = left(msg, firstIndex);
		msgPart2 = mid(msg, firstIndex + len(firstPlayerName), secondIndex - firstIndex - len(firstPlayerName));
		msgPart3 = mid(msg, secondIndex + len(secondPlayerName));
	} else if (firstIndex >= 0) {
		msgPart1 = left(msg, firstIndex);
		msgPart2 = mid(msg, firstIndex + len(firstPlayerName));
		secondPlayerName = "";
	} else {
		firstPlayerName = "";
		secondPlayerName = "";
		msgPart1 = msg;
	// Add message.
	addMsg(msgColor, msgPart1, firstPlayerColor, firstPlayerName, msgColor, msgPart2,
	       secondPlayerColor, secondPlayerName, msgColor, msgPart3);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Attemps to locate the indices of player names in the given message. To speed up
 *                the locating process you can pass the player replication info actors of the
 *                players that are most likely to be included in the message.
 *  $PARAM        msg     The message which may contain player names.
 *  $PARAM        pri1    Replication info of the first player involved.
 *  $PARAM        pri2    Replication info of the second player involved.
 *  $PARAM        index1  The location in the string where the first player name occurs.
 *  $PARAM        index2  The location in the string where the second player name occurs.
 *  $ENSURE       (index1 >= 0 ? pri1 != none : true) && (index2 >= 0 ? pri2 != none : true)
simulated function getPlayerNameIndices(string msg, out PlayerReplicationInfo pri1,
                                        out PlayerReplicationInfo pri2, out int index1,
                                        out int index2) {
	local PlayerReplicationInfo tmpPRI;
	local GameReplicationInfo gri;
	local int index;
	local int nameIndex;
	local int tmpIndex;
	// Get shortcut to the game replication info.
	gri = player.gameReplicationInfo;
	// Initially no indices have been found.
	index1 = -1;
	index2 = -1;
	// Check if the first PRI is actually in the message. This appears not to be the case for some
	// messages (for example with the Stranglove weapon mod).
	if (pri1 != none && instr(msg, pri1.playerName) < 0) {
		pri1 = none;
	// Swap player replication info's if needed.
	if (pri1 == none && pri2 != none) {
		pri1 = pri2;
		pri2 = none;
	} else if (pri1 != none && pri2 != none && len(pri2.playerName) > len(pri1.playerName)) {
		// Ensure the longest playername is located first.
		tmpPRI = pri1;
		pri1 = pri2;
		pri2 = tmpPRI;
	// Get the position of the first player name in the message.
	if (pri1 == none) {
		// No PRI found, try to find one.
		index = 0;
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			// Get current player replication info.
			tmpPRI = gri.PRIArray[index];
			// Get position of the players name in the message.
			nameIndex = instr(msg, tmpPRI.playerName);
			// Select PRI?
			if (nameIndex >= 0 && (pri1 == none || len(tmpPRI.playerName) > len(pri1.playerName))) {
				// Yes, no name has been found so far or a longer player name has been found.
				pri1 = tmpPRI;
				index1 = nameIndex;
			// Continue with next player name.
	} else {
		// Already got PRI, just find the index of the name.
		index1 = instr(msg, pri1.playerName);
	// Get the position of the second player name in the message.
	if (pri1 != none && pri2 == none) {
		// No PRI found, try to find one.
		index = 0;
		while (index < arrayCount(gri.PRIArray) && gri.PRIArray[index] != none) {
			// Get current player replication info.
			tmpPRI = gri.PRIArray[index];
			// Get position of the players name in the message.
			nameIndex = instr(msg, tmpPRI.playerName);
			// Check for overlap.
			if (index1 >=0 && nameIndex >= 0 && index1 <= nameIndex &&
			    nameIndex < index1 + len(pri1.playerName)) {
				// Overlap detected, check if name occurs after the first player name.
				nameIndex = instr(mid(msg, index1 + len(pri1.playerName)), tmpPRI.playerName);
				if (nameIndex >= 0) {
					nameIndex += index1 + len(pri1.playerName);
			// Select PRI?
			if (nameIndex >= 0 && (pri2 == none || len(tmpPRI.playerName) > len(pri2.playerName))) {
				// Yes, no name has been found so far or a longer player name has been found.
				pri2 = tmpPRI;
				index2 = nameIndex;
			// Continue with next player name.
	} else if (pri2 != none) {
		// Already got PRI, just find the index of the name.
		nameIndex = instr(msg, pri2.playerName);
		// Check for overlap.
		if (index1 >= 0 && nameIndex >= 0 && index1 <= nameIndex && nameIndex < index1 + len(pri1.playerName)) {
			// Overlap detected, check if name occurs after the first player name.
			nameIndex = instr(mid(msg, index1 + len(pri1.playerName)), pri2.playerName);
			if (nameIndex >= 0) {
				nameIndex += index1 + len(pri1.playerName);
		// Set index.
		index2 = nameIndex;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the chatbox. The message is split in several parts, so each can
 *                be displayed in a specified color.
 *  $PARAM        col1   Color of the first part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text1  First part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col2   Color of the second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text2  Second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col3   Color of the third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text3  Third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col4   Color of the fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text4  Fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col5   Color of the fifth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text5  Fifth part of the message.
simulated function addChatMsg(int col1, string text1,
                              optional int col2, optional string text2,
                              optional int col3, optional string text3,
                              optional int col4, optional string text4,
                              optional int col5, optional string text5) {
	local int index;

	if(chatMsgMaxCount <= 0) return;
	// Find position in messages list.
	if (chatMsgCount < chatMsgMaxCount) {
		index = chatMsgCount;
	} else {
		// List is full, shift messages.
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		index = chatMsgCount - 1;
	// Store message.
	chatMessages[index].text[0] = text1;
	chatMessages[index].text[1] = text2;
	chatMessages[index].text[2] = text3;
	chatMessages[index].text[3] = text4;
	chatMessages[index].text[4] = text5;
	chatMessages[index].col[0] = col1;
	chatMessages[index].col[1] = col2;
	chatMessages[index].col[2] = col3;
	chatMessages[index].col[3] = col4;
	chatMessages[index].col[4] = col5;
	chatMessages[index].timeStamp = timeSeconds;


 *  $DESCRIPTION  Adds a message to the area below the chatbox. The message is split in several
 *                parts, so each can be displayed in a specified color.
 *  $PARAM        col1   Color of the first part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text1  First part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col2   Color of the second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text2  Second part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col3   Color of the third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text3  Third part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col4   Color of the fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text4  Fourth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        col5   Color of the fifth part of the message.
 *  $PARAM        text5  Fifth part of the message.
simulated function addMsg(int col1, string text1,
                          optional int col2, optional string text2,
                          optional int col3, optional string text3,
                          optional int col4, optional string text4,
                          optional int col5, optional string text5) {
	local int index;
	if(otherMsgMaxCount <= 0) return;
	// Find position in messages list.
	if (msgCount < otherMsgMaxCount) {
		index = msgCount;
	} else {
		// List is full, shift messages.
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
		index = msgCount - 1;
	// Store message.
	messages[index].text[0] = text1;
	messages[index].text[1] = text2;
	messages[index].text[2] = text3;
	messages[index].text[3] = text4;
	messages[index].text[4] = text5;
	messages[index].col[0] = col1;
	messages[index].col[1] = col2;
	messages[index].col[2] = col3;
	messages[index].col[3] = col4;
	messages[index].col[4] = col5;
	messages[index].timeStamp = timeSeconds;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Check if the setup1 muste be used.
simulated function GetsetupName()
	if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
		if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo != None)
			if (PlayerPawn(Owner).GameReplicationInfo.IsA('HolyWarsReplicationInfo'))

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.

	if (player == none || player.playerReplicationInfo == none || player.gameReplicationInfo == none) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];
	} else if (player.playerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator &&
	    !player.playerReplicationInfo.bWaitingPlayer) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[4];
	} else if (useUTHUDColor || (!player.gameReplicationInfo.bTeamGame && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD) != none)) {
		baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).favoriteHUDColor * 15.9;
	} else if (0 <= player.playerReplicationInfo.team && player.playerReplicationInfo.team <= 3) {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[player.playerReplicationInfo.team];
	} else {
		baseHUDColor = baseColors[5];

	// Fix offset 
	C.bCenter = false;
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY ||
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {	
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * chatMsgMaxCount;
		// Other messages.
		otherFont = getFont(otherMsgSize, c);
		c.font = otherFont;
		c.strLen("XXX", dummy, otherFontHeight);
		bForceUpdate = false;
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Initializes/updates the variables used in the rendering procedure.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
 *  $ENSURE       c.font != none
simulated function setup1(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	local bool bUpdateBase;
	local float dummy;
	// Make sure the font ain't none.
	if (baseFont == none) baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
	c.font = baseFont;
	// Get local PlayerPawn.
	player = c.viewport.actor;
	// Set base hud color.
      baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor;

	// Fix offset 
	C.bCenter = false;
	// Prevent redundant setups.
	if (lastSetupTime == level.timeSeconds) {

	// Timer control.
	timeSeconds += (level.timeSeconds - lastLevelTimeSeconds) / level.timeDilation;
	lastLevelTimeSeconds = level.timeSeconds;
	// Check if the base variables need to be updated.
	bUpdateBase = lastResX != c.clipX ||
	              lastResY != c.clipY ||
	// Update HUD base variables.
	if (bUpdateBase) {
        // Set base hud color.
        baseHUDColor = ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).HUDColor; 	
		// General variables.
		baseFont = getFont(chatMsgSize, c);
		c.font = baseFont;
		c.strLen("Online [00:00]", minPanelWidth, baseFontHeight);
		lastResX = c.clipX;
		lastResY = c.clipY;
		// Message box info.
		msgBoxWidth = int(c.clipX * 0.75);
		msgBoxLineHeight = int(baseFontHeight + 4.0);
		msgBoxHeight = msgBoxLineHeight * chatMsgMaxCount;
		// Other messages.
		otherFont = getFont(otherMsgSize, c);
		c.font = otherFont;
		c.strLen("XXX", dummy, otherFontHeight);
		bForceUpdate = false;
	// Remove expired messages.
	if (chatMsgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - chatMessages[0].timeStamp > chatMessageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
			chatMessages[index - 1] = chatMessages[index];
		if (chatMsgCount == 0) {
			faceImg = none;
	if (msgCount > 0 && timeSeconds - messages[0].timeStamp > messageLifeTime) {
		for (index = 1; index < msgCount; index++) {
			messages[index - 1] = messages[index];
	lastSetupTime = level.timeSeconds;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called before anything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function preRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the Nexgen HUD. Called after everything of the game HUD has been drawn.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function postRenderHUD(Canvas c) {
	local int index;
	// Render the message box.
	if (client.bUseNexgenMessageHUD) {
	// Render HUD extensions.
	for (index = 0; index < arrayCount(extensions); index++) {
		if (extensions[index] != none) {

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the chat message box.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function renderMessageBox(Canvas c) {
	local float panelWidth;
	local float panelHeight;
	local PanelInfo serverState;
	local PanelInfo clientState;
	local int index;
	local float cx;
	local float cy;
	// Initialize.
	panelHeight = int((msgBoxHeight - 3.0) / 2.0);
	serverState = getServerState();
	clientState = getClientState();
	panelWidth = fMax(getPanelWidth(serverState, c, panelHeight), getPanelWidth(clientState, c, panelHeight));
	// Background.
	if(useUTHUDColor && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	else														  c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad64', msgBoxWidth - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 64.0, 64.0);
	// Borders.
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(0.0, 0.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0 - panelWidth, panelHeight + 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', panelWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxHeight - 1.0, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 2.0 - panelWidth, 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Panels.
	renderPanel(serverState, c, panelHeight, msgBoxWidth - panelWidth - 1.0, 1.0);
	renderPanel(clientState, c, panelHeight, msgBoxWidth - panelWidth - 1.0, panelHeight + 2.0);
	// Face image.
	if (faceImg != none) {
		c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
		c.drawColor = blankColor;
		c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
		c.drawTile(faceImg, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, faceImg.uSize, faceImg.vSize);
     	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
        c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.25;
        c.setPos(1.0, 1.0);
        c.drawTile(Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00', msgBoxHeight - 2.0, msgBoxHeight - 2.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                   Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00'.uSize, Texture'LadrStatic.Static_a00'.vSize);
	// Typing prompt.
	if (player.player.console.bTyping) {
		renderTypingPromt(c, "(>" $ player.player.console.typedStr $ "_");
	// Chat messages.
	cx = msgBoxHeight + 2.0;
	cy = (msgBoxLineHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	for (index = 0; index < chatMsgCount; index++) {
		renderMessage(c, cx, cy, chatMessages[index], true);
		cy += msgBoxLineHeight;
	// Other messages.
	cx = 1.0;
	cy = msgBoxHeight + 2.0;
	if (player.player.console.bTyping) {
		cy += msgBoxLineHeight;
	for (index = 0; index < msgCount; index++) {
		renderMessage(c, cx, cy, messages[index], false);
		cy += otherFontHeight;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the typing promt for the chat message box.
 *  $PARAM        c  Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none
simulated function renderTypingPromt(Canvas c, string msg) {
	local float msgOffset;
	// Background.
	if(useUTHUDColor && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	else														  c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.4;
	c.setPos(1.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'grad32', msgBoxWidth - 2.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 32.0, 32.0);
	// Borders.
	c.drawColor = baseHUDColor * 0.8;
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight + msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', msgBoxWidth, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(0.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	c.setPos(msgBoxWidth - 1.0, msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawTile(Texture'base', 1.0, msgBoxLineHeight - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Message.
	msgOffset = (msgBoxLineHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	c.drawColor = colors[C_WHITE];
	c.setPos(msgOffset, msgOffset + msgBoxHeight);
	c.drawText(msg, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders the specified message.
 *  $PARAM        c    Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        x    Horizontal offset.
 *  $PARAM        y    Vertical offset.
 *  $PARAM        msg  The message that is to be rendered.
 *  $REQUIRE      c != none && msg != none
simulated function renderMessage(Canvas c, float x, float y, MessageInfo msg, optional bool bChatMessage) {
	local float cx;
	local int msgIndex;
	local float msgWidth;
	local float msgHeight;
	local float lifeTime;
	local float blinkFactor;
	local float blinkIntensity;
	// Check if the message should blink.
	lifeTime = (timeSeconds - msg.timeStamp);
	if (bFlashMessages && lifeTime < messageBlinkTime) {
		blinkFactor = (1.0 + cos(lifeTime * 2 * pi * messageBlinkRate)) / 2.0;
		blinkIntensity = (1.0 - blinkFactor) * 255.0;

	// Render message.
	cx = x;
	if(bChatMessage) c.font = baseFont;
	else 			 c.font = otherFont;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;	
	for (msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < 5; msgIndex++) {
		c.setPos(cx, y);
		c.drawColor = colors[msg.col[msgIndex]];
		if (bFlashMessages && lifeTime < messageBlinkTime) {
			c.drawColor = c.drawColor * blinkColorDamp;
			c.drawColor.r = int(float(c.drawColor.r) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
			c.drawColor.g = int(float(c.drawColor.g) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
			c.drawColor.b = int(float(c.drawColor.b) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawText(msg.text[msgIndex], false);
		c.strLen(msg.text[msgIndex], msgWidth, msgHeight);
		cx += msgWidth;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Retrieves the current state of the server. The result will be stored in a
 *                PanelInfo struct so it can be immediately rendered.
 *  $RETURN       The current server state.
 *  $ENSURE       result != none
simulated function PanelInfo getServerState() {
	local PanelInfo pInf;
	local string stateInfo;
	local int remainingTime;
	local int minutes, seconds;
	local name stateType;
	local byte bBlink;
	local int index;
	// Check current state.
	if (!client.bInitialized) {
		// Loading Nexgen.
		stateType = SS_Offline;
		pInf.text = client.lng.loadingState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_WHITE];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';	
	} else if (player.bBadConnectionAlert) {
		// Server is offline.
		stateType = SS_Offline;
		if (client.sConf.autoReconnectTime > 0) {
			stateInfo = string(max(0, 1 + client.sConf.autoReconnectTime - (client.timeSeconds - client.badConnectionSince)));
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.offlineStateRCN, stateInfo);
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.offlineState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';	
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Waiting) {
		// Waiting for players.
		stateType = SS_Waiting;
		if (client.gInf.countDown <= 0 || !client.sConf.enableNexgenStartControl) {
			pInf.text = client.lng.waitingStateUnknownTime;
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.waitingState, client.gInf.countDown);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];		
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Ready) {
		// Ready to start the game.
		stateType = SS_Ready;
		if (client.gInf.bTournamentMode) {
			pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.readySignalWaitState,
		} else {
			pInf.text = client.lng.readyState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_ORANGE];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Starting) {
		// Game is starting.
		stateType = SS_Starting;
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.startingState, client.gInf.countDown);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'waitIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'waitIcon2';
	} else if (client.gInf.gameState == client.gInf.GS_Ended) {
		// Game has ended.
		stateType = SS_Ended;
		pInf.text = client.lng.endedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'serverIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'serverIcon2';
	} else if (level.pauser != "") {
		// Game has been paused.
		stateType = SS_Paused;
		pInf.text = client.lng.pausedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_METAL];
		pInf.bBlink = true;
		pInf.icon = Texture'offlineIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'offlineIcon2';
	} else if (client.sConf.matchModeActivated) {
		// Match in progress.
		stateType = SS_Match;
		remainingTime = player.gameReplicationInfo.remainingTime ;
		if (remainingTime > 0 && (remainingTime / matchInfoSwitchTime) % 2 == 1) {
			minutes = remainingTime / secPerMinute;
			seconds = remainingTime % secPerMinute;
			stateInfo = right("0" $ minutes, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ seconds, 2);
		} else {
			stateInfo = client.sConf.currentMatch $ "/" $ client.sConf.matchesToPlay;
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.matchState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'matchIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'matchIcon2';
	} else {
		// Game in progress.
		stateType = SS_Normal;
		remainingTime = player.gameReplicationInfo.remainingTime ;
		if (remainingTime > 0) {
			minutes = remainingTime / secPerMinute;
			seconds = remainingTime % secPerMinute;
			stateInfo = right("0" $ minutes, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ seconds, 2);
		} else {
			stateInfo = right("0" $ level.hour, 2) $ ":" $ right("0" $ level.minute, 2);
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.onlineState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_GREEN];
		pInf.icon = Texture'serverIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'serverIcon2';
	// Allow plugins to modify the state panel.
	bBlink = byte(pInf.bBlink);
	while (index < arrayCount(client.clientCtrl) && client.clientCtrl[index] != none) {
		if (client.clientCtrl[index].bCanModifyHUDStatePanel) {
			client.clientCtrl[index].modifyServerState(stateType, pInf.text, pInf.textCol,
			                                           pInf.icon, pInf.solidIcon, bBlink);
	pInf.bBlink = bool(bBlink);
	// Return state panel.
	return pInf;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Retrieves the current state of the client. The result will be stored in a
 *                PanelInfo struct so it can be immediately rendered.
 *  $RETURN       The current client state.
 *  $ENSURE       result != none
simulated function PanelInfo getClientState() {
	local PanelInfo pInf;
	local string stateInfo;
	local byte protectTime;
	local name stateType;
	local byte bBlink;
	local int index;
	pInf.icon = Texture'playerIcon';
	pInf.solidIcon = Texture'playerIcon2';
	// Check current state.
	if (!client.loginComplete) {
		// Logging in to the server.
		stateType = CS_Login;
		pInf.text = client.lng.loginState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_WHITE];
		pInf.icon = Texture'LoginIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'LoginIcon2';
		pInf.bBlink = true;
	} else if (client.idleTimeRemaining >= 0) {
		// Idle / camping.
		stateType = CS_Idle;
		stateInfo = string(client.idleTimeRemaining);
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.idleState, stateInfo);
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_CYAN];
		pInf.icon = Texture'idleIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'idleIcon2';
		pInf.bBlink = true;
	} else if (client.spawnProtectionTime > 0 ||
	           client.tkDmgProtectionTime > 0 ||
	           client.tkPushProtectionTime > 0) {
		// Client is damage protected.
		stateType = CS_Protected;
		protectTime = max(max(client.spawnProtectionTime,
		pInf.text = client.lng.format(client.lng.protectedState, protectTime);
		if (client.tkDmgProtectionTime > 0) {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_ORANGE];
		} else {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_YELLOW];
		pInf.icon = Texture'shieldIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'shieldIcon2';	
	} else if (client.bMuted || client.gInf.bMuteAll) {
		// Client is muted.
		stateType = CS_Muted;
		pInf.text = client.lng.mutedState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];	
		pInf.icon = Texture'mutedIcon';
		pInf.solidIcon = Texture'mutedIcon2';
	} else if (player.health <= 0) {
		// Player is dead.
		stateType = CS_Dead;
		pInf.text = client.lng.deadState;
		pInf.textCol = colors[C_RED];	
	} else {
		// Normal state.
		stateType = CS_Normal;
		pInf.text = client.title;
		if (client.bSpectator) {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_CYAN];
			pInf.icon = Texture'specIcon';
			pInf.solidIcon = Texture'specIcon2';
		} else {
			pInf.textCol = colors[C_GREEN];
	// Allow plugins to modify the state panel.
	bBlink = byte(pInf.bBlink);
	while (index < arrayCount(client.clientCtrl) && client.clientCtrl[index] != none) {
		if (client.clientCtrl[index].bCanModifyHUDStatePanel) {
			client.clientCtrl[index].modifyClientState(stateType, pInf.text, pInf.textCol,
			                                           pInf.icon, pInf.solidIcon, bBlink);
	pInf.bBlink = bool(bBlink);
	// Return state panel.
	return pInf;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Returns the space necessary for the given panel if it is to be rendered.
 *  $PARAM        pInf         Panel contents.
 *  $PARAM        c            Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        panelHeight  Vertical space available for the panel (in pixels).
 *  $REQUIRE      pInf != none && c != none && panelHeight > 0
 *  $RETURN       
 *  $ENSURE       result > 0
simulated function float getPanelWidth(PanelInfo pInf, canvas c, float panelHeight) {
	local float separatorWidth;
	local float width;
	local float temp;
	// Get text width.
	separatorWidth = int(baseFontHeight * 0.4);
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.strLen(pInf.text, width, temp);
	width = fMax(minPanelWidth, width);
	// And add icon and separator width.
	if (pInf.icon == none) {
		width += 2.0 * separatorWidth;
	} else {
		if (iconSize > panelHeight) {
			width += panelHeight + 3.0 * separatorWidth;
		} else {
			width += iconSize + 3.0 * separatorWidth;
	return width;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Renders a panel with the specified contents at the given location.
 *  $PARAM        pInf         Panel contents.
 *  $PARAM        c            Canvas object that provides the drawing capabilities.
 *  $PARAM        panelHeight  Vertical space available for the panel (in pixels).
 *  $PARAM        x            Horizontal offset.
 *  $PARAM        y            Vertical offset.
 *  $REQUIRE      pInf != none && c != none && panelHeight > 0
simulated function renderPanel(PanelInfo pInf, canvas c, float panelHeight, float x, float y) {
	local float separatorWidth;
	local float cx;
	local float cy;
	local float iconHeight;
	local float lifeTime;
	local float blinkFactor;
	local float blinkIntensity;
	if (pInf.bBlink) {
		blinkFactor = (1.0 + cos(timeSeconds * 2 * pi * panelBlinkRate)) / 2.0;
		blinkIntensity = (1.0 - blinkFactor) * 255.0;
	separatorWidth = int(baseFontHeight * 0.4);
	// Draw icon.
	cx = x + separatorWidth;
	if (pInf.icon != none) {
		if (iconSize > panelHeight) {
			iconHeight = panelHeight;
			cy = y;
		} else {
			iconHeight = iconSize;
			cy = y + int((panelHeight - iconSize) / 2.0);
		if(useUTHUDColor && ChallengeHUD(player.myHUD).Opacity == 16) c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
		else														  c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;		
		c.drawColor = blankColor;
		c.setPos(cx, cy);
		c.drawTile(pInf.icon, iconHeight, iconHeight, 0.0, 0.0, iconSize, iconSize);
		if (pInf.solidIcon != none) {
			c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
			c.setPos(cx, cy);
			c.drawTile(pInf.solidIcon, iconHeight, iconHeight, 0.0, 0.0, iconSize, iconSize);
		cx += separatorWidth + iconHeight;
	// Draw the text.
	cy = y + (panelHeight - baseFontHeight) / 2.0;
	c.style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
	c.drawColor = pInf.textCol;
	if (pInf.bBlink) {
		c.drawColor = c.drawColor * blinkColorDamp;
		c.drawColor.r = int(float(c.drawColor.r) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawColor.g = int(float(c.drawColor.g) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
		c.drawColor.b = int(float(c.drawColor.b) * blinkFactor + blinkIntensity);
	c.setPos(cx, cy);
	c.font = baseFont;
	c.drawText(pInf.text, false);

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Returns the color for the specified player.
 *  $PARAM        pri  Replication info of the player whose color is to be returned.
 *  $RETURN       The color of the player (index in the base color palette).
 *  $ENSURE       0 <= result && result < arrayCount(colors)
simulated function int getPlayerColor(PlayerReplicationInfo pri) {
	local int colorNum;
	if (pri.bIsSpectator && !pri.bWaitingPlayer) {
		colorNum = C_METAL;
	} else if (0 <= pri.team && pri.team <= 3) {
		colorNum = pri.team;
	} else {
		colorNum = C_WHITE;
	return colorNum;

 *  $DESCRIPTION  Registers a new HUD extension so that it will receive preRender and postRender
 *                calls.
 *  $PARAM        extension  The HUD extenstion that is to be added.
 *  $REQUIRE      extension != none
simulated function addHUDExtension(NexgenHUDExtension extension) {
	local int index;
	local bool bFound;
	while (!bFound && index < arrayCount(extensions)) {
		if (extensions[index] == none) {
			extensions[index] = extension;
			bFound = true;
		} else {


Letylove49 aka Alicia