texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

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texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by darksonny »

Hi all

Im testing windows 11 to play ut goty. I installed and patched ut to last know public release patch, version 469c.

I made two installs with different names, install one with default name: unrealtournament and another install two with name ut99).
The first one it has patched to 469c, no addon has applied.
The second installment has been patched and applied hd textures from this site: https://sites.google.com/view/unrealhdt ... d-textures

I used this map: dm-lostfacility added in attachment for everyone

Result testings:

1) from unrealtournament folder the map loads without any problem, no black textures in outdoor area.

2) The other folder (ut99) has been patched to 469c, then aplied in separated testing (doing backup firstly), both latest hd textures made by AHaigh01. I mean:
2.1) v. 3.5 - Recommended version for Unreal- 4K version - 5gb
2.2) v. 3.5. lower res LE version - 2gb

Result: 3 times the mentioned map loads normally but when you walk acros the outdoor area, a sort of little hillside appears entirely to be black. fails in both texture pakages.

Anyone can give me some contact link to reach Ahaigh01 and notice this problem, please?
Or maybe im missing something?

Another question (maybe i will have to go to github for oldunreal and ask alaso); someone noticed under windows (11) duplicated menu entries? How could I fix this?

Thanks in advanced.
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by OjitroC »

darksonny wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:51 pm
Another question (maybe i will have to go to github for oldunreal and ask alaso); someone noticed under windows (11) duplicated menu entries? How could I fix this?
That's because the relevant .int files are located in /System and in /SystemLocalized/Int.. I've removed all the .int files that have menu entries from the SystemLocalized/Int folder (making sure that I have them in my System folder). As I'm using English, I've also removed all the other folders in SystemLocalized - whether you do that depends on the language you use in the game. You can remove everything in SystemLocalized if you want, providing you are using English.
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by darksonny »

OjitroC wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:22 pm
darksonny wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:51 pm
Another question (maybe i will have to go to github for oldunreal and ask alaso); someone noticed under windows (11) duplicated menu entries? How could I fix this?
That's because the relevant .int files are located in /System and in /SystemLocalized/Int.. I've removed all the .int files that have menu entries from the SystemLocalized/Int folder (making sure that I have them in my System folder). As I'm using English, I've also removed all the other folders in SystemLocalized - whether you do that depends on the language you use in the game. You can remove everything in SystemLocalized if you want, providing you are using English.
im using spanish language I If do what you suggest could I get any problems or its safe to do?

edit: I've tested with spanish it crashes if ut is set to spanish language. If I set to english and I do what you suggested me it solves the issue. What a pity having to switch my native lang to english. Well.... thanks. It remains the first problem.
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by OjitroC »

I think that if you are using Spanish, then remove all the .int files from your System folder that have corresponding est files in the relevant /SystemLocalised folder - that should work OK.

Anything in the log regarding the texture issue when using the HD textures?

Looking in the Editor, the texture on that hillside is set to both HighDetailShadow and LowDetailShadow - perhaps that's OK with HD textues or maybe not?
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by darksonny »

OjitroC wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:09 pm I think that if you are using Spanish, then remove all the .int files from your System folder that have corresponding est files in the relevant /SystemLocalised folder - that should work OK.

Anything in the log regarding the texture issue when using the HD textures?

Looking in the Editor, the texture on that hillside is set to both HighDetailShadow and LowDetailShadow - perhaps that's OK with HD textues or maybe not?
I think is not ok, could be related to those hq texture or could not.
In normal updated only ut 99 folder is everything fine not probs there but with textures applied it has problems (not all maps, this is, as far I know, the only map that gets that part in black (hillside in outdoor).

Here are the logs file (before sending here remove some sensitive data related to windows user)
pd: I've installed in my rig directx 12 from using dxdiag
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by OjitroC »

Nothing in the UT log apart from

Code: Select all

Log: UTexture::Lock - Missing Mips for Compressed Texture: UTtech1.Misc.UTdirt1 - Your renderer does not support this format
Log: Created 12 MipMaps.
Log: Decompression Succeeded
and that's not uncommon with the various HD textures as some are in an unsupported compressed format.

You could open the map in the Editor and have a look at the texture used on the hillside - set the ShadowDetail to either High or Low and then try the map again.

My version of the HD UTTech1 is missing a palette and so I can't open the map in the Edtior or in-game except with the normal/old UTTech1.utx
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by AHaigh01 »

Hi Darksonny,

The reason that texture shows up as black is because the author of the map added a procedural water effect to the regular texture. It's a known issue that textures with a procedural effect on them can't be upgraded to HD without becoming black. This is why there are a couple liquid effect textures in Unreals' Vortex Rikers can't be made HD without revising the map itself. Also in Koos Galleon I had to leave one of the wooden plank textures in low res because there is the same kind of water effect was put over it. So to fix this there are 2 ways. 1. Alter the HD pack and set that particular base texture back to low res - or.. 2. Alter the map to use a different custom texture that is working. Since it's custom map from year 2000, it doesn't make sense to delete HD textures from the HD pack to accommodate one map. IMHO the better option is to revise the map itself.
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by darksonny »

AHaigh01 wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:42 pm Hi Darksonny,

The reason that texture shows up as black is because the author of the map added a procedural water effect to the regular texture. It's a known issue that textures with a procedural effect on them can't be upgraded to HD without becoming black. This is why there are a couple liquid effect textures in Unreals' Vortex Rikers can't be made HD without revising the map itself. Also in Koos Galleon I had to leave one of the wooden plank textures in low res because there is the same kind of water effect was put over it. So to fix this there are 2 ways. 1. Alter the HD pack and set that particular base texture back to low res - or.. 2. Alter the map to use a different custom texture that is working. Since it's custom map from year 2000, it doesn't make sense to delete HD textures from the HD pack to accommodate one map. IMHO the better option is to revise the map itself.
Hi again

Thanks Ahaigh01 for commenting here.
Your textures pack are top notch for me, I felt odd when from more than 3800+- maps (dom, jb, ctf, as, dm, utchaos, to and rocket arena) only this map fail into this issue.
As for kgalleon i did not know or I wasn't aware of that problem (I will have to see that map).
I prefer no to touch your pack and trying to modify that texture (im thinking mail to Snowdog for to ask permission for a fixed version or trying myself to fix it and then saving as private version).

How can I modify that option into editor, i forgot totally how it was, right click upon that texture and next what is it?

pd: @Ahaigh01, do you have any new plans about textures or any interesting project for ut? If my memory does not fail last update was from ...2021? or from mid 2022?   

speaking of this:
OjitroC wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:04 pm Nothing in the UT log apart from

Code: Select all

Log: UTexture::Lock - Missing Mips for Compressed Texture: UTtech1.Misc.UTdirt1 - Your renderer does not support this format
Log: Created 12 MipMaps.
Log: Decompression Succeeded
and that's not uncommon with the various HD textures as some are in an unsupported compressed format.

You could open the map in the Editor and have a look at the texture used on the hillside - set the ShadowDetail to either High or Low and then try the map again.

My version of the HD UTTech1 is missing a palette and so I can't open the map in the Edtior or in-game except with the normal/old UTTech1.utx
btw, It is out there a fixed and completed or full version of this texture package? :idea: :???:
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by OjitroC »

darksonny wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:31 pm How can I modify that option into editor, i forgot totally how it was, right click upon that texture and next what is it?
First decide which texture you want to replace the black 'triangle' with - in the Texture Browser, go to it and click on it so that it is highlighted. Right click on the black triangle and in the context menu that comes up, click on (something like) 'place texture here' - that should replace the black texture. Hit the save button to save the map.

If you hit any problems in doing this, PM me and I'll send you the edited map.
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Re: texture issue and ahaigh hd textures ut99

Post by OjitroC »

Here's a version of the map with the procedural water effect textures replaced with normal UTTech1 textures. Those parts of the map that previously didn't render correctly (appearing black when HD textures were used) now appear normal with HD textures.


darksonny attempted to contact the map author (SnowDog) but got no response to an email - the readme for the map has been updated by darksonny to indicate this. The archive contains the map, the music, the readme and the original preview screenshots.

No changes, apart from the texture replacements, have been made to the map.
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