// Amazon.
class Amazon expands AbbeyBot;
var() int myTeam;
function PostBeginPlay(){
PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = myTeam;
if ( myTeam == 0 ) {
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Sheena";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.Amaz1T_0';
} else {
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Xena";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.Amaz1T_1';
I'm no coder. I can cut & paste along with the best of them but if something goes wrong I can't tell where.
I tried to extend this to 4 teams, using a different model... and while all 4 bots popped onto the map where placed, the last 3 of them were identical and all on the same team even though it was set for 4 teams.
Done this before for 2 teams no problem.
Is this only possible for 2 teams and nothing more?
What I tried:
// SKtroop.
class SKtroop expands SkaarjBot;
var() int myTeam;
function PostBeginPlay(){
PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = myTeam;
if ( myTeam == 0 ) {
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Romeo";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.SKtrooper1';
} else {
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Bravo";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.SKtrooper2';
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Golf";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.SKtrooper3';
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = "Yankee";
multiskins[0] = texture'MyLevel.SKtrooper4';