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Re: FragNewNet

Post by Rubening87 »

is this only if ping is higher than 300? or can it be used on low pings too? 30.. 50.. etc

i know the new 469update gives a great and responsive smooth movement for clients, even on high pings (150) but I would like to implement this code into Rune which uses same engine and uscript. But not sure where to start looking..

i wonder if the 469 uses new native stuff in the client correction code. or is something i could implement in "RUNE" through uscript. do you know if so?
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

Rubening87 wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:15 pm is this only if ping is higher than 300? or can it be used on low pings too? 30.. 50.. etc

i know the new 469update gives a great and responsive smooth movement for clients, even on high pings (150) but I would like to implement this code into Rune which uses same engine and uscript. But not sure where to start looking..

i wonder if the 469 uses new native stuff in the client correction code. or is something i could implement in "RUNE" through uscript. do you know if so?
of course this mod can be used with low ping
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 190
1. Fixed default weapons inventory for Siege game mode.
2. Fixed default weapons inventory (DoubleEnforcer) for LeagueAS140 game mode.
3. Reworked code ST_Mutator. Added function bool CheckReplacement for a better replacement of classic weapons with FNN weapons.
4. Improved code and fixed accessed none.
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 191
1. Fixed default weapons in inventory for Siege game mode.
2. Fixed bug in GiveWeapons mutator
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Auto merged new post submitted 20 hours 39 minutes later
New version 192
1. ST_mutator:
- removed function bool CheckReplacement (this caused incompatibility with weapon mutators, etc)
- added function bool HandlePickupQuery (for compatibility with mods that spawn weapons during the game, etc)
2. Added support for arena mutators for LMS and TLMS
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 193
1. Improved ST_mutator
2. Remove "Bad fire adjust" for which the player could be kicked from the server
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 194
1. Fixed accessed none
2. Remove debug log
3. h4x_Rifle class renamed to ST_h4x_Rifle class for uniformity
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Auto merged new post submitted 13 hours 17 minutes later
New version 195
1. Fixed bugs in the BioRifle projectile code
2. Added hit capability for Pawn StationaryPawn (applies, for example, in the Siege game mode)
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Auto merged new post submitted 20 hours 12 minutes later
New version 196
1. Improved the BioRifle projectile code
2. Fixed visibility of ShockBeam (ShockRifle weapon) in demorec
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 197
Improved some weapon code
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 198
1. In NewNetIG and NewNetCG mutators added option bTeamColor. If bTeamColor=True - team color of weapons and shots (ShockBeam and ShockProj). Does not apply to bots.
2. Fixed accessed none
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Auto merged new post submitted 11 hours 53 minutes later
New version 199
In NewNetIG and NewNetCG mutators option bTeamColor works also for Bots
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Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 56 minutes later
New version 200
1. Added player momentum after own shock combo hit
2. Fixed team color code
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by Ready »

I'd like to first say, thank you for all the work you have put in for this mod. It is what I've been using for a while now.

One glaring issue I keep seeing with this is the bio rifle. Its not about the projectile or how the gun works but rather what happens when its on the ground and blown up. If you fire the bio rifle, then have an enemy or even yourself shoot something with splash dmg at the bio globs, they blow up, but if you walk over where they just exploded you still take the bio damage that should no longer exist. I'm not sure if its an oversight or just something not working right. But if you could take a look at this and address it I would appreciate it.
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

Ready wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:18 am I'd like to first say, thank you for all the work you have put in for this mod. It is what I've been using for a while now.

One glaring issue I keep seeing with this is the bio rifle. Its not about the projectile or how the gun works but rather what happens when its on the ground and blown up. If you fire the bio rifle, then have an enemy or even yourself shoot something with splash dmg at the bio globs, they blow up, but if you walk over where they just exploded you still take the bio damage that should no longer exist. I'm not sure if its an oversight or just something not working right. But if you could take a look at this and address it I would appreciate it.
i think i fixed all bugs with bio in version 196. what version are you using?    
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New version 201
1. Fixed textures (mips=off)
2. Fixed accessed none
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Auto merged new post submitted 21 hours 10 minutes later
New version 202
1. Added in FragNewNet.ini option bDoubleEnforcers=True (False - the player will not get a second Enforcer when picked up, only ammo)
2. Fixed bug in GiveWeapons mutator
3. Fixed accessed nones
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by Ready »

We even just tried v200 last. I will try latest version tonight which as of this time is v 202.

I will record a video and show the behavior to you. We also do not run any other addons besides the frag scoreboard, and votesys
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

Ready wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:14 am We even just tried v200 last. I will try latest version tonight which as of this time is v 202.

I will record a video and show the behavior to you. We also do not run any other addons besides the frag scoreboard, and votesys
Enough version 200. Yes, I need a video or a step-by-step instruction, or better all at once. I was unable to reproduce the bug. Here is what I did:
1. Shot with secondary fire (BioGlob) on the ground
2. After that, accumulated a charge and fired secondary fire over BioGlob. Formed BioSplash
3. After all the biogel on ground blow up, i ran over the green spots on the ground.
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by Ready »

First part is no mods UT99 469c

After that I join my FragNewNet server w/ v202 on it.

The bio is inconsistent. It seems even worse now than it was on previous verisons.

It should not behave inconsistently, If shot once it should blow up. It should not leave anything behind. A full combo should more than blow it all up. Alt fire Ripper should even blow up a FULL alt fire bio glob entirely.
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

Ready wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:11 am

First part is no mods UT99 469c

After that I join my FragNewNet server w/ v202 on it.

The bio is inconsistent. It seems even worse now than it was on previous verisons.

It should not behave inconsistently, If shot once it should blow up. It should not leave anything behind. A full combo should more than blow it all up. Alt fire Ripper should even blow up a FULL alt fire bio glob entirely.
OK I understood. Shots with another weapon must destroy the biogel on the surface. I will fix it   
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New version 203
1. Fixed. Hits with some weapon must destroy the biogel
2. Fixed accessed nones
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Re: FragNewNet

Post by asosed »

New version 204
NewNetCG mutator (ComboGib):
- Added option bIGColor=False (True – InstaGib color of weapons and shots)
- Added missing textures and models for TeamColor
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Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 7 minutes later
New version 205
Fixed double effect after ShockRifle primary hit in some cases
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Auto merged new post submitted 23 hours 21 minutes later
New version 206
1. Fixed warning in logs in Arena mutators
2. CmdMut mutator. Added support for DM so that players can change skin color using commands !R (!RED), !B (!BLUE), !G (!GREEN), !Y (!YELLOW, !GOLD), !N (!NONE)
3. TeamColor. Fixed double beam
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