Terraniux wrote: ↑Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:32 pm
and yes Nelsona the bothpathing will suck....
I would not count on that

I have here all scripted helpers that can be used to deploy paths during run-time, which can have a more dynamic character and quality than any hard-coded sort of junks. And... let's say that Bots won't end map - that is mainly MAPPER's fault and nobody else. When mapper has no clue how to prevent Bot from ending map, it's not like Bot has to be blamed for that. But, usually human format which is guilty about something is throwing responsibility elsewhere for their lousy activities and failures and then are coming with hilarious explanations causing even kids to make fun of them.
I don't see any reason to not have a blind End for Bots preventing them to finish map. I don't see why End is active before killing monsters. I don't see why the end is not protected from direct touch and getting open only by Player, etc, etc. And I don't understand why Movers need to be opened by GRAB command heading to a sudden end by HUMAN player itself ON-LINE - and no, Bot was not there, but some lolzers and hooligans that are coming only to ruin fun, to talk craps and detract others from having a good time... And here I have a plenty of chatting evidences... it's not the case for derailing topic.
As a proof, maybe you can find a map called something like "DarkForest" or whatever with full Bot Support but... you can sleep there all night long and Bots won't end map, they are waiting patient like a dog until player is coming around in order to end map. Here I used original MH bugs and Engine "capabilities" in my favor - it happened a few years ago, not in 2023 when options and experience are expanded - and "fixes" are just damaging things that were operational.