Not many that I can think of but there is ..
1) Pearman's PearLauncher - fires pear grenades (primary) and pear chunks (alt);
2) CookieWeps's CookieCannon - a big cookie (an UnrealShare Eightball) firing cookies (primary) and dumplings (alt).
Not a weapon per se, but food related, is BUFPack1's CheeseLocator - a piece of Gouda as a translocator.
A further 'deep dive' into u packages may reveal more.
Again not weapons but there are health pickups as cans of Beet and as candy bars.
A related weapon is the Iron Skillet as a melee weapon.
Could include the Sushi Gun here?
Health pickups include ginseng, tinned peaches, canned rabbit stew, soda, wine, whiskey (plus, of course, many cans/bottles of various beers/lagers).
There's also a weapon that fires a pizza (a flat piece of metal with a pizza skin) but I can't remember what weapon it is.